Jon Stewart examines the choice undecided voters are facing in the 2024 election: Kamala Harris, who has an impressive résumé and specific policy plans, versus Donald Trump, whose vision, consistency on issues, anti-labor ethos, and militaristic posturing are at odds with the caricature his followers have created for him.
I feel like I’m saying this every day…
His supporters only care that he’s a racist.
They don’t care about his record.
They only care that he’s racist like them. 4 months ago
I don’t particularly think his supporters matter, as they are mostly sheep and not one of the main facisim roots.
It’s the fact that more than half of America’s entire media apparatus is entirely behind Trump.
They dominate airwaves and have entire control over several local information ecosystems allowing them to brainwash entire populations with wall-to-wall propaganda that is completely aligned in its message of refuting and obfuscation of reality.
Regardless if the people are racist, scared, simple minded, trained to blindly accept specific authority or whatever is mostly irrelevant in a society with journalistic integrity, and a non-corporate/private interest owned media.
It’s no surprise that some people believe outrageous, impossible claims when every reality authority available to you exclusively tells you lies. 4 months ago
Reagan’s FCC overturning the Fairness Doctrine in 1987 is to thank for this. He and Nixon oversaw an incredible amount of societal and governmental sabotage. Quite the legacy.
It’s so much worse now, with these corpo propaganda outlets pretending that both parties are legitimate political parties representing people and not just fundraising/grifting organizations. 4 months ago
Kamala should out the fairness doctrine back in its place, hell, add it to the constitution. I know this will require Congress too, well, get it done. 4 months ago
Yeah, mainstream media is shitshow atm. ABC news fact checked Trump’s BS during that debate and people lost their minds. Why? Because truth doesn’t matter? Now CBS refuses to fact check because they are cowards? They are the GD news. Their job is to literally inform the public of the truth.
It really feels like we are literally watching civilization flushing down the drain and there is nothing that can be done about it. 4 months ago
They did do some fact checking tonight. Not sure it matters overall, based on what you said. Reality can be ignored and rewritten. 4 months ago
I’ve said it before. Misinformation exsits in all information. You will be hard pressed to find any common distributor of information to not have any errors. The thought that you can simply be fed only truth with out having to think critically is a fallacy. You can blame the media for existing but you can’t make it not exist. It’s people, who have principles, ignoring those principles because we’ve allowed that to be accepted behavior in the states. 4 months ago
Yeah, I haven’t heard of ANYTHING Harris. Yes this guy keeps showing up in all my feeds 4 months ago
It’s very interesting that you think his supporters are sheep, and all people around you upvote you at a 100% rate. (you received 0 downvotes after calling at least 40% of your countrymen sheep).
Coincidentally, his supporters on their social media post how Kamala voters want the end of the country. With a 100% upvote ratio.
Now, tell me, if I’m an outsider with no horse in this race, and no way of objectively measuring the reality by living in the country of question, what should I think?
While you gather an answer to that question, I’ll be of an opinion that 100% of Americans are complete morons and sheep because they’re unable of having any reasonable democratic process or a political discourse for two years every four years (cuz it’s “election” time). 4 months ago
“Sure, you all call Heaven’s Gate a cult, but everyone in Heaven’s Gate says they’re not a cult. How am I, an outside observer, supposed to know who is right? Clearly everyone but me must be morons.” 4 months ago
Living in the country of question is not necessary for an objective evaluation. 4 months ago
I see your getting down votes. This crowd doesn’t like to be called out. Americans are sheep. We buy what we are told to buy; we eat what we are told to eat; we believe what we are told to believe but this isn’t unique to America. We definitely do need to do better in our politics. It’s evident every day when there is an unnaturally orange man on the TV and there isn’t a line of Karen’s sitting in front of every courthouse asking to speak to a manager.