Nice reminder to delete that account too!
Although it is now called "deactivate"
Rememeber to poison the data too!
Submitted 11 months ago by to
Nice reminder to delete that account too!
Although it is now called "deactivate"
Rememeber to poison the data too!
Although it is now called “deactivate”
Which is funny, because after doing so they give you a popup messaging explicitly stating that your account is deleted.
Can’t trust them at all.
If you truly want it gone, you need to use their special form:…
not a user of glassdoor but how do you poison data?
Companies like to keep posts/comments/other data, but they rarely keep the history of changes you’ve made to that data.
So before deleting the account, replace all the data in it with garbage. Then it wont matter if they keep it.
name: bigdick
Last: daddy
never provide honest data to these 3p data aggregator clowns
Before you delete your comments and reviews change them to something very basic and neutral?
If I’m reading this correctly, they’re adding your name to your site profile, but that’s not visible and is not linked to your reviews.
That specificity makes the situation much less terrifying than the title alone would imply.
An accidental “bug” or data breach could cause these names to become public. Given today’s atmosphere of “Oopsie daisies” and hacks that happen with upsetting frequency, this is a very real thing to be concerned about.
As well as subpoenas from lawsuits / law enforcement.
The fact alone that they were storing your name in the first place means that was always possible. Frankly, this isn’t anything to be concerned about anymore than being concerned about trusting literally any private business that doesn’t publicly document their data retention practices and also subject themselves to routine audits. Just to be clear though: you shouldn’t trust these people, even an inch.
I’m looking at it from a perspective of intentionality. Careless? Definitely. A risk ? For sure. But the situation is still not as the title implies.
If they have the information, it can be purchased, leaked, or linked to.
They do not need and should not have this info, especially without consent.
I was thinking about how this would happen and I remembered when signing up for services using Google login, I’d always get a list of information the website would have access to, including the name listed under the Google account. When I didn’t consent to that, I went back.
Now, is there a line somewhere between strictly getting a user’s consent and the user having an expectation of privacy? Yes, and they may have landed on the wrong side of it.
Suffice it to say, this is one of the reasons I prefer to sign up with an email address.
only if you believe hacking, and dark web data brokering, exists only in fairytales
As is often the case with sensationalist media coverage
I stopped using the site when they required me to provide data every few weeks in order to see anything on the site. Come on, Glassdoor. It isn’t like I am job hopping or having salary changes every 30 days.
It has become useless for first time job seekers for this reason as well.
I went to my Glassdoor account and the only place I could see my name was in the community part, where people ask questions of other professionals. Some users still seemed to have their names hidden, so it must be possible to do so. My company reviews are still anonymous.
I honestly can't find any evidence that what the media are saying is happening is actually happening. I feel gaslit tbh lol
Haven’t heard of glassdoor before, but the article repeatedly states that the name is not shown to the employer and that reviews are still anonymous. That is not the issue though. The issue this person and the author have is that there might be data breaches or that there might be information on fishbowl that would link your account name to your real name. And they make out that this is a real possibility. They do not say in the article that your real name would be visible right now.
But by you talking about “the media” I guess you are trying to find reasons to further your already present distrust in any media that contradicts your beliefs?
Lol not sure why the somewhat gratuitous character attack there, but whatever.
Personally, I hope we go back to our roots in the fight against abusive management policies. Less snark more arson.
Wow, here is some scummy behavior to add to the list. I jumped on it because I couldn’t remember if I ever made an account or not. When I tried to sign by my email, it prompted me to sign in by my Gmail with text that made it sound like that’s how I did it before. As soon as I logged in, it immediately started having me build a profile because it was a new account. How is this fucking legal?
Went to delete my account. Turns out I’ve not to worry.
Glassdoor and all other businesses that operate on the “holding companies hostage” model are trash, always have been, and people who use them should know better / expect this type of behavior. They are imo even lower than the Facebooks and twitters of the world.
Not surprising.
I don’t know, holding companies hostage sounds great. Companies already hold employees hostage in many ways (life essentials, healthcare, etc).
I would agree, but Glassdoor didn’t always used to be like this. When they started it was an extremely great premise, and people flocked to it. Glassdoor was to exiting a company as LinkedIn was to entering a company. But they got greedy, they dropped their (very high honestly) morals to try to cast a wider net. They started catering to businesses rather than the people providing the information.
I remember when they started enforcing accounts just to see salaries and companies and knew it was well over then. It used to be free information for anyone to check on a company, now it’s just garbage. I don’t trust the reviews, companies push employees to make fake reviews, and it’s all trash.
Enshittification strikes again
At my first full time job my supervisor specified that I coups hang up on anyone who brought up their lawyer, used abusive language, or brought up the BBB.
🤖 I’m a bot that provides automatic summaries for articles:
(Ars will only refer to Monica by her first name so that she can speak freely about her experience using Glassdoor to review employers.) Although it’s common for many online users to link services at sign-up to Facebook or Gmail accounts to verify identity and streamline logins, for years, Glassdoor has notably allowed users to sign up for its service anonymously. The EFF regularly defends Glassdoor users from being unmasked by retaliating employers. She decided to go through with a data erasure request, which Glassdoor estimated could take up to 30 days. In the meantime, her name remained on her profile, where it wasn’t publicly available to employers but it could be used to link her to job reviews if Glassdoor introduced a bug in an update or data was ever breached, she feared. “No one has the ability to see your user profile and the contents within it, meaning no one, including your employer, will be able to see your details,” Glassdoor’s employee wrote. — Saved 72% of original text. 11 months ago
Doesn’t that kind of erode their entire premise as a company? 11 months ago
They already did that. They companies the tools to remove negative reviews. Glassdoor has not been much different from BBB for some time (if not all time). 11 months ago
Not exactly. It’s concerning, for sure, but they’re not actually displaying your name in association with your review. It’s only stored alongside your account. They seem to be claiming that the purpose is to ensure people aren’t providing fake reviews. 11 months ago
There's no reason they should have the info and so long as they do it's possible actors with contrary interests to users (governments, employers, third parties...) can access it.