- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
Most distros have a great getting started guide.
If you have an Nvidia card, make sure you’re looking at distros with Nvidia support and are using the correct installer version for Nvidia support. Some have both supported in the distro and require Grub modifications and I’d recommend avoiding those if you’re not comfortable doing that.
Some great distros to look into with above in mind:
PopOS Ubuntu Mint Fedora
As much as I thing it’s a great distro, and abstracts away a lot of the difficulties, Garuda Linux, should probabaly be avoid until you’re more comfortable with Linux due to its Arch roots (even if the docs are robust, they dive deep on tech concepts and require tons of requisite knowledge).
- Comment on Three years later, the Steam Deck has dominated handheld PC gaming 4 weeks ago:
I was on the fence of asking for one for my birthday late last year for exactly this reason.
What tipped me over was that I took a look at my Steam library and realized I literally have hundreds of indie and AA games that I’ve never played or have less than 4 hours in that I always meant to go back to. And that was it, I decided the Steam Deck was going to be my indie gaming experince platform. It has been amazing at doing this, and I’ve been chewing threw my indie game library like crazy, and have picked up so many more that I’m loving gaming again! I can see myself keeping the current steam deck around and will be used regularly for at least the next 5 years.
If you’re looking for a portable machine that’ll tackle most modern & higher end games, either look at the alternative SteamOS portables or wait for the next Steam Deck (the touch screen, D-Pad, Sticks, and dual touch pad make it the best choice for best I out options for game compatibility).
However, if you want a great machine for indies, AA, older AAA titles, and console EMU, the current hardware is amazing and worth the price
- Comment on "Family Size" has no meaning anymore 2 months ago:
“Latina Favorites” huh?
- Comment on Age of Empires designer believes RTS games need to finally evolve after decades of stagnation 2 months ago:
If you want to see a good modern take on an RTS, check out Mechabellum.
- Comment on flouride 4 months ago:
Like everything, including water?
- Comment on Luma Island devs spent an 'enormous amount of effort' to make it smooth on Steam Deck 4 months ago:
This is great news.
However highlighting the “enormous amount of effort” came off as immflamatory as a headline. Now to prove to them that we appreciate the effort they put into this.
- Comment on Anon is sick 5 months ago:
I’m glad my employer says, “you’ve been working hard. I comped you a day so you can rest and recover.” even though I’ve accrued nearly 2-weeks of sick time at this point.
I’m fortunate that I don’t work for a shitty company anymore.
- Comment on Bitey 5 months ago:
- Comment on Anon takes the welding pill 5 months ago:
There’s a ton of work in green energy and water management.
When Harris wins, there will be even more federal funding being dumped into these sectors. However a ton of that work is either going to be labor intensive or require a specific education (or both).
Also, the software engineering field isn’t going to be replaced by AI any time soon (if ever). What will happen is that AI will become a tool of skilled engineers to increase their output efficiency, consistency, and quality.
- Comment on What's the leaf icon behind some users' names on Mbin and why can't you see them on lemmy? 6 months ago:
New users.
Not on lemmy?
Because it’s a Mbin UI customization.
- Comment on Elon Musk moves X out of San Francisco. City leaders shrug. 7 months ago:
- Comment on Elon Musk moves X out of San Francisco. City leaders shrug. 7 months ago:
Lol… The Twitter offices are even in a nicer area of the SF business district. I’ve walked around that building many times in the middle of the night and during the day and have never felt unsafe.
What a weirdo.
- Comment on Elden Ring Player to Sue FromSoftware Over High Game Difficulty 7 months ago:
Elden Ring is probabaly the easiest game that From Software has made.
I however don’t like the default multi-player design of FS games and waited for the Seamless Co-op mod to be released and then picked it up to play with friends as a tough open world MP adventure.
RE: Seafault MP Design -
I think it’s poor design to offer incentives for players to be anonymous assholes to other players. Game Studios have spent millions of dollars investing in research and technologies to reduce game community toxicity. And if you attempt to play a FS game outside the first month of release in MP mode, prepare to have your fun ruined.
- Comment on Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” - Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted. 9 months ago:
Dell is out there just proving that the best promotions are external promotions.
- Comment on Futuristic movies timeline 9 months ago:
This is a diverging bar chart sorted by the date in which the film was supposed to take place.
The vertical line on 2000 represents the “Distant Future, a new millennium” that a lot of sci-fi and dystopia media looked at in the past.
The left side of that bar represents the ~year the film was produced in our reality.
The right side of the bar represents the year that the film takes place.
- Comment on Frack you, Walmart 10 months ago:
OP mentioned this also happened outside in the parking lot and was implying active blocking.
There’s ways for stores to work with telecoms to get service broadcast inside the warehouse/building as well to get around the natural passive blocking from the building materials.
I was well aware of the difference between active and passive blocking.
- Comment on Frack you, Walmart 10 months ago:
- Comment on Frack you, Walmart 10 months ago:
This is more likely a coverage issue than Walmart illegally blocking signal according to FCC regulations.
Report the coverage issue to Verizon and your local Walmart. Both of which will want to increase coverage of where people are gathering. This is because as bad coverage areas in places where people gather causes people to switch services or stop going to those gathering areas if there’s alternatives.
- Comment on If it's not broken... 11 months ago:
Yeah, composite & RCA are synonymous with eachother. IIRC it’s the difference between the connector name & cable name similar to rj-4 connector l/port vs cat-# cables.
- Comment on If it's not broken... 11 months ago:
These are the cables I was familiar with way back then.
- Comment on If it's not broken... 11 months ago:
Yes, I had a TV in the 80s that had vhf/uhf tuning dials and coax as qell since it was “cable ready”. Transitional era technology is fun like that.
- Comment on If it's not broken... 11 months ago:
HDMI/Composite to coax convertor if that TV was recent enough to be “cable ready”, otherwise you’ll then need a coax uhf/vhf/fm adapter in the chain.
IIRC, back in the day, there were even composite-to-vhf adapters, but I can’t seem to find any currently sold so either my memory is lying to me or they’re no longer produced.
- Comment on Windows users don't want copilot on their taskbar 11 months ago:
I’m an American, I won’t get the luxuries of the EU court rulings.
- Comment on Windows users don't want copilot on their taskbar 11 months ago:
And you’ll have a choice to not install them. Or to install versions that you know how they were trained and have guardrails you approve of.
- Comment on Activision/Blizzard QA workers form the largest US video game union yet 1 year ago:
I could agree on the
being sardonic over sarcasm. With how irony has been slowly redefined over the years I can see how people could preceieve why that would be a sarcastic statement and accepted as such, cus language changes over to time and whatnot. - Comment on Activision/Blizzard QA workers form the largest US video game union yet 1 year ago:
But it’s not sarcasm.
Those are things the Blizzard employees have had happen to them. The boys club that was going on there was horrific and the women that worked there went through a ton of shit.
For those unaware: theverge.com/…/california-activision-blizzard-gen…
- Comment on Cloudflare Employee records her final meeting where HR tries to fire her 1 year ago:
They likely fall under already exiting tech related unions.
- [techworkerscoalition.org](Tech Workers Coalition )
- https://www.joinifpte.org/tech
The Teamsters Union even has a tech worker umbreall now.
- Comment on JBL debuts replaceable batteries for its new portable Bluetooth speakers at CES 2024 1 year ago:
Awesome first step.
Now if only the EU (because the US would never) would add some regulations for battery for factor standards as well as regulations on requiring battery swapping of electronics.
I’m tired of tearing down my devices every 1-3 years to replace a simple battery pack to extend the life of a device that should last 10+ years.
- Comment on Saints Row developer Volition permanently shuts down 1 year ago:
This has more to do with Embracer Group’s June announcement for upcoming large scale restructuring, layoffs, and studio closures than anything else. Embracer has even hit hard at studios that were profitable or had games in the pipeline that were expected to be a huge sales success.
As much as I love games, the industry is a tough place to work, and the layoff cycles are striking once again.