COBOL programmers have some of the highest salaries of any other languages specialized programmers, but I don’t know if that is due to rarity of COBOL programmers, the fact that those jobs are all government or financial institution employed, or because the average experience for them is 58 years?
If it ain't broke
Submitted 8 months ago by to
Comments 8 months ago 8 months ago
The Stackoverflow developer survey debunks this myth, year after year 8 months ago
Programming salaries are so inconsistent and these salaries by language become so meaningless.
My buddy who works in Google makes 600k but can also call himself a Typescript developer. I’m a dept lead but I’ve spent the past few months fixing code, so depending on how the question is asked, id look like a overpriced jQuery/Angular/bash developer. 8 months ago
Cheezus. Those salaries are lower than i expected to see. 8 months ago
Yes. 8 months ago
The idea that a job req could actually ask for “50+ years experience” in a given piece of computing technology just gives me goosebumps. Like someone did a really good job 50 years ago, or a really bad one. Either way, it’s astonishing that any one thing could be in production use that long or longer. 8 months ago
When a piece of software does a very limited set of tasks that cannot be meaningfully improved, and when minor mistakes can equate up millions in cash or even lives lost or ruined, the name of the game is maintain, maintain, maintain. It ain’t broke, and upgrading or porting your system will inevitably lead to some sort of mistake. 8 months ago
Contractors make a lot of money, but that would be separate to standard engineering salaries
I’ve known a few people that graduated about a decade ago and decided to work in really niche tech like COBOL, Salesforce/SOQL/SOSL, VB6, Sitecore, etc. Hell, one guy I met was a professional “ActionScript” programmer! Many in-store and company kiosks used Flash to program their interfaces, so he’d do basic maintenance, add features, and collect six figures for half a year of work and all the travel around Europe/Asia he wants. 8 months ago
or because the average experience for them is 58 years
Some have more?! 8 months ago
Most have more. Like 3 guys just learned it as a prank last year for the first time in generations, which kind of threw off the curve. Every other COBOL programmer is technically old enough to retire, but they are contractually required to continue working until the heat death of the universe. 8 months ago
could be due to the rarity of COBOL programmers 8 months ago
The big users of COBOL are the sort that don’t pay their developers all that well. Government, banks, giant corporations. The sort of places that still have pensions for long service 8 months ago
Fr tho what happens when all the COBOL programmers die off? 8 months ago
Like all old systems, do nothing and pray it doesn’t shit itself. 8 months ago
It’s too lucrative to die completely, somebody will always be there to take it up. 8 months ago
I have some experience and no formal training. If I dove into cobol classes and certs would that alone be enough for potential employers? Not in a get rich quick kind of way, but more of a ‘what’s the fastest way I can become attractive to employers without having to go back for a degree cause my current career is falling apart and I need to transition to something that isn’t actively injuring my body.” Kind of way… 8 months ago
Supply and demand. 8 months ago
Somebody has to RTFM :( 8 months ago
They are alive, we employ some 8 months ago
TL;DR: it’s probably not that hard to pick up compared to the complex and deep stacks we use today.
COBOL is in a special place in our computing legacy. It’s too new to require intimate knowledge of the electronics that drive it (older systems and machine-code did), and is too old to be all that complicated (target machines were much smaller and slower). I would wager it’s actually not that hard to learn, and is probably a dream to code with modern equipment. You won’t be slowed down by punchcards, tape drives, time sharing, etc., and can probably use VSCode and an emulator to cover a ton of ground. The computing model is likely a straight line (storage -> compute -> storage), with little to no UI. In other words: simple by today’s standards. 8 months ago
The last update in the standard is from 2023 and includes OOP. 8 months ago
If you are new it’s probably easy. If you have some experience the roughness of it will drive you mad. 8 months ago
Thanks so much for this reply! 8 months ago
New folks are learning it. Obviously not in droves, and obviously there is a lot of legacy knowledge, but new people are def training on it. 8 months ago
COBOL is not hard to learn. But it takes years to develop the muscles in your fingers to the point where you can write a subroutine in a single session. 8 months ago
Fr tho what happens when all the COBOL programmers die off?
Uh, how do you think learning programming languages works exactly? 8 months ago
People think there’s job security in this, but there’s really not. I have been called in to replace archaic code with more modern/easier to read code.
It pays very well.
And there have been companies that are paying millions to a small firm to rewrite their COBOL software that covers the same feature set but also opens the door to extendability. 8 months ago
It really depends on management. Some companies don’t mind paying IBM for new mainframes just to avoid any risks touching it, others are desperate to “break the monolith” and migrate from COBOL to something modern… like Java8. You win some, you lose some. 8 months ago
Niche skills will demand higher salaries. Thus you’ll still get a few that learn it just to enter the niche. 8 months ago
They will unfreeze my head 1000 years from now like Futurama.
Upon waking, scientists will welcome me to the future world…
… Then ask if I wouldn’t mind making a change to a COBOL app still in use by the gov. 8 months ago
Man I wish our politicians had as much tech savvy as these ancient COBOL programmers.
Well, I guess they will, once these folks retire and start running for president. 8 months ago
Well, I guess they will, once these folks retire and start running for president.
Lol, we all wish. 8 months ago
they’re more popular than both candidates 8 months ago
I don’t think that they’re using COBOL. Isn’t that more finance oriented, or am I mistaken?
I’m on an airline currently and network too shit to Google properly. Please excuse. 8 months ago
Nah they’re using Fortran. 8 months ago
Yes, I mean it’s used for transactions in the programming sense of the word. Turns out financial transactions require that as well. I assume the same goes for nuclear stuff. There is just very little risk to come across uncertainties when the language is that old (and the people who use it hehe - tbf it pays super well). 8 months ago
I’d actually be more surprised to learn they didn’t move to Ada when that was THE DOD programming language. 8 months ago
What is she using as a mousepad? A dyed hamster? 8 months ago
So the mouse remains compliant! 8 months ago
There are Udemy courses on cobol, I’m sure any developer can get up to speed pretty fast.
Or just use an LLM, like the rest of us now 8 months ago
Speak for yourself. I don’t use LLMs and never will.
It always irks me when people talk about it like it’s universal and inevitable when that’s very far from the case. There are many, many issues with them and many developers wisely choose to ignore the fad. 8 months ago
I’m with you, I drew the line at calculators though. I can do the damn sums by myself! 8 months ago
This seems like a training and business continuity issue. 8 months ago
There are people learning Latin in case it comes back. COBOL isn’t that much older 8 months ago
too be fair I studied Latin at school 40 years ago so this tracks 8 months ago
We found a COBOL programmer in the wild!
I’d ask you to retire and finally give a young person a chance, but none of them want to wait for floppy drives to load. 8 months ago
I work with COBOL programmers who came to Australia as adult refugees from an American war in South East Asia 8 months ago
Excuse my ignorance but is COBOL still spoken there? Sometimes language islands survive you wouldn’t expect