- Comment on Is lemmy now what reddit used to be 10+ years ago? 9 months ago:
I liked stumbleupon. It feels like they are less website to stumbleupon anymore
- Comment on Is lemmy now what reddit used to be 10+ years ago? 9 months ago:
I was part of the great Digg migration and now the great Reddit migration....
- Comment on What would the IRL (in real-life) of "real-life"/offline life be? 9 months ago:
Whatever you do outside of work. That's real life not whatever you do pay for your real life.
- Comment on What would be the consequences of a smallsword wound to the belly? 10 months ago:
It's fencing so I would make it a rapier which is 1d8+ Dex. But I agree about the crit. Better hope it's not a rogue....
- Comment on Why Didn't Democrats Do More When They Controlled Both Houses of Legislature, The White House, and The Supreme Court During Obama's First Term? 10 months ago:
Also a very important point here was how much more non-political the supreme court was then. No one would ever consider Roe vs Wade could be overturned or even want it. There were generally agreed upon rules that the supreme courts and courts in general were populated with the most qualified people. Judge appointments were scrapped by gentleman agreements if the Senator from the state where the judge was from didn't support the nomination. Same if any of the non-partisan law associations said the person wasn't qualified enough. So most judges were well qualified and if they were more conservative or liberal wasn't as big of a consideration. There were plenty of "conservative" judges appointed judges nominated by democratic and vice versa. This all change with Mitch McConnell blocking Merrick Garland appointment to the supreme court who was suggested as the more moderate alternative. This lead to the hyper partisanship of the supreme court we see now with the trump appointees. This is why trust in the organization has eroded so fast. Since it all happened so fast and judges are acting much more politically instead of following law and precedent
- Comment on AI Is Poisoning Reddit to Promote Products and Game Google With 'Parasite SEO' 11 months ago:
South St. Paul also has an Air Force base in it. Which is also on that list
- Comment on AI Is Poisoning Reddit to Promote Products and Game Google With 'Parasite SEO' 11 months ago:
Makes sense. I noticed it was bad because it was obviously election related and completely off topic for the subreddit. So it went past the high quality into the simple and bad
- Comment on AI Is Poisoning Reddit to Promote Products and Game Google With 'Parasite SEO' 11 months ago:
I remember when I first started noticing bots bad was in 2016. They have been there for a while now. It's advertisers turn now though. It's at the end stages
- Comment on breathing worms 11 months ago:
Don't leave it high and dry. It wants to be low and wet
- Comment on Facebook now wants to write your posts for you with AI. 11 months ago:
I tried to get LLMs to write a cover letter for me. It could either lie about my credentials to match the job or write a generic one about my credentials. They are so dumb. This should be useful for us workers but won't get better since it doesn't help businesses.
- Comment on Facebook now wants to write your posts for you with AI. 11 months ago:
To be honest the best use case for Gen-AI is people using Gen AI to generate professional messages from simple sentences and the recipient to use Gen-AI to translate it back. I can't wait for all my interactions to be made for me. It's going to be terrible
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Gamegate was 10 years ago. It was terrible then and really ruined the Internet. Assholes learned of they were big enough assholes they could get what they wanted. Social media companies learned that assholes get more attention and get them more money. Traditional media learned that reporting on the social media assholes got them more attention. Now it's all assholes all the time everywhere.
- Comment on Reddit gets ready for IPO, setting a top valuation of $6.4 billion 1 year ago:
How quick after IPO do they ban porn and how quick after that does the site fail?
- Comment on Why Paramount Didn’t Market ‘Mean Girls’ as a Musical: ‘People Tend to Treat’ Them ‘Differently’ 1 year ago:
You can watch Hamilton right now. It's in Disney + in the USA.
- Comment on Looking for an actual left leaning Lemmy instance 1 year ago:
I always recommend kbin to every question. 100% no complaints so far
- Comment on The Perfect Webpage: How the internet reshaped itself around Google’s search algorithms — and into a world where websites look the same. 1 year ago:
I've really been seeing this for programming questions and it's infuriating. It's dozens of different sites that are either copying the one stack overflow forum or an endless repeat of the same question. It wasn't even 2 years ago that you could find the answer easily. Now it's all crap and so hard to find the official documentation.