My grandma loves che because he was handsome. I now know how she feels
Che Mangione
Submitted 3 months ago by to [deleted]
Comments 3 months ago 3 months ago
The irony here is that Che Guavara was a medical doctor AND in charge of torture for Castro… So that’s kinda similar to United Healthcare. 3 months ago
Who told you he is left? 3 months ago
Who gives a fuck? (Yes, I’m attacking OP here too) 3 months ago
Luigi is a rich libertarian techbro bordering on AI cultist. he likes Thiel and Musk, he thinks that human immortality is feasible, that AI will outsmart us all real soon, and bought in in a bunch of other tpot/longtermist/ea horseshit hook line and sinker. he also only started caring about state of healthcare industry when it touched him personally. he’s not leftist in any useful meaning of this word
this is his twitter these are his takes:…/1780863519677940189#m…/1750041444239434013#m…/1600875886727016449#m this one is pinned tweet 3 months ago
and Guevara was a Stalinist. Though nobody’s perfect. 3 months ago
Putting people in boxes like this is how the working class divided itself. 3 months ago
i dunno, he doesn’t seem as someone who was “against the system”. We are not flowing liquids that intermingle with each other, sometimes we have to use labels. anyways, either A) this twitter was a front and he was bullshitting or B)He may of “snapped” and changed his worldview on things. 3 months ago
Mlk was an adulterer and ghandi had a penchant for young children.
Stop picking apart revolutionary minds. 3 months ago
zeroth of all, they were figureheads in large organizations. luigi has none of that
besides, there’s no improvement without criticism 3 months ago
he also only started caring about state of healthcare industry when it touched him personally.
So like about 2/3’s of humanity, huh? 3 months ago
I actually think that you are not leftist at all it’s that’s your take on both that tweets and the things you complaint about those tweets.
I don’t know if recently we switched sides and socialism became equivalent with primitivism. But industrialization and embrace of science a technology was a big part of socialism when it started in the xix century.
I don’t buy the primitivism take, sorry. It’s sad that people don’t buy pregnant sonic commissions $80 a piece in etsy because some open source AI does a better job for free. But it has nothing to do with socialism or the struggle of the working class. 3 months ago
(literally writing this from lab) i’m not calling him a techbro because i have some kind of disdain for tech workers, i’m calling him a techbro because he’s chasing unviable or harmful ideas or tech from old scifi that his cult (or at least was influenced by ideas typically associated with that cult) adopted as a part of doctrine. things like cryonics, some sketchy supplements that are supposed to give extreme life extension, or AI and quantum computing (because they think simulation = actual thing, and they hope to achieve immortality with AI). you might start to think that i’m batshit crazy just by explaining it, but i assure you it’s them, and these people will be part of american government really soon. start there
in no place i’m saying “technology bad”, i’m saying there’s plenty of harmful tech being pushed for profit and Luigi went full in in that sector. other than healthcare, that is 3 months ago
Ugh please stop. The left needs to stop idolizing losers like Luigi or Unabomber.
The Che comparison is uncalled for because Che actually achieved something other than getting caught.
As far as US activists go, people who actually achieve something like MLK or Malcolm X or Rosa Parks or Harriet Tubman are 100% more admirable.
Choose winners! We need people like Musk for these causes, not losers who peter out and die.
/controversial opinion 3 months ago
I mean… Luigi achieved his goal. That CEO is definitely no longer alive. 3 months ago
I don’t know if that accomplishes anything for people who are suffering from unfair healthcare policies 3 months ago
Had me until the end boss. 3 months ago
Tell me you don’t understand the class war without telling me you don’t understand the class war. 3 months ago
Maybe I am being a little harsh, but that’s because I just think it’s terrible waste of someone who gave a shit and could have made a difference 3 months ago
Look I’m not going to say I don’t think musk could be swayed by some head pats and calling him a good boy when he actually does something right bit every effective movement has both the face and a bit of violence
The civil rights movement wasn’t completely non-violent but would have gotten no where without smart and charismatic people explaining why things are so bad others might resolt to violence
I’m sorry so say but the longer words fail on their own to change things the more “necessary”/inevitable violence becomes 3 months ago
MLK also was very honest about the fact that the non-violence would only work if enough people committed to it.
A national strike would do a lot more, but the issue is getting everyone on the same page.
Which is why you had people like Malcolm X and Fred Hampton waiting in the wings, and why the FBI thought it was important to murder Fred Hampton. 3 months ago
This comment was a wild ride 3 months ago
Got you tagged as a corpo shill. You are about as useful to democratic thought as sandpaper napkins. 3 months ago
lol 😂 3 months ago
Trolololo 3 months ago
“Che mangione”?
Non saprei, a me sembra abbastanza in forma 3 months ago
That’s it, Americans must know
prepares a post to explain what Mangione means in Italian 3 months ago
attempting to agree with Che while reading wikipedia
"Yes, no, yes, hell no, FUCK NO, NO FUCKING WAY, EVER, Oh, cool! Hell no!* 3 months ago
Hasta la victoria siempre 3 months ago
Even for a shitpost this is corny 3 months ago