Independent thinker valuing discussions grounded in reason, not emotions.
I say unpopular things but never something I know to be untrue. Always open to hear good-faith counter arguments. My goal is to engage in dialogue that seeks truth rather than scoring points.
- Comment on When making a post that fits multiple communities, should I just pick the most relevant/popular one or repost to the other ones as well? 9 hours ago:
Given your name, I’d expect you to have an opinion already.
I do but in this case my opinion doesn’t matter if the masses feel differently.
- Comment on What's easier to shoot, a bow or a firearm? 16 hours ago:
Gun is far easier to hit your target with. Crossbow is compareable with much lower range but a bow, wether it be long, recurve or compound is quite hard.
- Submitted 1 day ago to [deleted] | 21 comments
- Comment on what sources can I use to compare the armed forces of the world? Focus on America, Europe, Russia, Turkey, Japan, both Koreas 2 days ago:
The only source with even remotely accurate information of such thing are the major intelligence agencies and they’re not going to hand out that information for obvious reasons. No government in the world releases exact numbers of their military strenght.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
The people “not gaining weight no matter how much they eat” often aren’t eating as much as you think. I’ve heard people say this of me too but they just don’t realise how often I skip meals. I regularly eat just breakfast and nothing else the entire day. Yeah, you might see me destroying 700 grams of candy at one sitting but what you don’t know is that’s also the only thing I’ve eaten all day.
- Comment on Why do i see so many americans obsessed with the concept of "this is a thing that [Ethnicity] does" 4 days ago:
It’s not American thing - it’s a human thing. We tend to group people into us and them.
But also, stereotypes don’t come from thin air. There’s usually atleast a hint of truth to them. However, where people go wrong with this is when they apply it to individuals. It doesn’t work that way. These are group differences. When speaking of individuals there’s a greater differences to be found within a group than between them.
- Comment on how come james bond movies are so popular? 4 days ago:
What I find the most irritating about these movies is the complete incompetence of 007. Without plot armor that dude wouldn’t have made it past his 30’s. Just how many times has he snuck into the enemy compound armed with a pistol and wearing a suit only to be immediately caught by a random guard and then the only thing saving his life is the fact that the enemy boss wants to give his revenge speech first rather than just shooting him on sight.
- Comment on Is anyone else getting a bit of schadenfreude from the news each day? 1 week ago:
A little, but in the opposite way from what OP is describing.
I saw a second Trump term coming from a mile away. Not because I had any insider insight, but because I would have been genuinely amazed if he didn’t win and I place the majority of the blame for his victory on the left. They had four years to course-correct, but instead, they doubled down on the very things that made them lose the first time. So even though I didn’t want him to win, I can at least take some satisfaction in the fact that the people responsible for it are now pissed and got exactly what was coming to them. Their refusal to give an inch made them lose everything.
Grand visions of a utopian future are meaningless if you can’t even win an election. Trump’s ad campaign summed up perfectly where the left went wrong: “Kamala is for they/them - Trump is for you.”
- Comment on Am I stroking it in my sleep? 1 week ago:
Your body is paralyzed for the most of the time you sleep so that you don’t physically act out your dreams, so probably not.
- Comment on Do you also feel cringe about people making such a big deal about ethnicity? 1 week ago:
Some people just have hate in their hearts and they will use any physical differences to lump people together.
Being skeptical of people looking different from you used to serve a purpose in our history. It no longer does but the feature can still be found in our biology. It’s not that some “just are hateful people” - it’s that they’re human.
- Comment on Do you also feel cringe about people making such a big deal about ethnicity? 1 week ago:
I basically see it as racism every time someone is treated differently because of the color of their skin. There’s racism with bad intentions and racism with good intentions but it’s all still racism. In my ideal world we’d care about skin color as much as we care about hair color now. Most of the attempts to “fix” racism by paying more attention to the ethnicity of people that’s been coming from the left over the past years has just maken things worse and is one of the big reasons for Trump as well.
- Comment on How is my bedroom being heated? 1 week ago:
The water in a floor heating system is around 30 degrees celcius so it’s not warm enough for you to necessarily be able to tell by feel. However bathroom would be the first room I’d imagine them including it on and the fact that there’s a normal radiator there leads me to believe it’s probably not floor heating. Ceiling heating is a thing too but quite uncommon.
- Comment on Do most people still use computers, or do people only use a smartphone as their main/only device? 1 week ago:
I’m never on my phone at home except for when sitting on the toilet. 99% of my internet use is either YouTube, Porn or Lemmy and all three are done better on a desktop/laptop. My phone is for podcasts, texting/calls and photography.
- Comment on Microsoft Follows Google on a Controversial Decision - gHacks Tech News 1 week ago:
Google and Apple are US companies though. I’m not aware of any international organizations simply just accepting the new name like that and I doubt the people in Mexico for example will start calling it that either. It seems like people are making out this to be a bigger issue than it is. Anyone is free to keep calling it the Gulf of Mexico either. I still call Facebook, Twitter and Turkey by their original names too and I’ve yet to encounter a single person not understanding what I’m talking about.
- Comment on Microsoft Follows Google on a Controversial Decision - gHacks Tech News 1 week ago:
What’s the problem with calling it Gulf of America? To me that just seems like an objectively better name. You guys do realise that Mexico is in America too, right?
- Comment on How do I stop laughing at stupid shit all the time 1 week ago:
As long as you aren’t hurting anyone, you shouldn’t really waste your time trying to live your life according to how you imagine other people wanting you to. Nobody probably isn’t paying any attention to you anyway and even if they do, they’ll forget about you one minute later.
- Comment on Am I a bad friend/rude for not engaging with my friends and giving one-word responses? 1 week ago:
Yes, I feel pretty confident in saying that in this case you are the problem. I have sympathy for antisocial behaviour as I’m that way myself too but you seem just straight up rude.
because I know they will be there for me when I need it
I wouldn’t count on it.
- Comment on Apparently Bluesky lets you require a sign in to view a post 2 weeks ago:
That’s pretty dishonest summary of what I said. Nobody is selling anything here.
- Comment on Apparently Bluesky lets you require a sign in to view a post 2 weeks ago:
There are valid reasons to restrict the visibility of your content to registered users.
I post nudes on a certain site, where I have the ability to choose who can see my pictures. The options are: everyone, friends, registered users, and VIP members (paid subscription). Nearly all of my pictures are set to be visible only to registered users, with the spicier ones restricted to VIP members. My reason for this has nothing to do with trying to force people to create an account, let alone pay for a subscription. I have no illusions about my content being completely safe from outsiders. I simply want to create a small amount of friction to prevent complete randoms from easily accessing my content when they have no personal investment in the site. I see putting myself out there as the price I pay for free access to everyone else’s profiles. If you want to see my pictures, I expect you to do the same. I’m taking the risk of potentially being recognized - I expect you to take that risk too.
- Comment on why do people say annoying/rude stuff and then tell you “it was a joke!” 2 weeks ago:
Let’s make this about politics too because we simply can’t have a thread without someone bringing up politics. Thanks for your contribution on making this place worse for everyone.
- Comment on Is this a sign of mental illness or just asshole behavior? 2 weeks ago:
What’s the K-word?
- Comment on If you became a millionaire woman in your early 30s, how would your Friday would look like? From the morning until the time you close your eyes to sleep. Only straight answers, no bs. 2 weeks ago:
I own a house and I don’t make anywhere even close to 70k a year.
Yes it does assume economic growth over the rest of my lifetime but it has done that for the past 100+ years so it’s not a completely unreasonable expectation and even if that is not the case then we’d all be screwed either way.
- Comment on If you became a millionaire woman in your early 30s, how would your Friday would look like? From the morning until the time you close your eyes to sleep. Only straight answers, no bs. 2 weeks ago:
Million dollars is enough to retire if you invest that into stock markets and life off the interests which would average 70k a year.
- Comment on How to mute posts containing certain keywords on Lemmy? 3 weeks ago:
I filtered out all these words associated with current political headlines and now 2/3 of the threads on my front page are hidden despite me not even following a single political instance other than world news ones. Just goes to show how toxic this place has gotten recently.
- Comment on How to mute posts containing certain keywords on Lemmy? 3 weeks ago:
Put these three filters in your adblocker custom rules:
feddit.uk##div.post-listing:has(span:has-text("/trump/i")) feddit.uk##div.post-listing:has(span:has-text("/elon/i")) feddit.uk##div.post-listing:has(span:has-text("/musk/i"))
- Comment on It is mildly infuriating that this community is STILL being used for actually infuriatingcontent 3 weeks ago:
Many of them. Personally I’m just using my adblocker for that since I’m only using Lemmy on Firefox.
- Comment on It is mildly infuriating that this community is STILL being used for actually infuriatingcontent 3 weeks ago:
"Opposing fascism is more important than following posting guidelines"
- Internet activists, probably
But for real, I agree. Forcing US politics down the throat of everyone just builds resentment and makes people completely check out from it. I have content filters set to hide all of it. I’d like an option to show me the most important ones but that is not an option. The options are to either be firehosed by Trump and Musk articles or blocking it all. I choose the latter.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
The only company I’ve ever truly been invested in is the one I’m running myself. I’ve never seen working for someone else as anything more than trading my time for monetary compensation. The only reason I ever cared about a company’s success was to ensure I still had a place to earn a living from.
If it were a small business where I felt valued, then maybe it would be different - but not when we’re talking about a company that employs hundreds and the CEO doesn’t even know me by name.
- Comment on The Explorer's Solitude 3 weeks ago:
It’s genuinely difficult to tell from some of these that it’s done with AI.
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 3 weeks ago:
There is no more consensus about anything between MAGA people than there is among the left. People are individuals and they have different values. Voting for a party/candidate doesn’t mean they agree on everything. There’s likely greater difference in views and values within the groups than between them.