- Comment on Have Americans always been this stupid? 1 hour ago:
At one point, it seemed like we were getting smarter, and then it very didn’t.
- Comment on Now that's an interesting question 11 hours ago:
It’d really be a pleasant place to live if it weren’t for the huge amount of selfish, entitled fucking pricks that do.
- Comment on Have Americans always been this stupid? 12 hours ago:
Yeah, I’m a hunching it up a bit. But there’s some amount of absurdity in expecting large amounts of scientific rigor in lemmy comments when those leading purportedly scientific bodies are being led by vaccine-denying simpletons.
That ubiquitous expectation of powerless individuals to reason and behave perfectly while ultra-powerful people can behave like spoiled five year olds is foundational in making life fucking miserable for me personally.
- Comment on Have Americans always been this stupid? 15 hours ago:
Every country suffers from what? Mass stupidity?
Maybe that’s true but it certainly seems like we are more individualistic and stupid than most…and I don’t think those two things are entirely unrelated.
- Comment on Have Americans always been this stupid? 15 hours ago:
America is more car-oriented than most other western countries and leaded gas is how we did the majority of our poisoning.
Yes, of course microplastics are everywhere, but I’ve read studies saying that internationally they’re eating about the same amount of plastic as we did years ago, but they kind of plateaued whereas here in the good ol USA people still don’t know that it’s not a good idea to eat three meals a day of microwaved food cooked in plastic containers.
- Comment on Have Americans always been this stupid? 17 hours ago:
Read the book “bowling alone” if you’re interested in someone’s attempt at researching why we went from collectivism to individualism as a country. There are a large amount of factors but if I were to take a crack at it, I’d list a few: TV, the Internet, smart phones, air conditioning, capitalism, and (last but certainly not least) racism. Racism is foundational to the country and its history.
As far as the stupidity, some of the same factors apply, but there are also additional ones like environmental factors (US citizens eat more microplastics than any other major country since like 2016 and we lead poisoned ourselves for a century), a deep-seeded anti-intellectualism, and we’re a large part cultist/religious idiots that see everything through the lense of “some guy” being the best thing ever and the source of all truth.
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
Yeah but most of these errors don’t even give out a uuid that could be used to relate the error to logs to be resolved by someone.
Not that that someone exists anyway. Let’s face it the entire industry is a massive joke and a pile of shit and with AI coming fast and hard soon you won’t even get the privilege of venting to a call center person about it.
You’ll vent to some made-up robot chatbot named veeblezorp and he will give you an impromptu therapy session about the state of the world. Your computer/tablet/phone/app still won’t work properly and veeblezorp will try to get you through the stages of grief about that.
Just unplug it and don’t plug it back in again. Go for a walk. Play with the dog. Hug your children. Stop buying crap online that scales up infinitely to take new customers (and their dollars) but is forever stuck at the garage startup level when it comes to support.
- Comment on What happened to cylindrical plugs? 3 weeks ago:
I agree, but somehow the low end portable monitors seem to already have USB-C support. I bought a monitor for like $60 and it had USB-C.
I’m not quite sure why regular size monitors are lacking the support.
- Comment on What happened to cylindrical plugs? 3 weeks ago:
USB-C likely will take over video eventually. I use it for video on two out of three of my monitors and the Nintendo switch can be used that way.
- Comment on Germany right now 3 weeks ago:
I was told by a German person on this very site that they’d never go right wing again because of a unique type of centrism in the country that’s hugely popular and that my tiny American brain couldn’t comprehend. Oh well, guess that’s just another common centrist L.
- Comment on Balatro wins formal appeal to reclassify poker game as PEGI 12 4 weeks ago:
Extreme programming is basically pair programming. It sucks and doesn’t work. Cucumber is also known as “behavioral driven (design/development)” or BDD. It manifests as test documents written in “plain English” that are executed via code. It inevitably becomes unit tests but worse because it’s based mainly around regex matches to bits of text within the steps.
- Comment on Balatro wins formal appeal to reclassify poker game as PEGI 12 4 weeks ago:
He wrote some hyped up programming books and he was involved in the creation of extreme programming (a bust), cucumber (an almost completely useless waste of time), and agile (an ok idea but in reality it’s a huge bust, it’s biggest effect is that management tells everyone “we need to be agile” all the time).
Tldr: you’re not missing out
- Comment on Balatro wins formal appeal to reclassify poker game as PEGI 12 4 weeks ago:
Til that he’s trash and that Uncle Bob is trash. It makes sense honestly, Uncle Bob was always hyped to no end with his mediocre contributions to software. Also the agile manifesto sucks ass.
- Comment on Facepalm on multiple levels 4 weeks ago:
Why don’t we just wait and see if even these idiots want that in a few years? It’s been a couple of weeks and it’s already starting to look like most of the polling locations will be covered in rubble by 2028.
- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 4 weeks ago:
Because the speculative “economy” necessarily grows faster than the actual economy.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 4 weeks ago:
I think citizen’s united. The spirit was dead probably before I was born, but legalizing corruption made it inevitable.
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 5 weeks ago:
I believe you, but this is also a very left-leaning site that pretty much filters out all of the conservative idiocy from it. The general public doesn’t seem to give a shit and when I go out and about in the world it’s like nothing has even changed. I suspect it will be this way for a while even if eventually there is full-blown fascism with a world war, and death camps. I remember reading remarks by people who were around during the formation of the Third Reich in Germany and I remember them writing something like all the shops and everything were open and people were going to work like normal for a large portion of it. There was even a person that didn’t realize how crazy the country had gotten until he saw his small child imitating Hitler and saying antisemitic shit about Jews.
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 5 weeks ago:
The feeling that nobody else really gives a shot is what does it for me.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 5 weeks ago:
I’m talking about a SQL join. It’s essentially combining two tables into one set of query results and there are a number of different ways to do it.
Some joins are fast and some can be slow. It depends on a variety of different factors. But making every query require multiple joins to produce anything of use is usually pretty disastrous in real-life scenarios. That’s why one of the basics of schema design is that you usually normalize to what’s called third normal form for transactional tables, but reporting schemas are often even less normalized because that allows you to quickly put together reporting queries that don’t immediately run the database into the ground.
DB normalization and normal forms are practically a known science, but practitioners (and sometimes DBAs) often have no clue that this stuff is relatively settled and sometimes even use a completely wrong normal form for what their doing.
In most software (setting aside well-written open source) the schema was put together by someone who didn’t even understand what normal form they were targeting or why they would target it. So the schema for one application will often be at varying forms of normalization, and schemas across different applications almost necessarily will have different normal forms within them even if they’re properly designed.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 5 weeks ago:
SSNs being duplicated would be entirely expected depending upon the table’s purpose. There are many forms of normalization in database tables.
- Comment on Speaking honestly, what has to happen for you personally to take to the street in protest of the current administration. 1 month ago:
Other people actually giving a damn enough to do something other than post about it. I protested in the past and absolutely nobody gave a shit and it had zero effect. I don’t even think the protest was covered on the news.
I suspect that for any average American (or even a single digit percentage of them) to bother getting involved things are going to have to get extremely bad.
- Comment on Might be fun idk 1 month ago:
- Comment on Might be fun idk 1 month ago:
I can’t imagine this will reach the right audience, but in the lead up to the superb owl this year I was saying that a great sketch about this country would be to have this giant hyped up spectical where everyone’s getting all fucking jazzed up and talking about how all of this epic shit is going to happen and then at the climax of the sketch you get to the actual “action” and it’s just a dude flipping a coin once.
That’s America IMO, and it’s definitely illustrated fully in the super bowl: six hours for ten seconds of actual action interrupted constantly by bullshit and commercials and followed by idiots tearing “their city” apart because their laundry was crowned “world champions” of a sport only played by people in one country.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 1 month ago:
I’ll go shittier phone before I’ll go phablet ever again. I bought a motorola razr 2023. I bought a foldable because I want the shit to fit in my pocket. It also is the only flip phone I’ve seen that hasn’t made the imbecilic decision to coat the entire front panel in glass. I don’t need a full miniature phone making my shit more fragile when it’s clamped shut. If they continue to glass panel it up on the outside I’ll try to find a case that just covers the entire outside.
But ultimately I’m holding onto this thing as long as I possibly can.
- Comment on When they say they got your back, that means they will stab you there. 1 month ago:
When people (inevitably) retaliate against for you going to HR, if the labor laws in your state support it, you can file a lawsuit against the company and they’ll usually settle out of court for a tidy sum of cash. I don’t remember what I saw it on but this one dude was talking about how that’s what he always does. He gets a job at some factory or something, goes into the breakroom and someone’s always talking about something sexual regarding their personal life, he says “I don’t want to hear that” and they always repeatedly fuck up, he goes to HR about it, HR doesn’t do what they’re supposed to and the person reported retaliates and then he sues and they settle out of court with him and he gets another payday.
- Comment on Nothing a whole lotta *COPE* can't fix 1 month ago:
Being overly informed is a trap. You definitely don’t need to know every bowel movement Trump takes. I’m sure they’ll eventually prove scientifically that consuming the constant barrage of doom news impairs your ability to effectively plan and organize against “shock and awe” politicians.
- Comment on Nothing a whole lotta *COPE* can't fix 1 month ago:
Yeah it’s definitely conditional and worse the younger you are. If you own a place or have owned a place for a while your overall cost of living is treading water and in some cases even going down over time. That’s definitely not the case for renters.
- Comment on I'll show them 1 month ago:
When was January Jones a nineties office worker?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Cuz we’re a society full of propagandized idiots who constantly victim blame.
I would recommend taking all of the shame out of getting ripped off. Shame only helps the person who ripped you off because by not discussing and naming and blaming the people who did it due to your own shame, you help them victimize others.
This is the land of the fee, and home of the rip-off. We’ve nearly all been ripped off either knowingly or unknowingly many times in our lives.
- Comment on GTA VI Might Inspire Other AAA Developers to Price Their Games at $100 2 months ago:
It’ll inspire me to never buy it…until of course it goes on sale for $20 a year later.