Music lover and English teacher with an interest in slightly geeky things
mastodon / blog / listenbrainz
- Comment on Looking for coop RPGs 2 months ago:
Sea of Stars recently added coop I think
- Comment on You're Emulating Retro Games Wrong (you need CRT Shaders) 2 months ago:
Ah jeez, this picture triggered the earworm! Now that song is in my head!
- Comment on time to Finish the Fight 2 months ago:
Master Kief
- Comment on Is there any (single player playable) game under $10 or equivalent which has made you point any go "ha" or given you an equivalent feeling because it was that enjoyable for every moment you played it? 2 months ago:
I’ve managed to get a few deals over the years that sort of fit the bill.
Hollow Knight when it was on sale, for example. But I abandoned at 98% (it goes to 113%, right?). There are a decent number of other Metroidvania-style games that are frequently discounted and are wholly enjoyable (the Shantae series, Iconoclasts, etc.).
Stardew Valley I found new, in box, for PS4 with audio CD for €8.50 and bought it based on the description without any knowledge of what it was.
Many shmups are meant to be overplayed and remain enjoyable. Radiant Silvergun comes to mind, and there is a bit of a story to that one as well.
- Comment on Mark Zuckerberg's Meta donates $1m to U.S. President-elect Trump fund 2 months ago:
Fuckin’ Zuck. Seriously. Bezos too. Musk. They’re all bootlicking, ass-kissing, apple-polishing, brown-nosed toadies.
And they get away with crimes on an hourly basis.
- Comment on What happened to gaming? 2 months ago:
In the battle of KPI vs Mixed Methods, objective vs subjective, some prefer objective…
I’m not a PC gamer, perhaps the people who play PC games invested a lot in their rig and expect a studio experience. So they review it and other people realize they are not getting the best experience.
Nintendo Switch users with NSO might not realize that the software emulation used to run those games suffers from latency, and they will enjoy themselves until someone they trust brings it up and sends them down the rabbit hole.
I’m currently grinding a game that looks like it was made in 2015 and had a few bugs. I don’t care because it is what I want to play.
I get what you mean, though.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 24th 3 months ago:
Last week I handed over too much money for a game that I’m now determined to grind until there is nothing left to grind.
Raiden NOVA
I might even write a review for it.
It’s essentially Geometry Wars set in the Raiden universe with a roguelite aspect (other users say it is like Vampire Survivors, but I haven’t played that game). Graphics are (very) dated, but gameplay is satisfying. Main arcade can be beat in about 1.5 hours but if you want all the ships and buffs and achievements you need to commit yourself to grinding over 80 hours.
Either way, it is one of the few physical Switch games (other than all the flagship Mario games my son loves) that I own and plus it is an import which is neat.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
I think this is right, I have succeeded in at two of these evolutions using this logic. There is literally no tool tip or guide as far as I can tell. When you first play they say something about carefully choosing your upgrades. So, now I do.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
- Comment on Let's discuss: Mascot Platformers 3 months ago:
I only have a Switch but I’ll add it to my Deku Deals list
- Comment on Let's discuss: Mascot Platformers 3 months ago:
Platformers are amazing. I think I like most of the big series that I’ve played—Mario, Sonic, DKC, Crash, Mega Man, etc.—and I really enjoy indie platformers.
Recent indie games that have taken the tried and true formula of unforgiving precision platforming to the extreme are also amazing. Celeste is a gorgeous games, Kaze kicks ass and retro throwback games like Byte the Bullet and Bzzzt are soooo satisfying.
I like a good pick up and play game, platformers fit the bill.
Once muscle memory kicks in, you’re golden. As long as the learning curve is right.
Going back and playing the first levels with the skill gained by completing the game is such a good feeling.
For me, SMB Wonder is a 10/10 platformer if we’re looking at recent 2D only. I don’t know many 3D platformers, but Crash 4 is a must play (I think that’s the most recent 3D platformer I’ve played).
- Comment on Let's discuss: Mascot Platformers 3 months ago:
You gotta try Mega Man. And if that doesn’t do anything for you, try Mega Man X or Zero. I love all of them, but X7 and X8 were my leas favourite.
Personally, I like them because of the art style, the music, and the challenge.
- Comment on Shmup suggestions 3 months ago:
GreyLancer (oldie but a goodie, too tempting to play on easy mode with rewinds so replay value is lowish, but was still very enjoyable.)
Crisis Wing (love the graphics, good difficulty levels for near-beginner.)
Radiant Silvergun (what the hell were they smokin at Treasure!? Even on very easy this is going to take me at least 25 hours to beat using every life/ship I can get. Probably double that! In the first hour of play I went from “well this is garbage” to "oh, I see, you just need to put in the time and effort and then it’s awesome.)
Still haven’t finished the boss rush on Andro Dunos II so those extra levels will be a mystery to me…
R-Type Dimensions EX is on sale right now, so I’ll probably buy that tomorrow.
- Comment on We took on Google and forced them to pay out £2bn - BBC News 3 months ago:
Accelerated Mobile Pages
Main issue, for me at least, is about locking publishers into a Google-built version of the Web that generates less revenue for the publisher and sometimes uses more data for the end user.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Uplifting Games 4 months ago:
I found Iconoclasts to be pretty uplifting to play. The ending is marvellously satisfying.
The Shantae games are good.
Disney Illusion Island fits in here too.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Final Fantasy 4 months ago:
I’ve always liked FF. We had FF1 on the NES back when but the battery in it was did so we had to the leave the console on. My brother got through it after a good number of afternoons.
I never got into it though. I like watching it. I remember the obsession around FFVII.
The I picked up one of those SNES Mini things that came with… FFIV. That one got me. I wasn’t surprised to find out that loads of people love that one in particular.
- Comment on Shmup suggestions 4 months ago:
I’m tracking sales on dekudeals for the moment but I did get copies of Raiden IV (which is definitely something I enjoy), Ando Dunos II ( still can’t beat the boss rush to unlock the last levels) and GreyLancer.
I’ll probably pick up Strikers 1945 II this week since it is on sale.
I’m just patiently waiting and also considering grabbing some physical copies of games that I’ve seen for sale on local marketplaces (Sophstar and Mushihimesama).
- Comment on OpenAI Is A Bad Business 4 months ago:
Not even a third of the way through… Holy crap.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 22nd 5 months ago:
Loved Nier: Automata. I didn’t finish it completely, I think I got through Nines’ playthrough and stopped after that and sold the game.
That music sticks in your head though! Have you seen the Anime?
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 22nd 5 months ago:
I’m trying to get into shmups. Just playing whatever I can find on sale on Switch. Mostly Raiden IV x MIKADO Remix on loop. I think I might be getting better!
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
Another term for shmup or Shoot 'em up
- Comment on let's discuss: non major systems 5 months ago:
You can still install Rockbox on many different MP3 players, that comes with little games like that…and Doom.
- Comment on let's discuss: non major systems 5 months ago:
I’m still considering getting one of these
- Comment on What are the scariest games you've played? 5 months ago:
Some games it was just the difficulty that scared me.
There were plenty of jump scare games that definitely got me like the early RE and SH games. Even Metroid games got me when I was a kid.
I haven’t tried a horror game in more than 20 years though!
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
I don’t have a Steam Deck, but I’d imagine it has something to do with Windows or anti-cheat software of some sort. It looks like many of the Raiden series are not Deck Verified…
- Comment on Shmup suggestions 5 months ago:
I was thinking of getting it, trying it, and holding onto it to resell. But, someone might be able to talk the seller down. Judging by the other items they are selling, not just games, it looks like this person caught the “import stuff from abroad” bug and it now unloading loads of merch at rather high and prices. I’m not going to barter though since it is available on play-asia for less.
- Comment on Shmup suggestions 5 months ago:
Someone is selling Mushihimesama on my local marketplace. I know it is no longer in production or on the Switch estore. Is €55 worth it for this game? It is used of course.
- Comment on Shmup suggestions 5 months ago:
Doesn’t appear that it is… But I’ll look it up anyway.
- Comment on Shmup suggestions 5 months ago:
Haven’t heard the term “euroshmup” before. Also haven’t seen Sine Mora on any lists that I’ve been looking at either.
- Comment on Shmup suggestions 5 months ago:
Sorry, but this is not what I need. I’ve seen this list and many similar to it. Just want a few names of games. Nintendo Life is a good resource, though.