This is a relative upgrade of classic Persona Management Software, using an AI to produce the comments instead of a human.
I was wondering when this would leave the military and political sphere and enter the mainstream… and here we are, it’s straight being advertised pretty blatantly.
Further, it is why we need the same strict advertising laws we have for television and radio for the internet.
If it’s an ad, it should have to say it’s a fucking ad.
I’ve been pissed about this since Correct the Record and Cambridge Analytica. There is zero political willpower to do anything about it because the political groups were some of the earliest adopters of this fucking trash.
Ads, of any nature, political or otherwise, should be fucking labelled accordingly, god damn it. This isn’t fucking hard. 10 months ago
What a time to be alive. We are in an age where every new technology shall be seen as a way to produce more advertisements. 10 months ago
You might not know it, but catapults were originally invented to deliver ads across long distances. Only later was their usefulness for warfare discovered.
After the invention of the airship, catapults became obsolete for advertising. They continued to be used though in the trenches of World War I. 10 months ago
Pfft, catapults. A trebuchet can launch a 90kg advertisement over 300 meters. 10 months ago
In modern times something similar happened with the atomic bomb, which was originally developed by the Mushroom Marketing Board to be a giant illuminated billboard in the sky. 10 months ago
Welcome to the printing press 10 months ago
Can we go back to when every technology was just weaponized instead? No? This is somehow worse. 10 months ago
“How can this invention help us sell more sugar water?” 10 months ago
Oh my goodness, I’m listening to a cover of Lola by The Kinks (that repeatedly says “La la la lo-Lola,” in case you’re not familiar with it) when I saw your comment and username! What a neat coincidence.
a smartphone screenshot showing what the commenter is listening to with lolola’s comment in the background
Is your username choice a reference to that song, by any chance?