- Comment on Knight Rider in 2025 1 month ago:
😂 And even if he did she’s into real cars
- Comment on Knight Rider in 2025 2 months ago:
Not accurate it’s missing a throwaway chick
- Comment on Please advise on this conversation we had over on c/Piracy. Transporters and replicators, basic operating principles? 2 months ago:
AFAIK they’re made from forcefields and photons, not matter and tractor beams. Or are tractor beams forcefields?
- Comment on Free Spot! 2 months ago:
Well don’t stop now that I’m getting all excited about him
- Comment on typical future ER visitor 2 months ago:
I’d say you need a more varied ass diet. Broccoli. Hummus. Pineapple. Trout.
- Comment on be a good neighbour 2 months ago:
Why are they called caterpillar tracks when they actually move like amoeba?
- Comment on Fame 2 months ago:
- Comment on Medal of Honor: Allied Assault open source remake new Beta gets lots of fixes 2 months ago:
I hope the multiplayer works again
- Comment on Jackhammer 6 months ago:
You sound like a modern shaman
- Comment on Jackhammer 6 months ago:
Sometimes I wish the earth did that
- Comment on Jackhammer 6 months ago:
Interesting question.
You’d have to cancel out the sideway movement of the earth, and it’s going roughly 85000km an hour.
Once you cancel that out, you’ll simply fall down to the sun. But you’d never a very powerful rocket. It’s way easier to get to mars, as comparison.
It’s more realistic to do gravity assists from venus and other bodies, and in that case it’d take years. Just a rough guesstimate would be 10 years I guess? But maybe you’d have to even sling past jupiter or something to really slow down, so then it might be decades.
- Comment on Jackhammer 6 months ago:
Dang, we’d have to wear ear protection all day!
- Comment on Game Dependency Graph of The Curse of Monkey Island (LucasArts, 1997) 6 months ago:
Why force yourself to start something big and complicated? Just enjoy your life lol and do stuff that comes to you and feels right. Maybe that’s a game, but no need to force it.
- Comment on Game Dependency Graph of The Curse of Monkey Island (LucasArts, 1997) 6 months ago:
Yeah or don’t make it
- Comment on Game Dependency Graph of The Curse of Monkey Island (LucasArts, 1997) 6 months ago:
- Comment on What are You Working on Wednesday 6 months ago:
Still learning rust
- Comment on That's a big burger 6 months ago:
Fun fact as a game dev I had to write this code a couple of times where I project the 3d stuff into 2d like that so when you tap with your finger or click I can do proper distance checks in 2d (what’s closest to the finger?), even though it feels and acts 3d.
- Comment on Bill! BILL! Bill! BILL! 6 months ago:
Taught me so much! I remember watching Gandhi 😊
- Comment on Procreate's anti-AI pledge attracts praise from digital creatives 7 months ago:
What she said plus lots of people don’t fly.
- Comment on Timeless Thoughts 7 months ago:
Her liver must be in her right leg or sum
- Comment on Procreate's anti-AI pledge attracts praise from digital creatives 7 months ago:
I’m mostly on your side but I did just cancel my gpt4 subscription.
There’s several factors but the main one is that it just uses a whole lot of power and materials eventhough I don’t really need it.
For example it helped me learn about electronics, and it was effective at that. But I feel it’s more efficient to just buy an ebook. It just feels slightly less convenient, but actually is healthier for my focus.
It’s kinda like with bitcoin. It isn’t a net positive given our current situation.
The other thing it was good at was searching information and providing it in a uniform format, rather than the mess that is the web rn. But installing Firefox and a bunch of extensions solved that. And search engines allow for generating an LLM response when I feel it would really help.
- Comment on Unusual Origin Found for Asteroid That Killed the Dinosaurs 7 months ago:
- Comment on Picture Unrelated 7 months ago:
Imagine robots wiping us out and just before one of them kills you it talks like a redditor.
- Comment on Coffee Break Mouse 7 months ago:
“Would you like a mouse with that?”
“Yes, with a hat, too, please.”
- Comment on Can whales eat humans? 7 months ago:
🤔 What does a diver taste like?
- Comment on NOAA sending a message. 7 months ago:
This is why if I was an alien I’d never want to fuck around with humans. I mean we are going through a rapid mass extinction event and we are all here laughing about how it looks like a 🍆
- Comment on ecologists be like 7 months ago:
Well, I wasn’t aware until now that boobs could get angry.
- Comment on Hemoglobin 7 months ago:
Thank you for your insight
- Comment on This Is Important! 7 months ago:
- Comment on Title 7 months ago:
Lol some people have some really strange ideas about de Dao de Jing. It takes a lifetime of studying to understand, so clearly there are multiple layers and aspects to it. What’s absolutely hilarious to me is that people later decided it was a good idea to build a dogmatic religion around it 🤷🏻♀️