moving from
- Comment on Why do people say things like "I didn't do nothing"? 4 days ago:
more common than you think
different dialects can have different rules about their use
- Comment on Looking for answers 6 days ago:
Pacifism is only good for aggressors and cowards
- Comment on Che Mangione 1 week ago:
(literally writing this from lab) i’m not calling him a techbro because i have some kind of disdain for tech workers, i’m calling him a techbro because he’s chasing unviable or harmful ideas or tech from old scifi that his cult (or at least was influenced by ideas typically associated with that cult) adopted as a part of doctrine. things like cryonics, some sketchy supplements that are supposed to give extreme life extension, or AI and quantum computing (because they think simulation = actual thing, and they hope to achieve immortality with AI). you might start to think that i’m batshit crazy just by explaining it, but i assure you it’s them, and these people will be part of american government really soon. start there
in no place i’m saying “technology bad”, i’m saying there’s plenty of harmful tech being pushed for profit and Luigi went full in in that sector. other than healthcare, that is
- Comment on Che Mangione 1 week ago:
funnily enough luigi would disagree with this exact take…
this is because he’s an “effective altruist” which is an ideology cooked specifically to justify current day greed with future charity. also includes bad scifi and cult of AI
- Comment on Che Mangione 1 week ago:
zeroth of all, they were figureheads in large organizations. luigi has none of that
besides, there’s no improvement without criticism
- Comment on Che Mangione 1 week ago:
Luigi is a rich libertarian techbro bordering on AI cultist. he likes Thiel and Musk, he thinks that human immortality is feasible, that AI will outsmart us all real soon, and bought in in a bunch of other tpot/longtermist/ea horseshit hook line and sinker. he also only started caring about state of healthcare industry when it touched him personally. he’s not leftist in any useful meaning of this word
this is his twitter these are his takes:…/1780863519677940189#m…/1750041444239434013#m…/1600875886727016449#m this one is pinned tweet
- Comment on was taken down by funko pop 1 week ago:
wait you don’t mean microplastics
- Comment on Since Syria goverment has fallen, do we have any inkling of what will replace it? 1 week ago:
there already seems to be sectarian divide precipitating between shias and sunnis
- Comment on Since Syria goverment has fallen, do we have any inkling of what will replace it? 1 week ago:
Syrian Civil War is over. Now another Syrian Civil War will begin
i somehow doubt that that widely divergent alliance of convenience will hold any reasonable time. there’s a massive issue of ceasefire between SDF and SNA/SSG/FSA or however they’re called now, and it’s not like the latter is a monolith. there is everything from former AQ jihadis to secularists and minorities like Druze
- Comment on Why did Yoon lift martial law if he had the support of the military high command? 2 weeks ago:
Maybe he didn’t? Power was on in parliament entire time, internet wasn’t cut off, no curfew, no news stations takeover, you know things you can expect in a coup didn’t happen
- Comment on don't be a coward 3 weeks ago:
if you looked up temperatures needed for aluminum electrolysis,
and then you have to deliver electricity to it, keep it isolated electrically, thermally, chemically (kept sealed), and how do you even make plastics without steel reactors
- Comment on Missing Comments 3 weeks ago:
are you blocking someone, individually or instance?
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 3 weeks ago:
fully channeling energy of this fake tweet rn
i need to howl. that stuff is a catalyst and i need it to stay dissolved, but now it won’t. depending on how badly things will go, it might be impossible for everyone forever to replicate my old results
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 3 weeks ago:
it just made three months of my work useless but np
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 3 weeks ago:
(is there an offtop thread?)
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 3 weeks ago:
currently questioning my sanity over whether key compound of my thesis did just did a ice-nine or not (it’s a real thing, but not for water)
- Comment on FIXED: Map of Eastern Europe and Western Europe. 3 weeks ago:
Saddam Hussein
- Comment on Mass Destruction 4 weeks ago:
teller also wanted to make it a salted bomb but this is nonsense and not how neutrons work at these energies
- Comment on Mass Destruction 4 weeks ago:
100x (1.5Mt range) was done and still fielded (1.2Mt, B83), but teller wanted to make 1000000x bigger one (10 gigaton range). it was based on a flawed understanding of several things in thermonuclear weapons but teller never let it go. the bit that worked was done by somebody else (stanisław ulam)
- Comment on Mass Destruction 4 weeks ago:
and also stole credit, and clinged to his ideas after being proven wrong because these were his ideas
- Comment on Does sunlight through UV-blocking windows warm you less than unfiltered sunlight? 4 weeks ago:
Slightly. Most of solar energy comes in as visible light, so any visible light that gets reflected won’t contribute
- Comment on Does sunlight through UV-blocking windows warm you less than unfiltered sunlight? 4 weeks ago:
Even if it reemits heat, some will be lost to air via convection and half goes wrong way
- Comment on Habits of Insects 5 weeks ago:
The point is not gain of land for Russia but removing land from another state, as a punitive measure for trying to get away from russian influence. This is also not the first time it is happening. Because of how nationalist Putin’s supporters base has become over time, he chose to use small invasions like 2008 invasion of Georgia as a tool to increase his domestic popularity. This parallels 1999 false flag bombings and response in form of second Chechen war and 2014 invasion of Donbas. In all these cases, as well as for two first weeks of 2022 war, approval rating of Putin’s government soared which was exactly the point the entire time. Because of how much of that comes from nationalists, he can’t back off because he’d come across as weak and lose support, he can’t advance much faster because he’s physically unable to, and his best bet is this kind of slow grind like we see now. Any western military aid will make it harder, so of course russian influence operations are directed against it, and you know that too
Also you will not be scaling up domestic weapon production to any meaningful degree
Speak for yourself. Orbital ATK buys european explosives, we have scaled up weapons manufacture in France, Germany, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Czechia and few others, there are new Rheinmetall plants in Ukraine too.
Ukrainians don’t lack resolve. In 2022, something like 85% (iirc) said that fight should go on if nuclear weapons were used by Russia. Even now 80%-ish don’t think that any territorial concessions should take place in any peace agreement. They have some of their own defense industry, lots of things (other than mostly air defense, and parts of aircraft manufacture) we can do in Europe, even if it requires some scale up, then there’s South Korean deliveries and few other things that still can happen.
Like when the swastikas came out and the genocide in Palestine kicked off, you should have realized we’re the baddies, and baddies lie.
who the fuck “we” is supposed to mean there? in middle east i wish everyone involved regime change, situation is fucked with any of current people in power staying in power. Put Netanyahu, Assad, Erdogan, Khamenei and their cabinets and top people from Hezbollah in Hague then we can talk. but it’s severely off topic so maybe don’t
- Comment on Habits of Insects 5 weeks ago:
reproductive habits of some insects are of critical importance in pest control in agriculture
natural product chemists (it’s a subfield of organic chemistry) find and identify new weird shit in obscure organisms (esp marine organisms) all the time. because amounts are tiny, then their work is on synthesis of the same thing. some of these turn out to be useful
- Comment on Habits of Insects 5 weeks ago:
“hey why bother going against a nationalist land grab? i am the real antiimperialist” gee i wonder
most of the rest can be made in europe, even if it would require some scaling up of production
- Comment on Habits of Insects 5 weeks ago:
also, entire military is just under 1tn - all of it, including completely nonmovable things like nuclear silos and submarines. ripping enough copper from the walls to get 2tn would involve massive cuts to social security and healthcare, and maybe education. but nooo heavens forbid that progressive tax on income be introduced
- Comment on Habits of Insects 5 weeks ago:
i, for one, would like to see more air defense assets going to Ukraine
- Comment on Habits of Insects 5 weeks ago:
“preventing next corn plague” with resources used being a box of soil and bunch of underpaid grads seems pretty efficient to me, but i guess that since the common clay of the new west already voted they can be safely disposed of
at USDA, they’re turning beetles kinky! 😡
- alex jones fuming aimlessly while being stored in some container
- Comment on Antenna mounted in attic? 5 weeks ago:
If you don’t live in complete wilderness and especially if you are in repeater range then yes, there’s a lot of use of 2m/70cm. There are even commercial duobanders for this, but you can also make your own
Lots of things change between HF and VHF. Matching methods, baluns, and materials are completely different. You can get away with 70cm band antenna made of 8mm aluminum tube, and it’ll get you some reasonable bandwidth just because of how wide it is, but if you want to scale it up to 20m it’s suddenly over 20cm wide. This is not practical anymore, but you also don’t need bandwidth like this. HF antennas (other than masts) are mostly made of wires and rely on things other than thickness to make them wideband enough. If you want to use monopole, on VHF/UHF you can use metallic roof as a groundplane. On HF you’ll need to use actual ground with network of wires, which is lossy. For dipoles, distance to ground will be many wl long on UHF, and it’ll work mostly like in free space, but on HF this changes impedance, losses and radiation pattern. On HF, polarization is scrambled after reflection from ionosphere, on UHF it just goes through
- Comment on Antenna mounted in attic? 5 weeks ago:
What bands are we talking about (HF or 2m/70cm?)