- Comment on 85% of People Want Global Ban on Single-Use Plastics 9 months ago:
How many of those are regulars at shops selling unwrapped products and are aware of the fact that plastic being light makes it way cheaper to transport than glass or any replacement and that a supermarket without plastic wrapping would have way less different products or massively higher prices?
It’s like the whole “it’s only 8 companies doing climate change” thing that I feel people like to think it’s easy to change this stuff without it making their lives harder but when someone actually does what they wanted end they realize the ramifications of it they complain.
I’m all for that as well but I’m also ready for a really hard period until companies figure out ways around it without creating another 20 different chains where you can give back reusable containers
- Comment on Slightly less than two drinks = positive effect on programming ability. Who's joining? 10 months ago:
Surely that’s work worthy of an IG Nobel prize?
- Comment on AI Is Poisoning Reddit to Promote Products and Game Google With 'Parasite SEO' 11 months ago:
SEO is wrong - it’s like an arms race where the shittiest party spending the most wins and every one else needs to play by the rules to even exist.
The world would be better off if noone did it in the first place and search engines could just do the job they intended to do.
Google totally went to shit in the last years with their first page often full of websites great at SEO but horrible in whatever you were actually looking for.
Meanwhile the little ultra-specific forum that had a thread years ago about your specific search and no money for SEO is somewhere on page 5 while websites just repeating the search phrase over and over with no answer in sight are at the top.
That whole industry can cease to exist from one day to the next and nothing of value would be lost - if anything value would be gained for the average person
- Comment on I still don't get why people spend money... there's tons of it for free 1 year ago:
Especially with those with 1000s of subscribers - how are people fooling themselves into thinking that they don’t have someone answering their messages for them?
Some of the most popular ones have whole crews for filming - why should social media be something they do on their own?
I kind of get it for the ones with few subscribers though
- Comment on American veganism is like American Christianity. Sometimes fine and wholesome, especially when kept to oneself; but often a toxic, blatantly lying, proselytizing cult when in a group 1 year ago:
I’m not vegan but I severely limited my meat consume in the last years and it’s really the other way round.
When I’m in a restaurant with someone and order something without meat 9/10 times I have to explain myself. And most of the times people are telling me that they couldn’t forego meat as they like it too much…