2 Kings 2:23-24
- Comment on Marxist Financial Advice 9 months ago:
Marx Financial Freedom Steps
- Buy a gun and ammo
- Revolt against your oppressors
- Don't profit because profit is bad
- Comment on The starting salary for a new American Airlines flight attendant is low enough to qualify for food stamps in some states 9 months ago:
The solution is to stop bailing out mismanaged companies. Crony capitalism/corporate socialism are scams.
- Comment on According to the Federal Reserve Americans owe over $1.6 trillion in student loan debt, with the average borrower owing $37,667 9 months ago:
You're describing the median, not the average.
- Comment on According to the Federal Reserve Americans owe over $1.6 trillion in student loan debt, with the average borrower owing $37,667 9 months ago:
I wouldn't have even gone to college if I didn't have access to a privately subsidized university. That said, $40k of debt for four years of education doesn't actually seem so bad, considering living expenses. Being able to live on $10k a year (or less) is impressive.
- Comment on Report: In Western Countries, 41% of the Jobs Done By Young People are at Risk Disappearing Due to Automation 9 months ago:
Social good more than for economic reasons, since we know definitively that more education isn't required to do work that currently is high-paying.
- Comment on FTC Non-compete rule published in Federal Register 10 months ago:
Now there is one fewer reason to work in California if you're in the tech industry.
- Comment on FTC bans non-competes: a business owner's thoughts [08:57 | Apr 28 2024 | Louis Rossmann] 10 months ago:
My jaw dropped when I heard this self-identified business owner say that suppressing wages is a bad thing.
We need more business owners like him.
- Comment on Regaining interest in amateur radio 10 months ago:
First of all, congrats on being able to sell a used UV-5R. They're worth literally nothing used, so you must have some mad salesmanship skills.
But since you had to sell your 'Feng to make ends meet, you might want to just sit back a bit before getting back into the hobby. It can be done very inexpensively, but that's relative, and someone who is hurting enough for an extra $5-10 to sell their Baofeng definitely can't afford what it would take to get more active in amateur radio.
I know this probably isn't what you were hoping to hear, but other than showing up to club meetings there isn't much you can do that won't cost more than the $20 to buy another UV-5R. Even homebrew projects like building antennas for your SDR will cost at least that much.
- Comment on Log dilemma; seeking your input 10 months ago:
On the other hand, borrowing from aviation, I am keen to “use all available resources”, recognizing that so long as we have the tech and tools, we should use them, even if that may fly in the face of radio purity.
Hmm. I think this is generally fine, but if you were working a contest (like Field Day, for example), it would probably be cheating. I don't think there's any problem with taking the Eagle Scout route, though. Holding yourself to a higher standard of honor brings its own rewards.
- Comment on to those of you who get bored at work if there's lots of downtime, why? 11 months ago:
My last job they really didn't like us doing nothing during down time, they really wanted us to be sweeping the floor or some other busy-work. There was a lot of work to be done like that, so it got boring, fast.
Now I have a job with tons of downtime and my boss is explicitly fine with us reading books, playing video games, watching Netflix, etc. as long as we are responsive when customers come in. It's a great gig (although low-paying), especially for a college student.
Now if I get bored it's my own fault.
- Comment on Aubrey Plaza says what all the interns want to say #aubreyplaza #memes #intern #internships - YouTube 11 months ago:
From what I've seen unpaid internships aren't nearly as common as they used to be, but are still concentrated in certain white-collar fields such as law and finance.
I don't think I saw a single unpaid internship when I was searching for my senior internship in college.
- Comment on California law would give employees the 'right to disconnect' during nonworking hours 11 months ago:
It depends on your agreement with your employer. Unless your employment contract specifically states hours for you to work during, there is no limit on when your boss can expect you to reply to your emails.
Of course, hourly non-salaried workers get paid by the hour, even though some hourly workers can still be expected to work ridiculous hours by their employers.
- Comment on California law would give employees the 'right to disconnect' during nonworking hours 11 months ago:
"Ops" means "Operations" and is far from technobabble. Ops could be everything from maintenance and security personnel to IT workers who keep business-critical systems running.
- Comment on California law would give employees the 'right to disconnect' during nonworking hours 11 months ago:
Salaried workers have no specific hours. Their employers own them.
- Comment on Feds Recently Hit Cargo Giant In Baltimore Disaster For Silencing Whistleblowers 11 months ago:
I had to do a write-up on the Deepwater Horizon disaster for my organizational leadership class a couple weeks ago. Same thing, a corporate culture that downplayed safety and emphasized profit led to poor maintenance, woefully inadequate equipment inspections, and choosing the worst options because they were cheaper.
It's past time for these corps to learn.
- Comment on Feds Recently Hit Cargo Giant In Baltimore Disaster For Silencing Whistleblowers 11 months ago:
Seems like this sort of anti-safety corporate culture is behind the majority of industrial accidents.
- Comment on Users ditch Glassdoor, stunned by site adding real names without consent 11 months ago:
Perhaps there is a tonal message in your words that you didn't intend (your native language seems to be German?). This paragraph comes across as dismissing my comment while making a sweeping, inaccurate, and baseless judgment that I "distrust any media that contradicts my beliefs:"
But by you talking about “the media” I guess you are trying to find reasons to further your already present distrust in any media that contradicts your beliefs?
Hard to see how that couldn't be meant as, at best, a passive-aggressive dig, implying some level of instability or paranoia.
- Comment on Users ditch Glassdoor, stunned by site adding real names without consent 11 months ago:
"The media" is a common term in American English that refers to mainstream news outlets. I said I felt gaslit because the early headlines and articles on this topic suggested that names were made visible, not that they were merely added to accounts.
Regardless, there is no call for personal attacks. I'm sure you can find the maturity to respond to comments you disagree with in ways that don't involve attacking the users who post them.
- Comment on Users ditch Glassdoor, stunned by site adding real names without consent 11 months ago:
Lol not sure why the somewhat gratuitous character attack there, but whatever.
- Comment on Users ditch Glassdoor, stunned by site adding real names without consent 11 months ago:
I went to my Glassdoor account and the only place I could see my name was in the community part, where people ask questions of other professionals. Some users still seemed to have their names hidden, so it must be possible to do so. My company reviews are still anonymous.
I honestly can't find any evidence that what the media are saying is happening is actually happening. I feel gaslit tbh lol
- Comment on Bosses are using RTO mandates as a way to ‘blame employees as a scapegoat for bad firm performance,’ new research finds 1 year ago:
"New research finds what we knew all along"
- Comment on The data is in: Return to Office policies don't improve employee performance or company value, but controlling bosses don't care 1 year ago:
It's ironic because only the largest of companies actually own the land their offices are on. Most companies are seeing higher costs as a result of holding onto offices that they don't actually need.
RTO is in effect making employees significantly less productive because their productivity is countered by the added expense of leasing and maintaining offices.
- Comment on The data is in: Return to Office policies don't improve employee performance or company value, but controlling bosses don't care 1 year ago:
It's annoying that I've seen essentially the opposite headline from Business Insider as well in the past few days. I feel like they're not much of a "news" source with this kind of clickbait content.
- Comment on 'We have no rights.' Frustrated with California wage laws, Moonstone Bistro in Redding cuts lunch service 1 year ago:
I'm definitely not upper-middle-class, but I have attempted to run a one-man business before. I used semantics to dodge certain state licensing requirements (I was a "consultant" instead of a "technician") which would have cost me more than 50% of my annual profit. The state definitely adds a lot of nonsense costs to running a business that do little more than protect existing businesses from new competition and discourage lower-income people from attempting to start businesses of their own.
- Comment on What is an average person living in the US supposed to do about corporations raising prices? 1 year ago:
Beans, rice, and Instant Pot are the best. Instant Pots are also highly repairable in the unlikely even that they break.
- Comment on What is an average person living in the US supposed to do about corporations raising prices? 1 year ago:
Nothing more straightforward than hyperbole. /s
- Comment on What is an average person living in the US supposed to do about corporations raising prices? 1 year ago:
Unfortunately, many of the people who most heavily dislike the corporate-controlled status quo are feverishly attempting to pass laws to make it harder and more dangerous to do anything other than hope.
- Comment on What is an average person living in the US supposed to do about corporations raising prices? 1 year ago:
Better to simply stop reelecting politicians who support corporate bailouts for failing companies.
- Comment on How have you personally found the Lemmy community compared to its competition and other social media? 1 year ago:
Extremely left, fairly toxic unless you're in a niche community. Couldn't count how many times self-described leftists from Lemmy instances told me to unalive myself.
- Comment on How do I stop hating children? 1 year ago:
How loud is loud? Is it only loud children or children of any volume? How do you feel about loud adults?