These metrics mean nothing to me
98% compatibility
Submitted 8 months ago by to
Comments 8 months ago 8 months ago
Proton is steam’s comparability tool, these “medals” basically indicate how well a game works through it. Platnium and gold mean work without troubleshooting. Silver means a little tinkering with settings. Bronze means it can work with effort, and borked means it just doesn’t work.
So, 84% working with 0 effort, and 11% working with light tinkering.
The post is kind of incomprehensible if you’re not already familiar with proton and the troubleshooting website proton DB. 8 months ago
It’s also not a great metric if you don’t know what games the dude regularly buys especially if they’re already a*nix user 8 months ago
Linux must achieve 100% compatibility. Otherwise the doubters will not shut up. 8 months ago
Windows also does not have 100% compatibility. Try playing something like age of wonders 1 on current windows. I could run in out of the box on steam deck but not on my pc that at the time has windows 10. I think Windows no longer has compatibility with win 98 and lower but i might be misremembering. [bot] 8 months ago
This is true I wanted to play magicka 1 with friends but he couldn’t launch it on his windows pc while I could launch it without any problems on Linux 8 months ago
XBOX must have 100% of games available on Playstation. Otherwise nobody will ever switch. 8 months ago
The lazy companies developing anti-cheats will likely not allow that. Some games even refuse VMs, it’s incredibly stupid. 8 months ago 8 months ago
Context: 8 months ago
What is this info graphic even saying, I don’t understand 8 months ago
Those “medals” are how well the game works on proton. Platinum is comparable to Windows or better, gold is still pretty damn good, and so on. 8 months ago 8 months ago
Honestly, it’s not totally seamless, and to say it is would be an exaggeration.
Of the 17 games I’ve played over the past 9~ months since installing using mint Linux and steam proton, only 2 base games have had issues and 2 games I’ve had trouble modding. I think it’s a discussion worth having so let me go through the few issues I’ve had in regards to games on Mint Linux (Ubuntu based). 2 problems were resolved without issue, 1 was a qualified success, and one I gave up on.
To be clear this is all on an intel Intel 7700HQ CPU and nvidia GTX1060 GPU. It’s not the newest or top of the line anymore but it’s still plenty capable.
Foxhole: there was a week about a 2 months ago where I had to launch it through lutris because proton was having an issue with loading in to the map. As far as I could gather, the devs had updated shaders or some libraries to fix a glitch with small trains hovering at max map height, and this caused issue with proton being unable to load shaders. Using lutris (which I think uses wine?) fixed the issue and the devs fixed the issue with proton about a week later.
Helldivers 2: extremely bad frame rates and straight up locking up the computer part way through the intro or tutorial. I think it was an issue with the graphics card memory just getting filled up and not clearing. I don’t remember exactly what I did to fix it, but it involved caping the FPS at 60 FPS. It works now but only with low settings and I still get a bad frame rates when the map gets crowded.
Then there was modding games that had some issue. Both of them were older games that relied on patchers.
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines: Worked great as the base game. The patcher for the unofficial fan patch was a .exe though, so I added it to steam and ran it with proton, it couldn’t find the game files and I had to manually direct it to the files in proton’s mock windows file structure, but after that it patched and worked fine from there.
Fallout: New Vegas: The base game ran flawlessly (well as flawlessly as base game New Vegas can run), same procedure as above, opened patcher and mod manger by adding to steam and opening with proton, directed them to the weirdly placed files, but this time they didn’t recognize the game files and refused to patch. I fiddled with it for a bit, but gave up because I didn’t care that much.
Again I want to emphasize that these are 4 out of 17 games, only one of which had persistent issues, and one that I gave up on trying to mod. None straight up wouldn’t run and none were unplayable after a bit of tinkering.
There is a lot of work left to do here, but playing games on Linux is absolutely doable even if you’re not particularly tech savvy. if you don’t have the patience to trouble shoot, you will be fine 9 times out of 10. I’m more tech savvy than the average bear, but I don’t work in tech nor do I have a formal education. 8 months ago
You don’t need to add the exe of whatever mod tool to Steam, use Steam Tinker Launch. It lets you add an exe to run instead of the game, concurrent with the game, or injected after the game is up, and it will run in the same prefix that Proton uses for that game. It also has tools for installing and using several mod managers, and generally a ton of good features for tinkering with the game.
The main issue I haven’t solved is getting something like the Nexus mods “open in manager” to work. My guess is I might have to install, run, and configure a web browser inside the prefix, but that sounds really annoying so I haven’t tried it. 8 months ago
Yo, thanks heaps for this recommendation. I just switched to linux a few weeks back and have been wondering how to get Nexus running. 8 months ago
Linux and nvidia have a strained relationship. There are a couple nvidia specific distros that might do you better. I am on Pop_OS and so far have had zero issues. The only game we have in common is Helldivers 2, and it runs perfect. Granted I have a 2080, so that might have something to do with it, but the gap is mostly ray tracing. Bazzite also has an nvidia specific version, butbibjave not used it. I have heard it is great, though. 8 months ago
Yah, I had to manually install the driver in mint for the nvidia card, and had to change a setting in the bios to get the system to even see the card. But it works fine other than that. I’m considering going with an AMD card next time I get a computer, largely because I hear they work a lot better with Linux. 8 months ago
I don’t know what this means but I couldn’t get any shit to run on Ubuntu as recent as two days ago. 8 months ago
If your using steam, you can go into game properties and set Proton as the compatibility tool. Depending on the age of the game, you might have to switch versions of Proton.
You can use to check the compatibility issues and suggested versions by the community for specific games too. 8 months ago
Great comment.
Not sure why Steam Play isn’t on by default. 8 months ago
Skill issue 8 months ago
Ah, the dichotomy of Linux users:
“wHy DoEsN’t EvErYbOdY uSe LiNuX???”
“gEt On My LeVeL nOoB” 8 months ago
Just so you know, you’re commenting in a Beehaw community, and we expect that people be(e) nice here. Being gatekeepy isn’t nice. 8 months ago
Ubuntu sucks ass. Use Bazzite. 8 months ago
Pitch it to me, I don’t know shit about fuck. I only use Ubuntu because I have for years. 8 months ago
Are you using steam and proton, or Lutris and wine? I’d suggest trying the other if one isn’t working. That’s helped me in the past 8 months ago
I was trying both, everything was just really bad frame rates and stuttering, and a few things wouldn’t run after installing specifically Linux marked games on Steam. Back on Win10 everything is running like butter. 8 months ago
The only game I have that doesn’t work properly is Rising Storm 2 Vietnam, due to anticheat not working and it being a multiplayer. 8 months ago 8 months ago
Unfortunately games are only one part of the problem. I just tried getting some Windows software up and running on my Steam Deck and it was a hours of hassle only to end up not even working anyway.
Is Serato DJ worth investing time into? No, probably not really. Would it have been nice for it to have worked? Yes, that’s sort of the point of computers ability, to be used.
I’m glad so many games are working, so I hope more software support comes along! 8 months ago
It is probably a sticking point, but there are alternative options for a lot of windows software. For your case would be an option. 8 months ago
Thank you! I’ll check this out, I did “come across” it but I couldn’t tell if it was just for Linux DJs or if it was like the fully fledged software to use regardless of gear.
I’ll see if it works with Hercules Starlight! Thank you for the suggestion! 8 months ago
Chromebook ready😂
Mfers be playing cyberpunk on an i3 with 1g of ram. 8 months ago
It’s a pitty that popular games like Call of Duty does not provide anticheat support for Linux.
Even worse now that Microsoft bought it. 8 months ago
Even worse if what I’ve read is true and it’s basically a flag setting for shit like EAC 8 months ago
A few games listed as gold for me ran fine on the Deck, but I was unable to play them because of unreadable font sizes. Some of these could be tweaked and there is always the magnifying glass tool, but I prefer them on the PC, which is still Windows. 8 months ago
Let me know when Destiny 2 runs and I’ll come on over. 8 months ago
Bungie being a bitch as usual 8 months ago
What do you do when it all works but you want to tinker. 😥 8 months ago
And around 70% of all online players are on those missing 2% :D 8 months ago
I mean we have tons of anticheat games working on Linux. More than people realize. Elden Ring, The Finals, Overwatch 2, CS2, Apex Legends, xDefiant and more that I can’t remember right now. It’s not that bad even as a multiplayer gamer. The ones that don’t work R6S, Val, LoL, Fortnite, CoD and Destiny pretty much. 8 months ago
Oh i know we do, i’m on linux since years, but still the biggest titles are not enabled for linux.
Have been playing LoL for an eternity and can’t play it anymore. (couldn’t be happier but that’s not the thing we’re talking about lol) 8 months ago
Which is a really positive thing.
:D 8 months ago
Basically all the popular multiplayer games, meanwhile Linux gets the scraps. 8 months ago
Yeah, quantity over quality right here. If my favourite game doesn’t run on Linux, Linux is dead to me. Even if I had 5 favourite games and 1 doesn’t work, it’s still dead.
So for a lot of people it’s either 100% or it might as well not exist. 8 months ago
If a game doesn’t run on Linux I can’t even try it. No risk of it becoming my favorite game!