General nerd, programmer and sci-fi reader and writer. Neurodivergent, ADHD.
- Comment on UAW Rips 'Corporate Greed' of John Deere as Mass Layoffs Follow $43 Billion in Stock Buybacks 6 months ago:
You know you totally sound like a shill, don’t you?
I’m not saying you are, I’m just saying that for someone claiming to be a sheep you howl a little bit too much.
- Comment on UAW Rips 'Corporate Greed' of John Deere as Mass Layoffs Follow $43 Billion in Stock Buybacks 6 months ago:
Interesting that your first reaction was too condemn the union and not a billion dollar company for laying off their workers after record profits.
- Comment on Google’s ex-CEO blames remote working on the company’s AI woes 6 months ago:
Billionaire doesn’t give a shit about the working class. News at 11.
- Comment on Actors demand action over 'disgusting' explicit video game scenes 6 months ago:
Obviously you either didn’t read the article or don’t care about across being forced to enact sexual assault scenes. I’d rather think it’s the first, because from your response I’d assume that you simply don’t care about the actors’ well-being and just want your fap material.
Please pay more attention the next time, and at least pretend that you care. This is about informing the actors and getting their consent.
And don’t come with that crap about unions; in the game industry unions are practically non existent.
So read the article, twice if necessary; you might learn a thing or two.
- Comment on Why is prostitution called sometimes world's oldest profession? 8 months ago:
- Comment on Why is prostitution called sometimes world's oldest profession? 8 months ago:
More interesting is the origins of that phrase to designate prostitution.
Fortunately, I found an article in worldhistories.net, that shows the first documented time of this phrase. The person who coined the phrase was none other than Ruyard Kipling (“The Jungle Book”):
Lalun is a member of the most ancient profession in the world. Lilith was her very-great-grandmamma, and that was before the days of Eve as every one knows. In the West, people say rude things about Lalun’s profession, and write lectures about it, and distribute the lectures to young persons in order that Morality may be preserved. In the East where the profession is hereditary, descending from mother to daughter, nobody writes lectures or takes any notice, and that is a distinct proof of the inability of the East to manage its own affairs.
- On the City Wall, in In Black and White (Allahabad: A. H. Wheeler & Co., 1889), page 78
If you want to know about actual prostitution, we should go far back to ancient Mesopotamian texts.
According to “The Epic of Gilgamesh” (the most ancient epic in the world), the gods created a savage man, Enkidu, who lived in harmony with the animals in the woods. Gilgamesh wants to tame Enkidu, and is told to bring a “harimtu” (a “sacred prostitute”) to him.
and he [Enkidu] possessed her ripeness. She was not bashful as she welcomed his ardor. She laid aside her cloth and he rested upon her. She treated him, the savage, to a woman’s task, as his love was drawn unto her.”
Later, as he regrets joining civilization, Enkidu curses the harimtu:
“I will curse you with a great curse… you shall not build a house for your debauch you shall not enter the tavern of girls…. May waste places be your couch, May the shadow of the town-wall be your stand May thorn and bramble skin your feet May drunkard and toper (ed note: someone who drinks alcohol to excess) alike slap your cheek.”
Researcher Gerda Lerner, in her article “The Origin of Prostitution in Ancient Mesoportamia” (Signs, 1986, pp. 245-6), says:
The nature of this curse tells us that the harimtu who mated with Enkidu lived an easier and better life than the harlot who has her stand at the town wall and is abused by her drunken customers.
This would confirm the distinction we made earlier between the women engaged in various forms of sacral sexual service and commercial prostitutes. Such a distinction was more likely to have existed in the earlier period than later.”
So yes, there were prostitutes in ancient Mesopotamia, the craddle of civilization.
- Comment on What kind of institutional gaslighting is this? 10 months ago:
Translation: “Workers aren’t happy with their pay and we keep refusing to give them a raise despite noticing a ceiling in their productivity.”
Labor isn’t free, you cheapskate bastards.
- Comment on Elect clowns, get a circus 11 months ago:
Holy shit, Pennywise was Tim Curry? 🤯
- Comment on 'We have no rights.' Frustrated with California wage laws, Moonstone Bistro in Redding cuts lunch service 1 year ago:
No, that’s Free Market. Capitalism is what this restaurant is doing to its workers.
- Comment on We can't all be perfect... 1 year ago:
That’s St. Jude, not Jesus.
- Comment on Capcom President Thinks Game Prices Are 'Too Low' - IGN 1 year ago:
Tell him to go live in the US in a rented apartment on an average salary. Bet he’ll change his mind in 3 months.
- Comment on Everyone is Broke and Tired - Tiktok Vents About Inflation 1 year ago:
The US is a ticking timebomb. People are tired, hungry, thirsty, homeless, and desperate. All it will take for shit to go down is a minor famine which due to global warming, is right around the corner.
We are so close… so close to complete societal breakdown. The system can’t sustain itself anymore.
It’s in corporations’ best interest to raise their wages Company execs are already thinking they’re gods and completely disregard how emperors have fallen in the last few centuries. It’s not pretty.