How tf did they think a PS3 era piss-filter would improve things?
There is so much you could absolutely tear into, what the hell do they think they are doing?
Submitted 4 months ago by to
How tf did they think a PS3 era piss-filter would improve things?
There is so much you could absolutely tear into, what the hell do they think they are doing?
Just want to show of ray tracing. In return, it runs 30 fps (while the original runs 60 on PS5), with worse music and camera.
Absolutely pointless cash grab, they should have just created a graphics upgrade to polish out some texture details, add haptic feedback, and sell it as an add on for 10.
I know the fan mod project for FF8 is jokingly named Demaster in protest of the official remaster, but I never thought a large company would release an honest to god demake of a game - and charge you for it!
I liked the FF8 remaster. The field models are just field models. It’s not like they look like the FMV cutscene character models on the original either. They’re just so distorted that you have to imagine the FMV characters.
Editing out Siren’s bush was a sin though.
Not a demake or a game, but there is a “Mummy Demastered”, which is a Metroidvania demake of the Tom Cruise mummy movie. It’s actually decent and considered better than the movie.
Man, you almost feel bad for them, because clearly some effort went into this. It’s not like they just slapped high-res textures on and called it a day. You can tell, because that would’ve looked better.
But I don’t actually feel bad, because no one forced them to remake such a recent title. You don’t run that risk, if you remake something that actually looks bad in the first place.
I haven’t played it, but the trailers I’ve seen were night and day better than the original.
ahhh I see what you did there, you sly devil you.
What did I do? Whatever it was, wasn’t intentional. I was commenting in earnest. The trailers looked incredible, big uplift in graphics from just watching those. I am very interested to know why people don’t think the same.
I played a few hours on PC yesterday and if somebody is saying it looks worse than the PS4 version I’m questioning their sanity.
On the other hand, raytracing, HDR and frame generation are all completely broken and it is a disgrace to charge 70 bucks for a remake of a 9 year old game and not even do basic QA on their PC port. You also need a PSN account to play your singleplayer game.
I will treasure my PS4 copy. And it’s actually one of the few games where 30 fps isn’t a big deal due to fixed camera angles in the original.
I remember it barely scratching 20 FPS and I simply could not finisht the game because of it, it was a super jarring experience. Event with fixed cameras.
They say it runs better but isn’t hat because it hovers around 35 fps on PS4 and is locked to 30 on PS5 (as it should have been on PS4)? Some of comparisons are in the yikes territory though.
You had 1 job 4 months ago
I feel like we’re only a year or two away from announcing a game and it’s remaster at the same time. 4 months ago
That PS5 version looks like shit. I own the original and it’s a lot of fun. What the fuck up with the lighting? 4 months ago
Original is awesome. I feel like the remaster basically just turned it yellow and deleted the fog and called it a day. 4 months ago
I believe, we call those “live service games”…