Someone could fake nearly any weird messed up scene and claim it happened in “The Magic School Bus” - and I would believe it.
I’ve seen enough of that show to just assume the editors only knew the phrase “did the kids survive? That’s fine then.”
Submitted 9 months ago by to
Someone could fake nearly any weird messed up scene and claim it happened in “The Magic School Bus” - and I would believe it.
I’ve seen enough of that show to just assume the editors only knew the phrase “did the kids survive? That’s fine then.”
The above is misleading though, they weren’t in eggs at the time
As with many scenes in “The Magic School Bus”, that clarification makes me think “oh, that’s better then…I guess…?”
Those kids must have grown up with weird kinks
which kinks aren’t weird?
The ones I have.
My ex used to have this weird kink.
She would dress up like herself and act like a bitch all day long.
We never got nutted on by salmon at my old school!
Thanks Obama.
Remember the one where they went inside Ralphie’s body? That show was fucking weird
All science fiction adjacent shows are legally required to do at least one Inner Space during their run, that episode was just business.
Or when they went to Pluto or something and Ralphie took off his helmet for some reason and fucking died? 😆
There were 2 more body episodes, one where Arnold turned orange and another one where they helped Ms. Frizzle win a field day.
I watched that recently about the digestive path and all, was wondering how they where gonna get through without having them end up in the toilet.
I remember when the Frizz suggested the way out and none of the kids wanted to go through the butthole.
Is anyone here really gonna argue that Ms. Frizzle wasn’t obviously a bukkake queen?
Yet when I do it…
Can’t do this anymore. Not since teaching became “woke”.
This is like the wokest show, it’s so wokes that it teaches science to children
The Magic School Bus was from a time before woke pollution. I fondly remember every episode ending with the class yelling at the Latino student.
What does woke mean?
Things pensioners who vote don’t like.
From my limited insight (only seeing it on the internet since this only exists in English) it seems to be a loose term to refer to many, but not all progressive societal movements that contradict the world view of the last few decades.
Examples: LGBTQIA+ culture (pride month / parade, featuring them in movies/books (this one isn’t new but still apparently counts as woke), …), new laws to require a certain percentage of [whatever, for example a company’s employees] to be female / to be coloured, …
Somehow apparently not included (correct me if I’m wrong, again, I only know this term from the internet): Women getting less children but working more, the fight for equality for women.
So far I’ve usually seen it in negative context, not always but often hostile. 9 months ago
A salmon does it everyone is happy. Your local priest does it, everyone loses their minds 9 months ago
It’s because the salmon does at the end. 9 months ago
It’s cause it doesn’t result in a baby. That’s against god’s law.