Comment on China’s Electric Cars Keep Improving, a Worry for Rivals Elsewhere 9 months agoI think it has more to do with the fact that “true capitalism” can’t really exist in a global market where there is huge disparity between countries.
Also due to the fact that even in just America, only the middle class experiences capitalism, and the wealthy class get heavily subsidized by government.
What really grinds my gears is American companies barely compete with each other, get huge subsidies, and then when a foreign competitor enters their markets, they get big mad because they’re losing their oligopoly.
Sure, companies wouldn’t be thrilled that market share would take a hit with competition, but they endlessly beat the drum of capitalism to convince everyone of their market dominance, and when actual capitalism happens they do everything in their power to kill it, but not by being a better company.
Yes, China also has subsidies and their labour is far cheaper than North America. That didn’t stop North America from fully outsourcing manufacturing for immediate profit, and now that their competition has strong manufacturing they’re crying because they spent all their energy chasing immediate profits exclusively for executive/shareholder compensation instead of improving their business.
In Capitalism, China should be able to come in, undercut American businesses because they have a superior mix of manufacturing, logistics, and Subsidies.
China getting money from all over the world to develop the best manufacturing sectors on the planet, does exactly that, and now markets that took advantage of cheap Chinese goods are big sad that China can make cheap goods, and is competing with them instead of just being cheap labor.
North American Capitalism deserves to be shit on at every chance because it’s really just a name for the system of transferring wealth to the already wealthy.
Capitalism, and rigging the system for guaranteed wealth for individuals are not the same thing, but they call it capitalism because it makes their scam sound fair/reasonable to the masses.