So since the last 2 days, I’ve been building the courage up to start doing exercises. I’m starting with weights that were just collecting dust so thought “hell why not, never too late to start getting fit”
Now I’m being realistic knowing that starting off you’re not gonna be shredded like a wrestler but I’m just tryna get leaner and fitter body wise.
Is it reasonable for absolute novices to never go to the gym for their exercise and fitness journey? I feel like would be saving some dosh even though I could be missing on some equipment they use there.
A penny for your thoughts? 2 days ago
For me, the effort of going somewhere to exercise is a big impediment, and I’m self-conscious exercising in front of people. The low barrier to start a daily workout wins, hands down.
Others find camaraderie just having other people involved in the same process, or really enjoy the variety of machines and options of a well-equipped facility.
You have to figure out which type of person you are. The most important thing is just to do something. (Unless you have specific, Jason Momoa-type goals in mind) 2 days ago
For most of my adult life I was the exact opposite: I needed somewhere to go as part of my routine. Now that my car’s been on loan to my mom and dad for a year, and I’m pretty sure I’m never getting it back, I had to get home equipment and adapt by necessity. Luckily I enjoy lifting, so it’s been less difficult to stay consistent than I expected.