I've been called "a giant faggot" but I'm medium at most. ♥️
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 10 months ago:
If you're not making with the example you insist exist I'm not even gonna read your posts as they're a waste of time.
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 10 months ago:
No I get it, you can't prove your point. You don't have to keep running around with dictionaries that don't prove your point to impress me. It doesn't change my view of you at all to know you're wrong.
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 10 months ago:
Are you still on this? You went in circles so I left.
Still no example, huh?
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
I'm happy for you ...or sorry that happened.
That's alot of words which notably are not an example of the adjective "illegal" being used as though it were a noun to describe a human being and it not being derogatory.
Come on, bill Clinton. You just gonna yap about what "is" is or you gonna prove your point? Make with the example.
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
The link you offered does not seem authoritative.
The example it proffered of:“Sometimes I don’t always feel like jogging” doesn’t make any sense.
Makes perfect sense.
Are you going to keep litigating "Sometimes inherently means sometimes not" or are you going to provide an example of a non-pejorative use of referring to a human being as though they themself were illegal?
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
"Sometimes" is different than "Sometimes although not always"
That I why I had to use different words to type the two different concepts.
Your definition only listed the first, which does not inherently indicate the second. - Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
The definition does not indicate it can be not derogatory—which makes sense because it's derogatory.
You despite claiming sans evidence that it is possible to refer to a human being with a pejorative adjective and it be anything other than derogatory, won't even back up your claim with a single non-derogatory example of its use.
I get why you won't—'cause you can't—but if you were right you'd think You could give an example rather than litigating the implied corollaries to "sometimes".
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
You’re going to have to provide examples where sometimes means always.
I'm not the one making the claim here, you are.
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
If the claim that illegal is sometimes derogatory is true then the the claim illegal is always derogatory or never derogatory is false.
No it isn't. Nothing about "sometimes" being true itself proves the corollary "always" is false.
Besides, you would think you could end this by giving the example to refuse to proffer of a non-derogatory use.
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
Do you know what sometimes means?
If I said, "The sun sometimes rises in the east." that is a true statement, but not evidence that it ever does otherwise and if I wanted to claim "...and sometimes it rises in the west." I would still need to provide evidence other than stressing the "sometimes" in my first statement.
How can calling a person (and not actions) "illegal" be anything but derogatory?
Explain your west-rising sun, please. - Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
You have yet to describe the times it is not.
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
What claim is unsubstantiated?
That there can be a non-derogatory utilization of the adjective illegal to refer to a person with as though the word were a countable noun.
All that has been done is to post a dictionary entry which agrees that when it is used as a noun it is a slur—behavior I would not expect from one who has endeavored excellence toward their fellows.
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
Sometimes disparaging + offensive.
And since you have yet to explain how it can not be your claim that it is is unsubstantiated.
I am working under the assumption no one here—who purportedly all agree to "be excellent to each other"—is being intentionally despairing to their fellow human beings hense my continued confusion as to what "illegal" used (seemingly erroneously) as a noun means.
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
Good for you finally letting go of the notion that illegal is only an adjective.
as a non-slur which you still have not explained how it can be.
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
When referring to people who entered or reside illegally in the country.
...you should probably refer to people, huh?
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
The definition clearly says sometimes which means you have to use context to determine if it is used as a slur.
I asked you how it could not be and you have yet to offer an explination.
Illegal is a noun too
No it isn't.
- Comment on Someone got Gab's AI chatbot to show its instructions 11 months ago:
It is not "pointless nitpicking". It is very important holding fast against allowing very determined forces of hate any foothold whatever.
I argue 3 things:
- Irrespective the truth value of your claim you should not forward that position as there are forces of oppression who will latch onto any conceit of inherent differences between cis and trans people and claim that is the oh-so-important difference around which they claim the need to organize the oppression they are rabidly looking for excuses for
- Your claim is not true under the commonly understood nor scientific consensus of what "sex" is
- Even under your claim—which I consider simplistic and reductive—that sex is mere reproductive capability via sperm or eggs your assertion remains false
although it can be lost
No one "in casual conversation" considers someone "sexless" when they lose their gonads to cancer, nor do you know the "sex" of anyone to whose sex you have referred in going on high-90s percent of cases by your ridiculously narrow definition—I can't imagine in those cases where you find yourself considering using either term you jam the person with a needle or jerk them off into a cup and bust out a microscope to check motility.
Finally I'm not sure what you hope to gain by your pedantry—they're never gonna let you into the car.
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
There is nothing in the definition that says illegal is a derogatory term.
There very much is, even if we limit our definitions to the one which you gave me. I pointed as much out to you 23 hours ago.
When I say illegal I’m referring to a person who has entered or resides in the US illegally.
That isn't what that word means except as a slur which your very precious dictionary even cops to.
You still have not answered my inquest regarding how using an adjective as a noun to refer to a person could be anything other than dehumanizing as you still claim that it can potentially be.
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
Your warped views do not change the definition.
That it's a slur? If you want to admit you're slurring human we can be done here, but all of you fine people here have stringently maintained that is not what you are doing and I so wish to believe you.
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
I gave you the definition of illegal here.
One that doesn't fit with your later claim that it isn't derogatory so both assertions cannot be true.
The word you used doesn't even mention people so what is it to which you are referring when you use it?
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
Again, I'm not sure what that means?
You said upstream all people have value so I can't imagine that's a dehumanizing reference to people.
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
there’s more to an illegal than how they entered the country.
You're going to have to explain what the word means to me then, because the phrase by itself doesn't even seem to refer to immigration status at all and I don't know what you mean by it.
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
Well, those two have much stronger connatations than “illegal”
What is it that makes the one you would censor bad, though?
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
I’m fine with the term illegal and I belief all people have value. I’m not a lefty who only thinks some people have value.
I didn't ask you that. I asked you (since you seem to agree to speak English) how you squared an adjective being used as a noun.
I further ask why you keep bringing up "lefties" (are they in the room with you right now?) and if you really believe the dehumanizing language you're defending embodies "Being excellent to eachother" as the sidebar of this place purports its ethos to be.
Do undocumented persons not have value?
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
Words like no humans are illegal and all people matter except the ones like Trump.
I don't think I said those words. I asked someone if they disagreed all people were worthy of dignity and respect (they seemed to) and explained why some might find wishing for the death of someone who has power over them acceptable.
"No person is illegal." is a quote from ChokingHazard63, not from me.
I would question on what you base the antithesis you are seemingly arguing that people (and not actions) can be illegal.
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
Not at all but you use the language of the left and the logic of the left.
English? Puedo cambiar a un idioma diferente si lo deseas.
Або ваша проблема в тому, що я використовував латинський алфавіт?
如果你想让我们更“右”一点,我可以尝试一下普通话。 - Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
It doesnt. I remove any uses of the n-word and r-word on sight.
Would you mind explaining your logic for differentiating those names people call people from these ones?
What issues do you take with the alluded to slurs you don't find applicable to this one?
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
Just because you look down on a group of people doesn’t make the term to describe them dehumanizing.
Doesn't make it not dehumanizing—since it is—and it certainly doesn't help your arguments it isn't.
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
That doesn’t make wishing death acceptable.
Some would argue it makes it more acceptable, prayers to Santa Muerte being the only way they have of effecting a person they can't vote out who has power over their life.
You just figured out he was in it recently ?
What makes you think the harm is recent?
Are you a conservative? Or are you on the left ?
Are you asking me to engage in identity politics? 🤨
- Comment on 20 states sue Biden admin over illegals 11 months ago:
Thats really getting into pedantics, and its just name calling.
I question if that view of yours extends to all slurs.