- Comment on Row as Starmer suggests landlords and shareholders are not ‘working people’ 4 months ago:
Let’s work on getting people housed before faffing about with pointless nonsense like more or less desirable housing. When even the victorians has lower homelessness rates you don’t get to worry about desirability.
Second point, who cares? If they’re living there now they pay tax there now. It does not matter they didn’t pay tax before they lived there, that’s how all other services work. You don’t pay for the roads in a town you just moved to until you’re moved in.
- Comment on A more complete explanation for the removal of those Russian Linux kernel maintainers 4 months ago:
You clearly hate more than just Putin et al, given the subject of this story and how you slaves have reacted to it.
- Comment on Row as Starmer suggests landlords and shareholders are not ‘working people’ 4 months ago:
How do you take longer? It’s a ten minute job with a journeyman and apprentice helper.
- Comment on Row as Starmer suggests landlords and shareholders are not ‘working people’ 4 months ago:
No landlord is a working person, otherwise they wouldn’t be landlords.
- Comment on Row as Starmer suggests landlords and shareholders are not ‘working people’ 4 months ago:
Community housing that’s fully tax funded. Common houses or public houses have been around for millenia, until the last couple hundred years really.
Oh and “the tragedy of the commons” is literally propaganda made up by a literal feudal lord.
- Comment on Row as Starmer suggests landlords and shareholders are not ‘working people’ 4 months ago:
Illiterate and a landlord? That does check out, you pathetic excuse for a parasitic infection somehow confused for a human.
- Comment on A more complete explanation for the removal of those Russian Linux kernel maintainers 4 months ago:
So Putin is a democratically elected leader now? You people have been shouting that he’s a dictator since your owners told you to hate Russians.
- Comment on What Ireland New Safety Code for Video-Sharing Sites Means for YouTube, Meta and Tiktok 5 months ago:
Weird, usually Ireland both understands technology and it’s value to companies way more than this. I really had the UK digitalpy isolating itself first using protect the children nonsense but I guess Ireland learned well from its master.
- Comment on Waterboy 5 months ago:
I remember a time when those were one in the same.
- Comment on Disposable vapes to be banned in England and Wales from June 5 months ago:
Not really, in places with decriminalized but not legal weed there’s still a lot of weed in all forms being distributed.
What will make this work is that they didn’t ban flavors or non disposable vape devices.
- Comment on The harsh truth of Forza Horizon players: ramming 5 months ago:
As someone that’s extensively played the entire burnout series; git gud scrub. You can avoid all ramming attempts by being a better driver.
- Comment on smart engineering 5 months ago:
I can agree with you but also recognize that’s contrary to the entirety of modern human society except ~7 countries representing just under 1/4th the GL bal population. But even then not really. I agree with the idea, but that’s not going to be the world we live in without truly ridiculous amounts of violence (which I am not advocating)
- Comment on The Tech Coup: A New Book Shows How the Unchecked Power of Companies Is Destabilizing Governance 5 months ago:
Why pretend you can keep both? You can have democracy, or you can have private wealth.
- Comment on smart engineering 5 months ago:
We live in a capitalist world, scamming is objectively how we base how successful and smart someone is.
- Comment on Anon is unpopular in high school 5 months ago:
If some weird ass marketing intern at Kraft managed to get funding to advertise on 4chan, or lemmy via 4chan through a screenshot, then said marketing intern deserves our attention and respect. If all ads were like this I wouldn’t have had ad blockers on all my devices for the last twenty years.
- Comment on Anon is sick 5 months ago:
Then start voting far left instead of right wing. There are no federal protections for sick workers that don’t file for FMLA, FMLA requires approval and is unpaid, and bills don’t get paused when you’re sick.
- Comment on Anon is sick 5 months ago:
Ha that’s funny. Bills don’t stop because you’re fired for skipping work, and being sick and homeless is a death sentence in the US as many shelters turn away anyone visibly ill.
- Comment on Anon is unpopular in high school 5 months ago:
Median age in the US for losing virginity is 18.4, while 15 is young, around 10-15% of surveyed populations consistently have lost their virginity by 15. That being said public school culture is to claim you banged some foreign chick at camp at 13 to brag so 15 year olds that don’t lie might be confused.
- Comment on Can someone give me an overview on the Jill Stein situation? 5 months ago:
Those votes would not ever go to Clinton, therefore there is no spoiler effect. Green party voters would sit out the election than support forever war (Clinton’s foreign policy) or genocide (Harris’ foreign policy).
- Comment on Proud globohomo 5 months ago:
Mkultra is almost always used to justify all conspiracies, as if the government can do that, there is no limit to what they can do. That and the tuskegee experiments, the main reason black antivaxxers are likely to hold their beliefs.
- Comment on Russia suspected of planting device on plane that caused UK warehouse fire 5 months ago:
Or, much more likely, it was a faulty battery in a device in a package.
- Comment on No plans for a Space Marine 2 PvPvE mode - "it sounds great on paper", but "it's very annoying" in practice 5 months ago:
Yet another company figures out you can’t have open world pvpve. At least they figured it out before an alpha or beta test, unlike Amazon game studios.
- Comment on Be careful with pachinko roguelike Ballionaire as it might suck away your entire week 5 months ago:
Peglin is the pachinko rogue like. This pretender to the throne has some tiny shoes to fill if it wants to compete.
- Comment on Subway 5 months ago:
Nope just a qw inch long ball of meat with sliced tomatoes and double olives.
- Comment on Anon has a back injury 5 months ago:
You shouldn’t get your dog to suck your dick, no matter how flexible the dog is.
- Comment on Those are so ugly. Who would even buy these... oh, right. 5 months ago:
It’s an entertaining movie, despite it’s downright fascist messaging that the untermench will outbreed the Ubermench causing hell on earth.
- Comment on How do I... Do court? I didn't realize my license was expired and got pulled over. Now I have court tomorrow. 5 months ago:
Right now you’re innocent, assuming you’re in the US or other former English colony. The judge is presuming you’re Innocent. It’s the cops contention that you were driving with an expired license and they may(do) have evidence to that claim, but until you admit to that in court, youre innocent. It’s not illegal to assert your right to be presumed innocent, and it’s not illegal to argue a poor case at a later date.
- Comment on Absolutely nothing happened June 1989 5 months ago:
Criticizing a “regime” run by democracy, both direct and representative, is criticizing the people. It’s also criticizing a race, in this case, as you people never evolved past the “sneaky Chinaman” stereotype in your criticisms.
- Comment on Man Resigns on First Day After Indian Boss Expects Overtime Without Pay: Work-life Balance is 'Western Behaviour' - News18 5 months ago:
No, the opposite, hence why the Western way is worse, despite it’s higher productivity.
Wage theft, which includes unpaid overtime, is a larger category of theft in the US than all other categories combined.
- Comment on Absolutely nothing happened June 1989 5 months ago:
The people control that regime in a much more robust democracy than the US has.