- Comment on The way my daughter's middle school health class classifies drugs is insane. 9 months ago:
The whole topic of drugs could easily be covered in 30 minutes. The only thing people under 18 need to know is this:
There are a large variety of different recreational drugs, each of which make you feel a different way, and which come with their own set of different risks and benefits
At some point when you're older it may be reasonable for you to try some particular drugs, but there are some drugs which are never safe for anyone at any age
No drugs are safe for you to do yet. Your brain is still in a developing phase, and drugs that might be safe for you to do later will be very harmful to you at this age. Even though taking a drug might make you feel good in the very short term moment, it very likely could make your growing brain become depressed as soon as you come down from the drug, and this can become intense sadness that you feel for the rest of your life.
So for now just know that drugs is a complex topic that you can learn more about later when you're older, but for now the details don't matter because all drugs will be harmful to you right now while your brain is still growing
- Comment on [Serious] Do you know of any processed snack foods with some vitamins? 9 months ago:
We have those in the states too. They're yummy
- Comment on [Serious] Do you know of any processed snack foods with some vitamins? 9 months ago:
Freeze dried fruit. It makes fruit taste and crunch more like candy. My nephew goes crazy for freeze dried fruit. Blueberries, figs, mango, there's so many to try
- Comment on Why are male social workers so different? 9 months ago:
It's important to not stereotype based on a tiny number of samples. If i saw 15 white social workers who were mostly nice, and 2 black social workers who were rude, do you think it would be reasonable for me to say white social workers are nice and black social workers are rude? There are literally hundreds of thousands of social workers. You've seen 17 of them. Plus i bet they were mostly all from the same agency, so the person doing the hiring there will very much be filtering who you work with, and the individual doing the hiring at that particular place may choose to hire nice women and rude men.
Bottom line - I totally believe what you say about your personal experiences, but the number of men you worked with isn't anywhere near big enough to say anything about men social workers as a group.
- Comment on Could a bird propel a skateboard by flapping its wings? 10 months ago:
There's nothing in the laws of physics that precludes it. Skateboards can be extremely light and have ball bearings with extremely little friction. It's not all that unusual for a strong breeze to make a board start rolling all by itself
- Comment on suck it, math nerds 11 months ago:
Exactly, a fraction is completely as valid of a way to express a number as using a decimal.
1/2 = 0.5
They're both fully valid ways to write the exact same quantity
- Comment on Can you survive on pickles alone, for a while? 1 year ago:
No way, pickles alone are super salty, it'll definitely be dehydrating
- Comment on Can you survive on pickles alone, for a while? 1 year ago:
It would do the opposite of providing water, it would almost immediately decrease the amount of water available to your body.
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
Sounds pretty much exactly like real life
- Comment on The full source code for GTA 5 has been publicly leaked 1 year ago:
Depends on which country you're in. I would bet if you do it in Russia there will be zero consequences.
- Comment on Do people who are in late stage dementia still aware of the concept of death? 1 year ago:
When a person is truly late stage dementia they're barely more than a vegetable.
- Comment on how do you even use twitter? 1 year ago:
OP isn't having a technical problem, they're just not seeing the point of why someone would want to use it.
- Comment on Warner Bros. Shelves John Cena's 'Coyote vs. Acme', Despite Having Finished Filming 1 year ago:
Extremely unlikely it'll ever be leaked. Lots and lots of nearly completed movies have been shelved before release, and I'm not aware of a single one that's ever leaked.
- Comment on Instagram's monthly subscription 1 year ago:
No it's not. Social media is where you know who the other person is and/or they know who you are. This is an anonymous forum, not social media.
- Comment on Instagram's monthly subscription 1 year ago:
I've been off of all social media for about a decade, but just yesterday i got a dm from someone from my past so i went and checked it out and then I checked a bunch of other stuff there too and my mental state instantly spiraled into a terrible place. Man that shit is toxic like nuclear waste.
- Comment on What is going to happen when people realize climate change is rolling in? 1 year ago:
Well, definitely not easily, but reversing climate change is doable. But there are lots of secondary effects caused by climate change that are impossible to reverse, like the extinction of species. And for that reason it's important to stop climate change as soon as possible, even if the heat and air pollution can be reversed.
- Comment on This one took me a moment 1 year ago:
My friend doesn't get it. How would you explain it to him?
- Comment on The truly stupid questions get censored by the moderators. Have you noticed? 1 year ago:
Huh? I must be missing something. How is that a response to the topic?
- Comment on What does cigarette smoking do for people? 1 year ago:
It's very satisfying. A significant portion of that feeling is caused by the chemical dependence that the nicotine addiction itself caused in the first place, but that doesn't change the fact that the feeling is very satisfying.
- Comment on Unity boycott begins as devs switch off ads to force a Runtime Fee reversal - 1 year ago:
You can't just cut ties in this scenario. These games are already built on the unity engine, and now unity is going to apply new fees to all these already existing games.
- Comment on How do I tame my frustration toward my aging parents? 1 year ago:
Yeah that's the part that jumps out of this scenario. 57 and 63 is generally way too young to be seeing significant age related continue decline. Both of them having worsening cognition + worsening mood problems sure sounds like an environmental toxin. Lead poisoning is a likely culprit. I would get them to a doctor to test them for heavy metals and other common harmful environmental materials.
- Comment on Why doesn't the United Kingdom rejoin the European Union? 1 year ago:
I'm not an expert in this topic at all, but there's a few reasons i can see. One major reason is that you'd have to get a big portion of the country to admit that they were totally wrong and got badly scammed, which people (especially that particular portion of people) won't allow themselves to admit.
- Comment on Is this it? Is there anything more to life, am I missing something? 1 year ago:
Absolutely correct. There is no inherent meaning to life. You get to decide what the meaning of your life is. For me, this is the purpose of my life:
Be happy, and make other people happy too
- Comment on Workers continue striking against IFF 1 year ago:
For those like me who didn't know:
strikers have worked for International Fragrances & Flavor(IFF) which is formerly Dupont for nearly two decades and are highly disappointed and feel disrespected by what has been done to them after working relentlessly during the pandemic
- Comment on CNN Overhauls Lineup: Abby Phillip Takes 10 P.M., Laura Coates to Host 11 P.M., New Morning Show Hosts and Weekend Programs 1 year ago:
I know a ton of gen xers and not a single one regularly watches tv news.
- Comment on Does anyone *not* love using their bidet? 1 year ago:
We have a bidet attachment and my partner loves it, but i don't like it at all.
- Comment on Why? There is enough space on the parking lot 1 year ago:
Maybe, but depending on where you live, parking like this will get your car scratched up and headlights broken. which is the right thing to do