- Comment on The internet of things is truly a wonder. 😝 by David August 9 hours ago:
Love it. How much is the monthly subscription?
- Comment on We engage in a bit of tomfoolery 1 day ago:
- Comment on You've probably heard of my doctor. His name is Web. Web MD 1 day ago:
Who’s your worm guy?
- Comment on Anon's calendar is incomplete 2 days ago:
- Comment on Luxury bones? In *this* economy. 2 days ago:
Optional luxury bone accessories
- Comment on Anon is Turkish 3 days ago:
I had a business trip, with some HQ people we visited the partially owned branch of our company in Ankara last year.
We had a super nice, western MBA educated host from investor relations lead us through the day. It was all going well, until a few drinks into dinner, he shared how the CIA funded the terrorist Güllen to ruin the country, and that’s why they have high inflation, etc. I of course smiled alon, but was surprised he thinks this way.
I am originally from an eastern European authoritarian country, and 99% of my experience have been that white collar people are cynical and hate the shit government, even if they have to go along with the bullshit propaganda to keep their jobs.
Also, their capital Ankara is quite the shithole, sorry. It has sparkling skyscrapers, but it’s orders of magnitudes behind in livability compared to even to poor European capitals in the Balkans. Blackouts in a luxury hotel, asphalt breaking off the road an hitting our car, concrete jungle of multi-lane roads with no walkability, fast asshole-style driving (not even letting ambulance pass) causing massive traffic
- Comment on I am the one who's aware of my own identity 4 days ago:
- Comment on I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds! 6 days ago:
pasted twitter screenshot
- Comment on I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds! 6 days ago:
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- Comment on Marc Rober shows why Tesla's camera-only self-driving system is dangerous 1 week ago:
Thank god it doesn’t have LIDAR sensors, much cheaper to repair the front this way
Tap for spoiler
- Comment on Is 33 cents a small amount of money? 1 week ago:
I think this is at least partially the result of intentional propaganda. It benefits the elite greatly if a lot of Americans are screaming against higher top tax rates due to this faulty logic. There are also a lot of anecdotes of people not accepting higher paying job offers or promotions within their companyc, which also benefits the business owners.
- Comment on Minimum wage, minimum effort. 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Poor quality jpeg I know. Pixels are being rationed where I'm from. 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on This queue for the new swasticar 2 weeks ago:
Protect and serve (capital)
- Comment on Tiny Face Vance 2 weeks ago:
Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus. Omnis Satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversii. Omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, ergo, draco maledicte ecclesiam tuam. Secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos.
- Comment on life changed due to shrimp 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on From the trailer of Wolfenstein: The New Order (2014) 2 weeks ago:
Ah, you’re right I mixed them up. Arkane only helped with Youngblood a bit. Yes, the Indiana Jones game was really good, I loved it
- Comment on From the trailer of Wolfenstein: The New Order (2014) 3 weeks ago:
Throwing his heart out to Planet Earth, such a beautiful picture ❤️
Tap for spoiler
- Comment on From the trailer of Wolfenstein: The New Order (2014) 3 weeks ago:
Loved the new games, though Youngblood was the weakest. I wish Arkane would have made more of them, instead of being forced to do that live service shit Redfall.
- Comment on Spent half an hour on it. Felt good. 3 weeks ago:
Thank you for your feedback! Your opinion is important to us. We will carefully read and process all of your inputs to improve our services.
- Comment on I am at a loss on words 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Classical Meme 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Classical Meme 3 weeks ago:
You’re loss
- Comment on I'm not original at all but feel a bit amusing about thought somebody takes it to heart 3 weeks ago:
It’s the beginning of the month, time to pay your bills
- Comment on So glad they are reporting what matters and not some mundane thing. 3 weeks ago:
So much for the tolerant left 😡
Tap for spoiler
- Comment on Anon plays a prank 3 weeks ago:
Completely fair, thanks!
- Comment on Anon plays a prank 3 weeks ago:
What did you do exactly, if you don’t mind us asking?
- Comment on Not real... *for now* 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on EA has open sourced Command & Conquer: Red Alert under GPLv3 4 weeks ago:
Yeah, this should be standard practice
- Comment on I do what I can 4 weeks ago:
Wow. Unless somebody prints this black & white and take a photo, you win