- Comment on This queue for the new swasticar 2 weeks ago:
Peak efficiency.
- Comment on would getting back with an ex be a bad idea? 2 weeks ago:
People can change, but don’t put your life on hold waiting for that to happen. I can’t say for sure what kind of person this is since I’ve never met the guy, but I can tell you that you will be waiting a long time if he is behaving how you described. Communication is incredibly important as a foundation for a relationship, and ghosting indicates they won’t be able to discuss things with you when things get really bad. This is a skill that is learned young and it is harder to learn it with age.
Let that flame die out and only let it be reignited if the person makes real effort to really talk to you.
- Comment on First Monster Hunter Wilds updates fix a progress-blocking bug, but not the dodgy PC performance 3 weeks ago:
I feel like this article is rage bait that doesn’t really understand software development. In software development, issues that completely block progress or functionality are significantly more important than system performance.
Even if we disregard that fixing performance is a massive undertaking, fixing the blocker first was absolutely the right move.
- Comment on Yeah, let's stop with this "don't judge people for their poiltics" bullshit 1 month ago:
Which is why nobody cares about GOP opinions and why most of the world thinks you are retarded. Like it or not, you live with people different from you, and you need to learn to play nice and compromise. I’m not saying to give up your morals completely, but meet in the middle and come up with something that works for both of you.
- Comment on Why the 2020 video game Immortals: Fenyx Rising doesn't infringe on the trademark of the 2011 film Immortals? 1 month ago:
Trademark generally only applies within the same medium. The point is to prevent confusion between two competing products. A movie and a video game do not overlap.
- Comment on Amazon: The same 31 products you don't want, again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again 2 months ago:
Which, let’s be clear, is not an inherently bad thing. Most sane people don’t want to reinvent the wheel. If you have a foundation that works and can easily be built off of in a reusable way the. You ultimately end up saving a lot of time and money.
Now, going back to your dig, it is true that Amazon has too many similar services, a lot of which could have just been an offering under an existing service. If you offer a certification just for memorizing what all of your services do then you may have gone too far.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
The Linux Argument.
Non-jokes aside, there are multiple names for this. Anecdotal evidence is the primary one while confirmation bias is discarding statements (factual or fictional) that do not align with your vision.
- Comment on Subnautica 2 early access should last "2 to 3 years" - it'll launch with "several biomes" and "some narrative" 5 months ago:
This is why I will not partake in the EA this time around. With this type of game you need to experience it from beginning to end seamlessly. Having parts of it incomplete will ruin the experience.
- Comment on Risk Of Rain 2 slaps a patch on the bug-ridden DLC that accidentally made the final boss invincible 6 months ago:
The title makes it sound like the patch was what caused the boss to be invincible.
- Comment on Blue Protocol to be discontinued in Japan, will no longer release in the west. 6 months ago:
Damn. Had this one on my wishlist.
- Comment on Anon wants to play a game 7 months ago:
Bleach, a saw, and cat litter.
- Comment on Grassy green JRPG Visions Of Mana gets free demo a month ahead of release 7 months ago:
Glad to hear this. It tells me they have confidence in the product.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
One of my friends is looking for a job and he never gets feedback when he is rejected. It never occurred to me it could be because the legal team had a stick up their asses.
- Comment on I pinky promise I'm not a demon that was summoned during an unfortunate ritual 8 months ago:
The non joke answer is that the document attempts to prove who you say you are. The joke answer is that this is an attempt and is public info that anyone can use.
- Comment on GLAMour 8 months ago:
In software development you have contractors and product owners who forge ahead and do things without consulting subject matter experts. This often leads to spaghetti code and rushed garbage when things ultimately need to be patched.
- Comment on GLAMour 8 months ago:
This is why you go to subject matter experts.
/Software development rant
- Comment on sure you can have latkes :) 8 months ago:
Delicious and some of the most tedious foods to make.
The secret ingredient is chicken fat.
- Comment on gotdamn 8 months ago:
You know what else kills a human? Forcing them to give birth even if they are not healthy enough to do so.
If you are going to make talking points at least be cohesive.
- Comment on Prison Architect 2 transitioning game to a different studio 10 months ago:
The first game is still loaded with bugs to this day. I had no faith in a second game, and this news does it no favors.
- Comment on OlliOlli, Kerbal Space Program Teams Shut Down by GTA Publisher 10 months ago:
You know they aren’t paying their employees $275,000/year average. There is way more to that number than just letting go 600 employees.
- Comment on Manor Lords is off to a flying start on Steam, just hours after its early access release 10 months ago:
Banished is a low bar. It had a lot of issues. I would argue the recently released Farthest Frontier is a better comparison. It also has some flaws but is leaps and bounds better than Banished.
- Comment on Sleep apnea: Mouthguards less invasive, just as effective as CPAP 11 months ago:
As someone with dry mouth and both a mouth guard and a CPAP I can say with confidence that a CPAP is more comfortable for me. By definition a mouth guard is objectively more invasive since it goes in your body.
- Comment on How does the day-to-day work of not wearing shoes in the house? 11 months ago:
These are the same assholes who sound like a jackhammer when they walk in apartments.
- Comment on Users ditch Glassdoor, stunned by site adding real names without consent 1 year ago:
I stopped using the site when they required me to provide data every few weeks in order to see anything on the site. Come on, Glassdoor. It isn’t like I am job hopping or having salary changes every 30 days.
It has become useless for first time job seekers for this reason as well.
- Comment on Prison Architect 2 - Official Announcement Trailer 1 year ago:
They still haven’t fixed the major bugs after how many years in the first game. I don’t think I can trust them with a second.
- Comment on Widespread layoffs reported at Embracer and Gearbox-owned Lost Boys Interactive 1 year ago:
They were expecting a 2 billion dollar deal with the Saudis, but that fell through.