- South Korea had martial law for 6 hours. Why did this happen and what can we expect now? ↗Submitted 3 months ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Liberal sees red over teals, but look deeper and there's more at play 3 months ago:
The fact that he’s blaming preferential voting is worrying, I expect the Libs will start adopting that stance across the board soon.
Yet more importing of trash American politics. Repubilcans are also convinced that ranked choice voting loses them seats.
- Comment on A freight train of voter anger might be about to hit Albanese 3 months ago:
I broadly agree with what you said, particularly on Labor’s performance which hasn’t been that bad. They have disappointed me too, but I acknowledge that there have been small improvements in many areas which just simply wouldn’t have happened under a Coalition government. I don’t think Australians actually want big change though. I think the vocal minority who follow politics and make a lot of noise about it online can sometimes distract us from the fact that most people don’t care and aren’t thinking deeply about what they want from their government.
- Comment on Joe Biden pardons son Hunter in final weeks in office 3 months ago:
Biden should have pardoned Trump at the same time and framed it as “putting an end to this era of retaliatory politics” or something. It’s not like any of the indictments against Trump actually matter given his age and the fact that he won the 2024 election.
- Comment on Greens announce plan to wipe HECS debts and make university free 4 months ago:
It continues their recent trend of being a party overwhelmingly focused on securing the votes of young people above all else.
- Comment on Dutton is already testing Trump's campaign slogans 4 months ago:
I think most of the voters educated enough to have made that connection would have voted Yes anyway. Regardless, I don’t think the left was anywhere near as organised and loud about the situation in the Middle East as it has been this year. The referendum went down due to homegrown issues.
- Comment on Dutton is already testing Trump's campaign slogans 4 months ago:
I don’t think peoole are against progressive ideas necessarily. In times of financial hardship their tolerance is just very low for policies and objectives that aren’t targeted at addressing serious problems like the price of groceries, fuel, housing, etc. Progressive economic policy focused on these areas is popular, but left-wing politics has a bad habit of not reading the room and loudly advancing social minority causes when they should be focusing the public’s attention on everything else they’re doing.
- Comment on We should defederate 4 months ago:
How do you know it drives people away from joining if they didn’t join?
- Comment on Associated Press declares Trump the winner after he clears 270 electoral votes 4 months ago:
I did, as well as Latino voters moving further to the right. But to be fair, it is a 50/50 choice and Harris did better than I expected so I can’t say it was a genius prediction from myself lol
- Comment on Former president Donald Trump claims US presidential election as count continues 4 months ago:
Not a huge surprise so I can’t say I feel particularly bad about it. This is just the reality we have to accept and live in. The best thing is that the result was relatively quick and we didn’t drag it out for weeks to get here.
- Comment on We should defederate 4 months ago:
Don’t go to .ml communities if you dont like their moderation. Their users don’t brigade us so I’m not sure why we would need to defederate from one of the largest instances, especially given the issues with
- Comment on Controversial US commentator Candace Owens refused Australian visa for speaking tour 4 months ago:
It’s not about disagreeing, it’s about the likelihood of the person in question inciting or aggravating hatred and violence within Australia.
- Comment on Police use capsicum spray on neo-Nazis after clash at Melbourne asylum seeker rally 5 months ago:
The government is proposing to introduce two new serious vilification offences with higher maximum penalties, but it is not clear whether yesterday’s neo-Nazi protest would fall within the scope of the laws.
Dr Roose said recent changes to laws that had seen people successfully prosecuted for performing the Nazi salute had forced neo-Nazis to change their behaviour.
“They used to have swastikas, they used to do the salute at every protest, they now can’t do that,” he said.
"They’ve become quite skilful at reaching the threshold but not necessarily stepping over it.
I’m not sure I see the contradiction either. From the reporting it doesn’t sound like the neo-Nazis broke any laws. Are you aware of something which says Victorian Police can only use capsicum spray on people breaking the law? This suggests they also have the power to use it as a deterrent before illegal behaviour has occurred, which I imagine could have been the case if they were attempting to separate neo-Nazis from pro-refugee activists.
- Comment on A third-party candidate could cost Kamala Harris votes in a key state. It might be enough to hand victory to Donald Trump 5 months ago:
I guess but taking action against Israel is not really consistent with her election strategy of winning over Never Trumpers.
- Comment on Is Chicken Salt Australia's MSG? 5 months ago:
I had one really bad experience when I was a kid where we got fish and chips from a new place because our usual was unexpectedly closed. They put chicken salt on everything and it became like this running joke in our family about the worst fish and chips ever because it didn’t even qualify as fish - it tasted like chicken lol
- Comment on 'You're not my king': [Senator] Lidia Thorpe escorted away after outburst [at Charles III in Parliament House] 5 months ago:
Have you actually watched the oath? You’re acting as if there is some kind of hypocrisy here, like she was perfectly happy at the time and is now contradicting a previous position. But her swearing in was also a form of protest, she intentionally got it wrong the first time around and was quite literally coerced into correcting it by the President of the Senate.
- Comment on Is Chicken Salt Australia's MSG? 5 months ago:
As far as I know, MSG is generally cooked into food whereas chicken salt is a seasoning you add on top at the end. The single exception I’m aware of is sometimes MSG is added as a side to certain Korean dishes (you dip whatever you’re eating in the MSG). In general I don’t think it’s something you would eat in the same way you eat chicken salt, though. MSG doesn’t have the same use, it’s more about feel than taste which is why it’s usually mixed in with other things as opposed to being the main seasoning. It enhances other flavours whereas chicken salt is the main flavour.
Personally this is why I never have chicken salt if I’m eating chips with fish, because it is too strong and dominates the fish flavour. I would say the way vinegar is used in the UK, particularly on similar foods like fish and chips, is a more accurate comparison (I wouldn’t have this combination either for a similar reason).
- Comment on 'You're not my king': [Senator] Lidia Thorpe escorted away after outburst [at Charles III in Parliament House] 5 months ago:
Get media coverage, like pretty much everything she does. She doesn’t have much power as an independent senator so basically all she can do is try to exist as a cultural figurehead.
- Comment on Unions warn Albanese 250,000 members may abandon Labor at next election as bitter rift widens 5 months ago:
but I guess people could preference Coalition above Labor just to hurt Labor in the 2PP figures.
I feel like reactionary swing voting like this would not be a common behaviour among union members. Like the whole point of joining a union is that you have some pretty entrenched beliefs about worker’s rights, and one party here clearly has a worse record than the other in that regard. Like the thought occurred to me too, but I think you guys are right that people going further left to independents or The Greens, before ultimately preferencing Labor above Liberal, is the most likely change that could occur.
- Comment on Say the line, Albo! 5 months ago:
Yeah I don’t really like this trend of people trying to shame each other over how they spend their money. We get it: you’re mad cause you’re poor and others have more money than you but crying about it won’t change that. Concenrate on improving life for yourselves and those around you instead of trying to tear down others through envy. There are plenty of people struggling financially who just get on with it and try to make the most of life but I guess some are born to sook.
“iN tHe MiDdLe oF A hOuSiNg CriSis” doesn’t actually mean anything either. Housing is a long-term issue that will require long-term solutions, there is no quick fix here. So how long do the complainers expect Albanese to hold off on spending his own money, I wonder? He is 61.
- Comment on Hackers take control of robot vacuums in multiple US cities and abuse owners 5 months ago:
This has been my experience too. I bought a new model from LG last year, thinking the technology would have evolved enough by now to be useful. Instead it consistently gets itself stuck in the stupidest places and re-cleans the same spots repeatedly whilst completely ignoring others. In the accompanying app I can see a map of what it thinks the room looks like and it’s always wrong because the vacuum has this habit of continuing to drive into walls and recording it as forward movement in an open space instead of a wall, which completely skews the dimensions.
- Comment on Australian PM apologises for Tourette's syndrome taunt 5 months ago:
Of course, he is the prime minister and therefore the most important politician in the country.
- Comment on As a Palestinian living in the US, I have lost friends, job opportunities – and my faith in humanity | Arwa Mahdawi 5 months ago:
Yes, I do expect people to read articles before responding to them. What is the point of using discussion-based social media if you’re not here for an educated discussion on the topic? If you want to have a partisan screaming match just use Twitter.
- Comment on As a Palestinian living in the US, I have lost friends, job opportunities – and my faith in humanity | Arwa Mahdawi 5 months ago:
Why do you think Hamas are the good guys? What conceivable quality do you like about them?
Who are you talking to? The author of the article literally said “I condemn Hamas” three times in the second paragraph.
- Submitted 5 months ago to | 4 comments
- Comment on Pianist sues Melbourne Symphony Orchestra for cancelling his concert allegedly over Gaza stance 5 months ago:
So I think it’s possible he’s using the opportunity of legal action to generate publicity for the issue.
Yes I did actually think this as well, interesting way to keep it in the news cycle. This story had pretty much died off until now.
- Comment on Pianist sues Melbourne Symphony Orchestra for cancelling his concert allegedly over Gaza stance 5 months ago:
It was only political in the sense that Israel/Palestine is a political issue and referencing it at all is often labelled a “political” act. I’ve read the actual transcript of the speech and it was just stating statistics related to the theme of the piece. I am a little surprised he is suing though, he sounded more bemused than upset at the time and I thought it would be something they’d just put behind them after the backflip and investigation from the MSO.
- Comment on Father diagnosed with dementia 5 months ago:
Yes, my grandmother has middle stage Alzheimer’s. She was diagnosed a few years ago after a few years of what I guess were early stage symptoms (though I didn’t recognise them as such at the time). It is very challenging for my grandfather, who has been married to her for over 65 years at this point. He has his own issues physically and is also quite forgetful, so attempting to care for her 24/7 is a massive weight. The whole family has been helping out, some are doing the cleaning, some are taking them out for activities, my partner and I cook and deliver some of their meals. They receive some government assistance as well but I don’t handle any of that so I’m not sure how extensive it is currently.
It is very surreal to see her in this state because she was always extremely chatty and would call the younger ones into the kitchen for the weekly dinners she would host so she could talk our ears off with some educational lesson about cooking or something. She would routinely have 1+ hour phone calls with members of the family and it was genuinely difficult to exit a conversation with her because she could just talk endlessly without ever getting bored. I used to find that annoying but now it’s just sad to think about, she can’t hold an extended conversation with anyone and it feels like so much of her personality has disappeared so quickly. She usually seems okay whenever I see her and we can have some short conversations and show each other love but some of the stories from my mum (who spends a lot more time with her) are disturbing.
I’m sorry if that was a grim read but I just thought I’d share anyway, so you know there’s someone else here experiencing something similar. I don’t have any advice or anything but I’m happy to chat about it if you ever feel like sharing more.
- Comment on What are the scariest games you've played? 6 months ago:
The first game is much creepier than the second, I think due to a combination of the character designs, the writing and the general plot. The second game feels more akin to Danganronpa, in that the characters and setting are a bit surreal. Because it was a 3DS game, it also uses cartoony 3D models that make everything a bit lighter and less gritty than the original game. I haven’t played the third one yet (still need to get around to 100% completing the second game).
- Comment on What are the scariest games you've played? 6 months ago:
I found 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors to be very unsettling. I played it in bed at night with headphones on and it totally sucked me in. I guess this is a different type of horror to many of the games suggested here, which I personally don’t find scary.