You wanna know what makes that other guy a Chad? The fact that he doesn’t need to focus on who cares about him when he’s sick. Pity parties are a huge turn off for the majority of people. I think it’s a subconscious reaction that most people have regardless of who the other person is. Unless you are already close to someone, whether family or a close friend, you shouldn’t expect them to feel bad for you. I wouldn’t expect the clerk at a gas station to feel bad for me if I came in late to pick up some NyQuil. But we’ll definitely shoot the shit about how being sick fucking blows.
Anon is sick
Submitted 4 months ago by to
Comments 4 months ago 4 months ago
Chad spotted 4 months ago
I think you should get a pass for pity parties with your own family. I get really sick like once every five years. By Zeus, I want to be coddled when I’m really sick! 4 months ago
I would die of embarrassment if someone pitied me while picking up otc medicine. Like there’s the “ope you look rough, good luck” level, but anymore and it’s just uncomfortable. All I want my employer to say when I’m sick is “do you want to work from home or take a sick day” 4 months ago
I’m glad my employer says, “you’ve been working hard. I comped you a day so you can rest and recover.” even though I’ve accrued nearly 2-weeks of sick time at this point.
I’m fortunate that I don’t work for a shitty company anymore. 4 months ago
Literally everyone acts like im some sort of evil disgusting monster and stays as far away from me as possible
The bit anon left out is that this is how everyone treats him everyday, sick or not. 4 months ago
He probably left out he’s an anti-social creep, or just incredibly avoidant. Lookism is REAL. I experience it as well. I still do my best to have a friendly personality and know I wouldn’t get treated that way. 4 months ago
Be me, working chad
See co-worker come in and tell people he’s sick
Disgusting co-workers all leave him alone
Get idea
Tell people I’m sick
Smelly Nelly still wants to grope me
Gaaaaah what must I do to escape these germ bags! 4 months ago 4 months ago
OH MY 4 months ago
I know a smelly Nelly. 4 months ago
Going to work sick is bad, either do it to make everyone else also sick (based) or stay at home 4 months ago
The sooner OP realizes life treats good looking people better than normies the sooner he learns to work on his own strengths and self-confidence and get out of the self pity, the better life will become for him. 4 months ago
Anon gotta chill out and be more like Chad. Chad is sick! 4 months ago
And apparently everybody is down with his sickness 4 months ago
Oh, ah-ah-ah-ah! 4 months ago
If you’re sick with something that’s not-transmissible, then it’s on you to decide if you want to go to work or not.
If you’re sick with something contagious, then I don’t care who you are, you’re a horrible excuse for a human being if you go to work. 4 months ago
US Federal law does not require sick leave.
Some people need the money. 4 months ago
As someone that has to go into work sick all the time, God I wish sick pay was required. I wanna be a decent person and try not to get people sick. But at the same time I live paycheck to paycheck and if I miss too much work oops now I’m fucked. 4 months ago
Sorry but I’m not missing rent, going further into debt, or becoming homeless because I’m sick. My landlord doesn’t give a shit if I’m sick and neither does the electric company or my car insurance company. I wanna be a decent person and not get other people sick, but I’m not gonna risk losing everything because I can’t work. 4 months ago
I hate to be the one to say it, but it is the people. They’re not willing to band together to fix the system. They (we) can have+eat our cake, but they just can’t fucking agree, for not even a day. 4 months ago
Yeah, how dare people who are poor keep working to make sure they don’t end up homeless. Damned poor assholes expecting the world to cater to them!
/s 4 months ago
Then start voting far left instead of right wing. There are no federal protections for sick workers that don’t file for FMLA, FMLA requires approval and is unpaid, and bills don’t get paused when you’re sick. 4 months ago
If you’re sick with something contagious, then I don’t care who you are, you’re a horrible excuse for a human being if you go to work.
One thing you always have to keep in mind is, that depending on where you work someone missing means that all your coworkers have to work more to compensate. One example would be if you work on a farm. The animals don’t care if you’re sick. They are hungry. Depending in the time of the year and how many people work there someone being home means that the rest has to compensate you which results in a lot of stress and possibly more mistakes. The work doesn’t go away just because you go home. Sometimes stuff has to be done right now.
However, if you are allowed sickdays and don’t work in an industry where someone missing means extra work for everyone, you’re right. 4 months ago
be sick Warn others I’m sick They make a show of not avoiding me Come up with even more reasons to approach me like some twisted bravery test
Why are people like this? Just leave me alone, I don’t want to spread illness and I don’t have the energy to deal with you today 4 months ago
Don’t go to fucken work sick anon. Even if you’re American. 4 months ago
For many easier said than done unfortunately 4 months ago
Ha that’s funny. Bills don’t stop because you’re fired for skipping work, and being sick and homeless is a death sentence in the US as many shelters turn away anyone visibly ill. 4 months ago
Yeah, that is a deeper rooted problem in America. Hope you guys can address that for yourselves in the future.
…he types from the comfort of his couch, waiting to go to a doc for a sick note for his cold, instead worrying about work. 4 months ago
Staying home because you are sick is not skipping work. Look at how engrained it is in all of these replies. I think its time for guaranteed sick leave. We can’t really control it. 4 months ago
I don’t think it’d be ready to take the financial hit over someone else maybe getting my cold.