Been homeless over 6 years. My social services agency, high turnover. Being female , almost all my case managers have been female, standard practice.
Out of 17 case managers, only 2 have been male. Female cms: detailed, logical, responsive, solution oriented, clear effective communication. Male cms, the opposite.
I try to communicate clearly, effectively, which is easy cuz autism, and the 2 male cms, i get constant 2nd guessing, passive-aggressive defensiveness. Get impression they’re automatically assuming I don’t think clearly, don’t know what I’m saying. It’s weird, and I can’t figure out why.
I know not all men are the same. I’m not like all women. Have I just been unlucky with these 2 cms, or is there a gender aspect to this I’m not understanding? I’d like to learn. 9 months ago
A sample size of two is meaningless. 9 months ago
Two X in the same office - why are the C in this office this way?
This is called begging the question. 9 months ago
Need at least 3 to justify sexism. 9 months ago
You need more than two to make sweeping observations about the whole population… if two of them were assholes then those two are assholes. Don’t move the goal posts.