- Comment on The past 18 months have seen the most rapid change in human written communication ever 1 day ago:
If it’s due to LLM is it “human written communication”?
- Comment on How is my bedroom being heated? 1 week ago:
It sounds like my old place. So long as you don’t have a corner unit you’re not being heated. You’re being sheltered from the cold by the surrounding building. The baseboard heaters are only there to touch up if you crack a window or something.
- Comment on I'm only mildly infuriated by this because I've only been here a couple of weeks and am on a lower floor. Whoever put up this sign, on the other hand... 3 weeks ago:
You are correct ofc, but the law (where applicable) is not for tenants. It’s for the Fire Dept.
- Comment on I'm only mildly infuriated by this because I've only been here a couple of weeks and am on a lower floor. Whoever put up this sign, on the other hand... 3 weeks ago:
If it is the only lift for the building it is likely a firecode violation…
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
That’s what makes it mildly infuriating.
This is in-your-face pending shrinkflation. Once they run out of old packaging they will use new with reduced mass and count but same price. Also, you assume they’ve actually increased the number to keep the mass valid. I would not be shocked at all to learn they didn’t making this potential lawsuit material.
- Comment on 2025 Razzie nominations [Full List]: 'Joker 2' up for Worst Picture, Lady Gaga & Joaquin Phoenix nab nods for Worst Actor & Actress 5 weeks ago:
Joaquin Phoenix for Worst Actor>. /doubt
Haven’t seen the movie but he’s always been more than adequate with his performances. My guess is it’s either bad directing, editing, or both that he’s taking the rap for.
- Comment on Is there a better sequel than Terminator 2? 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on How do I find a job that's unionized outside the trades? 5 weeks ago:
You should be able to find a list of registered Labour Organizations via your relevant governing body. For example.
After that it is research into Unions that sound like they’d be in the field you’re interested in.
I’m not aware of any simple way to do this.
- Comment on Please advise on this conversation we had over on c/Piracy. Transporters and replicators, basic operating principles? 5 weeks ago:
they may as well be turning humanoid waste into food
Yeah, they are. Waste matter is reclaimed as energy/supplies for food production
It would imply that transporter and replicator technology are, basically, the same thing. I agree. This is supported by replicators and transporters having a very similar special effect on the show.
they’d have to be violating the laws of thermodynamics to get more efficient energy production than matter-to-energy conversion. I don’t follow here. Why do they ‘have’ to be? They could very well be spending more energy but the increased amount is ‘trivial’ from their perspective. This would not violate Thermodynamics.
Ah I think I see the confusion. They are using antimatter for energy creation. Energy to matter for transport or replication is ‘paid’ for by the matter to energy destruction of the og material (whether it be the transported individual, waste matter collected from the crew, equivalent amounts of reactor fuel, or some combination of these) and the excess cost of thermodynamics is paid for by the matter-antimatter reactions in the reactor.
Is the efficiency miraculous? Yes, ofc. Is it breaking thermodynamics? No. It’s easy to see how they are paying for the excess costs with reactor fuel and that is without any hand-wavium of subspace or dilithium crystals being involved.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Watering the tree of liberty something or other.
- Comment on Please advise on this conversation we had over on c/Piracy. Transporters and replicators, basic operating principles? 1 month ago:
IIRC there are 3 different methods seen for food creation in Star Trek.
Protein Resequencers (ST:ENT, ST:TOS)" which presumably take stored amino acids and combined them with supplementary minerals and flavouring into nutritious cubes that look like marshmallows.
Matter Recombinators (ST:TOS): capable of taking stored matter and producing ‘simple’ foodstuffs like drinks, iced cream, slabs of protein similar to chicken breast or steak, etc. I think these were sometimes called replicators but the distinction is the production is done elsewhere and the food delivered in seconds on request.
Replicators (ST:TNG +): I swear they described this as direct energy to matter conversion but I can’t find the source for this. The seemingly ridiculous energy demands this requires can be justified by the fact they use matter+antimatter reactions for energy supply. A cup of water would take a cup of fuel give or take.
Transports it’s been clear from the beginning the matter is being deconstructed into energy and sent to the destination where it is reconstructed using the original’s pattern. The ethics of it are dubious because every time you see someone transport they are being literally killed in front of your eyes and a new copy created elsewhere.
- Comment on Space Engineers 2 launches this month and promises a refined and expanded starcrafting experience 1 month ago:
Talk to me in 6 years when it’s finally out of early access and the MP is still dogshit.
- Comment on Allianz boss calls on Germany to withdraw sick pay on first day off 1 month ago:
- Comment on Feelin' Festive 1 month ago:
… “and to steal hash browns from your pan if you turn around for 5 seconds” apparently.
- Comment on typical future ER visitor 1 month ago:
Imagine sitting in the doctor’s office and someone nearby lets out a ripper and the whole office suddenly smells like banana bread.
- Comment on Diamond market 2 months ago:
Incorrect. Scarcity refers to quantity, not quality.
- Comment on I gave up watching TV/movies and gaming for this fun activity 2 months ago:
Can you just stop. This isn’t going to be a thing. Laughing at videos of someone in the process of learning something new is 2 decades old.
- Comment on Official poster for "Superman" (2025) 2 months ago:
Fighting for lies, injustice… the american way
- Comment on Pigeon absolutely destroys peanuts 2 months ago:
Pigeons have a storage bag called a crop. They will eat small pebbles later to aid in grinding the food up prior to digestion in the stomach
- Comment on meow meow meow 2 months ago:
You gotta be kitten me
- Comment on You don't need to answer this 2 months ago:
I think we’re all sick of pretending that killing someone with a pen is any different than killing someone with a gun.
- Comment on Poop Moth 2 months ago:
Asian continent: it’s the moths! We swear!
- Comment on duhh 2 months ago:
The hymen
- Comment on Noice 4 months ago:
I regret that I have but 1 upvote to give this.
- Comment on Cry harder 4 months ago:
That be stings
- Comment on Did the concept of 9-5 included a 30 minute lunch and two 15 minute breaks? 4 months ago:
They have it really bad over there. My understanding is most European countries would laugh at Canadian labour law, but Canada laughs at the US’s.
- Comment on Did the concept of 9-5 included a 30 minute lunch and two 15 minute breaks? 4 months ago:
Depends on the Province I think. Where I’m at you’re entitled to 30 min off (unpaid) within the first 5 hours, and another within 8 if you’re working longer than 8 hours. 15 min breaks are not mandated except that if the company gives you them they must be paid.
- Comment on Problem? 4 months ago:
Whether we need to create a new system that is designed to catch fraud prior to publication is a whole different question
That system already exists. It’s what replication studies are for. Whether we desperately need to massively bolster the amount of replication studies done is the question, and the answer is ‘yes’.
- Comment on Why did Joker 2 lose so much money? And how on earth did it cost so much in the first place? 4 months ago:
It’s too good. I’m kind of in the same boat. I have to go looking to see whats out there to know now. I’m basically reliant on paying attention to social media discussions/increased interest or relevance to suspect something new is coming out.
- Comment on Scientific Success 4 months ago:
I’m guessing Audio, but no clue.