- Comment on Frostpunk creators cancel "Project 8" and lay off staff amid concerns that "narrative-driven, story-rich games" don't sell 2 months ago:
Narrative driven, story rich games don’t sell?
How many video game franchises are making the leap to tv/movies these days? Hint, it’s the ones with narrative driven, story rich games.
Go ahead and make pay to win mobile games, I don’t play them and they rake in millions so it makes perfect business sense.
But the idea that gamers don’t pay for good narrative driven, story rich games is laughable.
I think the biggest problem with a lot of game franchises have is they only sell the game. So much money is being left on the table with the best efforts being a screengrab lazily printed on a cheap shirt.
If I could get some official/quality Umbrella/Shinra/Arasaka/Faro corporation mugs, phone covers etc I’d be all over it.
- Comment on Onimusha Way of the Sword - Announcement Trailer 2 months ago:
Same here! Loved the main 3, absolutely hyped to see It make a comeback looking the way it does so far
- Comment on Help, what have I found 2 months ago:
As above so below
- Comment on Currently downloading The Witcher 3 for the first time. Got any advice for me? 4 months ago:
This is very true, especially around mid game.
There are significantly more quests than you need to advance levels and eventually you get level 30+ having done all the side quests and there will be several unfinished missions for recommend level 7-20 that become worthless unless the story/character behind it interests you.
Definitely grind early missions as they are basically tutorials and also give you lore on all the factions, don’t worry too much about gold as you will rarely be able to buy weapons better than what you find.
Bymid game you’ll have tons of access to loot for selling and will probably be more interested in spending money on refining/upgrading items than buying mediocre armor and weapons.
The bombs and oils are great if you keep them upgraded
Never sell ingredients you don’t have a billion of, you can buy a potion to redistribute your levels and switching from magic/physical build to late game Alchemist is really strong and fun and changes up play style.
- Comment on Anon enjoys a quiet night at home 4 months ago:
I’ve heard rabbits being carried off by owls in the night also sounds like a child being murdered
- Comment on Praystation 5 4 months ago:
The misalignment is killing me.
Blue swoops in way lower on the left
- Comment on Jon Stewart: Trump Is The Opposite of Who His Supporters Claim He Is | The Daily Show 4 months ago:
I don’t particularly think his supporters matter, as they are mostly sheep and not one of the main facisim roots.
It’s the fact that more than half of America’s entire media apparatus is entirely behind Trump.
They dominate airwaves and have entire control over several local information ecosystems allowing them to brainwash entire populations with wall-to-wall propaganda that is completely aligned in its message of refuting and obfuscation of reality.
Regardless if the people are racist, scared, simple minded, trained to blindly accept specific authority or whatever is mostly irrelevant in a society with journalistic integrity, and a non-corporate/private interest owned media.
It’s no surprise that some people believe outrageous, impossible claims when every reality authority available to you exclusively tells you lies.
- Comment on God of War Ragnarök - PC Launch Trailer 5 months ago:
Fair enough, I assumed you gamed on both and stopped for PS5 because they made PSN mandatory and I somehow was unaware.
Can’t justify a gaming PC when PS4 pro was pretty cheap and my gaming hours are not what they used to be
I can justify a not so new console every 5 or so years as they hit my value for money sweet spot, and reduced gaming hours due to life.
But the upfront cost for a decent rig to replace consoles entirely is not what I want to use my money for (for now!)
- Comment on God of War Ragnarök - PC Launch Trailer 5 months ago:
I’ve had my PS4 pro for years and never had PSN, is it required for PS5?
Or just for online play, which I do not care for
- Comment on How is Lemmy better than Reddit? 6 months ago:
Less chat bots on Lemmy, and they seem to be easily identifiable and ignored/reported.
Lemmy isn’t quite at that sweet spot where there are enough daily users to get niche content and information from a group of knowledgeable people - but some communities seem to be quite active and helpful already.
I’d love to get to the point where we have a big science/history community and get some non-celebrity AMA’s that have genuine interaction.
I’m more than happy for Lemmy to stay “underground” for a good while, slowly building communities. Once things hit a critical mass and wind up on corporate radar, lemmy will get swarmed and another migration will happen with the same core groups that joined lemmy early.
- Comment on "My maternity leave was supposed to start next Monday and I got laid off today," former Bungie employee says 6 months ago:
I believe the secret sauce is kerosene
- Comment on maple beans rule 6 months ago:
I became a daily lemmy user right around the great beaning, and will always support bean related content!
- Comment on The 10 best modern monster movies 7 months ago:
Gotta disagree about the Mist.
The monsters absolutely were the point, and something like a storm/flood/fire wouldn’t flip that many people to religious human sacrifice or electing a religious leader to decide who gets sacrificed within 3 days. (the reason she was being believed was also monster related)
The monsters are what caused panic, fear, loss of humanity, and desperation. The movie makes a point to illustrate this when the generator stops working - the people needed something they could understand, and resolve, and refused to acknowledge monsters would be possible until they see part of one and some flip from impossible to act of god/devil, which doesn’t really happen with fire or rain or snow.
The variety, size, and mysterious origins of the monsters are absolutely the centerpiece and couldn’t be replaced by any natural disaster, as the whole point was how unnatural everything became.
I would say that Prey isn’t so much a monster movie as a movie with an ‘ugly’ powerful humanoid. I would definitely put “The Thing” on this list over a few of the entries though.
- Comment on Lewis Black - Big Companies like Chick-fil-A and Apple Take On Summer Camp 8 months ago:
Lewis Black’s comedy always has a special place in my heart
- Comment on Galaxy S10 til the wheels come off 8 months ago:
I’ve been getting the Samsung ‘plus’ models several years after they come out for a couple hundred bucks and still can’t find a reason to upgrade from the S10+
New phones are way too expensive for a better camera and marginally faster apps, which would be entirely out matched by a dedicated camera at the same price.
Surprise surprise, I also drive an old ranger that has aux but no Bluetooth so everything works out
- Comment on The men vs. bear saga reaches the inevitable conclusion 8 months ago:
You’re previous, brief, comment literally mentioned media fear mongering.
I’m saying that it’s not media that’s brainwashed women into believing a bogeyman exists - it’s that every woman knows someone who has been raped/roofied/sex assaulted.
There’s also the fact that girls almost always get cat called or commented on when they’re out without a male partner.
- Comment on The men vs. bear saga reaches the inevitable conclusion 8 months ago:
Most of the “fearmongering” is actually women talking about their experiences.
When media fearmongers Rape, it’s mostly by informing the public about rapists being sentenced to very light sentences, or rapists facing no jail time, or violent rapists being released.
Either that or they outright victim blame and discuss what someone was wearing, where they were, who they were with etc, basically inferring that if she was safely at home under a man’s protection, it wouldn’t be possible for her to be raped - so look at all the safety she threw away to be reckless (outside without a male partner) and have fun (literally existing while being a
womanwalking sex organ waiting to be claimed). - Comment on Employees Who Stay In Companies Longer Than Two Years Get Paid 50% Less 8 months ago:
Don’t worry if you’re Canadian - wages don’t go up here unless you’re in a good good union, or crack upper management.
- Comment on The Biggest Box Office Bombs of 2023 9 months ago:
Watching movies at home is infinitely superior. You can talk, pause, rewatch a scene, go to the bathroom, have your own snacks, better seats, home TV’s are pretty great these days, and sound bars/headphones are also close enough(better?) than theaters.
I’d prefer not to torrent as I already have streaming services, but if companies are going to put out content that is generally mediocre, with lowest common denominator formulas and then make it hard to watch, then yeah, I’ll Torrent.
I don’t mind owning physical copies of media I really like, but that is also becoming less and less common.
That being said, Dial of Destiny was actually pretty enjoyable! Better than the average movie I’d say, and I watched it on a plane, so not exactly the best viewing environment
- Comment on I made a porn scroller, AMA. 9 months ago:
Been using this for a while since you originally posted it!
Love gif style porn and this is one of the best ways to mow through them.
I’m pretty much a monkey who’s too distracted by tits but is there any features/tips for using it I may have missed in pre-nut fog?
- Comment on China’s Electric Cars Keep Improving, a Worry for Rivals Elsewhere 9 months ago:
I think it has more to do with the fact that “true capitalism” can’t really exist in a global market where there is huge disparity between countries.
Also due to the fact that even in just America, only the middle class experiences capitalism, and the wealthy class get heavily subsidized by government.
What really grinds my gears is American companies barely compete with each other, get huge subsidies, and then when a foreign competitor enters their markets, they get big mad because they’re losing their oligopoly.
Sure, companies wouldn’t be thrilled that market share would take a hit with competition, but they endlessly beat the drum of capitalism to convince everyone of their market dominance, and when actual capitalism happens they do everything in their power to kill it, but not by being a better company.
Yes, China also has subsidies and their labour is far cheaper than North America. That didn’t stop North America from fully outsourcing manufacturing for immediate profit, and now that their competition has strong manufacturing they’re crying because they spent all their energy chasing immediate profits exclusively for executive/shareholder compensation instead of improving their business.
In Capitalism, China should be able to come in, undercut American businesses because they have a superior mix of manufacturing, logistics, and Subsidies.
China getting money from all over the world to develop the best manufacturing sectors on the planet, does exactly that, and now markets that took advantage of cheap Chinese goods are big sad that China can make cheap goods, and is competing with them instead of just being cheap labor.
North American Capitalism deserves to be shit on at every chance because it’s really just a name for the system of transferring wealth to the already wealthy.
Capitalism, and rigging the system for guaranteed wealth for individuals are not the same thing, but they call it capitalism because it makes their scam sound fair/reasonable to the masses.
- Comment on fossil fuels 10 months ago:
Maybe if you’re on shrooms or LSD, yeah “it’s all the same if you use what they make maaaaaaan”
But only if you ignore the power dynamics behind wealth, and are aware of the concepts of bribery, temptation, and unlimited influence.
Or the fact that people want greener options but they are intentionally unavailable, sabotaged, prohibitively expensive (but never subsidized), or publicly demonized in media with disinformation and propaganda.
Between consumers and corporations, only one gets to call all the shots
- Comment on $70 titles are doomed to go “the way of the dodo” says Saber Interactive CEO 10 months ago:
I haven’t played Baldur’s Gate 3, but the game seems to have done quite well by being a well thought out and executed game.
I tend to avoid advertising as much as possible, so I mostly hear about stuff through Lemmy/reddit and have no idea if there was a massive budget for commercials, events, billboards etc etc.
It’s pretty rare that a really good game/movie slips through the cracks, not saying that these companies shouldn’t advertise - but a quality product will end up advertising itself through word of mouth.
Would be pretty interesting to see what kind of games companies would produce if most of the marketing budgets were largely spent on improving game quality and experiences instead.
- Comment on Unfortunately i understand 11 months ago:
That makes so much more sense than
Evolive (evolve?)
- Comment on Alexei Navalny describes 'corrupt officials' living in London helping Putin in never-before-seen interview 1 year ago:
Gotta love all this hard hitting journalism that never sees the light of day until it’s too late for the information to be useful.
That being said, it’s not like anyone implicated would ever experience consequences for their actions anyhow, mostly thanks to a combination of apathy, and people refusing to learn/understand how their democracy actually works and is implemented, because its easier to just accept corruption instead of actually looking into stuff (and a big heaping pile of misinformation and incomplete information available to the general public
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
RIP Norm, absolute legend
- Comment on Me IRL 1 year ago:
- Comment on What chemicals and tools do I need to clean my bathroom? 1 year ago:
Big fan of 50:50 water and grocery store white vinegar with a tiny drop of dish soap.
For glass I’ll also add a little rubbing alcohol to the above, for heavier grease or spots on glass I’ll just use 70% rubbing alcohol
Bathrooms can have a ton of different surfaces, I’ve had great success with VIM bathroom and kitchen but I’m sure anything branded for kitchen/bathroom will handle sink/shower/tub/toilet well.
CLR for anything involving (Calcium, Lime, Rust) tougher sediment buildup.
I get sponges that basically look and feel like the rough part of Velcro and are thin for a sponge, like the green scrubby rectangles, but superior imo.
When they’re getting tired they become my household cleaning sponge and work great! A decent sized brush can be handy, and definitely rags/paper towels for wiping things dry if necessary.
Squeegees are fun, not particularly handy for bathroom cleaning unless there’s a lot of tile/tempered glass/mirrors or you like using it to wipe down the shower when you’re finished
- Comment on Microplastics detected in the marine air from Norway to the high Arctic 1 year ago:
Earth is gonna look like Nonna’s couch in a couple of decades
Except it’s look mostly like shit under our planet wide plastic sheet
- Comment on Could we improve men’s mental health? 1 year ago:
Even if you have been greatly wronged by everyone you trust, that doesn’t necessarily mean you were ever even around trustworthy people.
There’s so much to experience beyond pain, loneliness, distrust and suffering (outside of incurable medical pain)
It does exist and it is available to you, but when anyone has their trust destroyed beyond repair multiple times it will take work to let the pain go and look inward and forward to get what you want out of life.
For all I know, you’re the asshole in everyone else’s life and you blame them for breaking your trust - or you are a complete victim who has been taken advantage of every step of the way and it’s impossible to conceive of a person existing who isn’t working every angle to take advantage of you.
You do have agency and you can control how you think and feel about most things. It sounds like you are convinced that life only exists in a single, permanent, unchangeable state - and if you don’t attempt any change in this perspective it will become a self fulfilling prophecy.
But once you realize the control you can exert over these thoughts and perspectives you’ll hopefully realize that despite other people, when you’re an adult life is what you make of it, not what it makes of you.