After watching it completely through within the last few years, I can say I rank it higher than Voyager.
Star Trek Is Showing More Love To Scott Bakula’s Enterprise
Submitted 8 months ago by to
Comments 8 months ago 8 months ago
…i mean, let’s be fair: voyager set the bar so low the franchise nearly fizzled-out in its wake, and arguably never recovered despite enterprise’s strengths… 8 months ago
I don’t understand the hate for voyager. Sure it had some problems, but I thought it was great. Both at the time and looking back on it 8 months ago
Id rank the last two seasons of ENT higher than Voyager 8 months ago
Enterprise was my favorite star trek. I can’t even watch discovery, it’s horrible. 8 months ago
I agree. Discovery is the least progressive Star Trek series and is already aging poorly. The other series use the Star Trek universe to cleverly explore present day issues whereas Discovery lazily frames today’s social issues as if they’re universal truths. It was a real back step for the franchise. 8 months ago
It’s not that Disco isn’t progressive; it’s just lazily progressive. Case in point: the scene that bothers me to this day is Adira coming out as non-binary, just beyond cringe-worthy and very 21st century. As a viewer, the scene read like Adira was waiting to be judged harshly for their identity, and it just totally took me out of the era. By the 32nd century, I’d expect that being judged harshly for one’s gender identity would be at least a millennium behind us, and the conversation should either have not happened or been so matter-of-fact that it was treated as nothing. I get what the writers were trying to do, and it fell so flat and felt so bluntly obvious. I’m all for the message, but the delivery was not great.
The saddest thing about Disco to me is that there were great ideas and great intentions, but the execution of those ideas was so poor. Really, it just shows that you can have great actors, great directors, and great concepts, but if the writers can’t make it work, it just all comes apart. 8 months ago
Can you give some examples of this? Admittedly I didn’t much care for Discovery and didn’t pay a lot of attention through it as a result, but I’m not picking up what you’re laying down ;-) 8 months ago
Enterprise was great when it was allowed to be the prequel it was meant to be. The actors were great. Set and prop design was on point. There were interesting ideas to explore during that time like the Vulcan-Andorian Cold War and the increasing destabilization cause by Romulus.
Cut the Temporal Cold War and the Xindi and Enterprise could have gone on for seven seasons and we might have seen the Earth-Romulus War. 8 months ago
1000%, and cut things like transporters and replicators like the writers had originally envisioned.
Make it more astronaut-y. 8 months ago
I don’t think they had replicators. They were invented ~50 years after Enterprise. 8 months ago
I actually liked the Temporal Cold War stuff and the Xindi arc, but that fourth season was so damn good. I wish we’d gotten at least a couple more seasons like that. 8 months ago
but that fourth season was so damn good.
It was the best seaon of any Trek ever IMO. 8 months ago 8 months ago
LOL! But whether or not you like the theme song, I maintain that the visuals of the opening credits are the most imaginative of all the treks. 8 months ago
If not the most imaginative, certainly the most inspiring, and it evokes a strong insertion in our reality. 8 months ago
The song is heavily meh, but the visuals may as well be the best of any intro.
If they composed something more trek-y, it would be the best intro of them all! 8 months ago
Back when Enterprise was airing some fan took the opening video and put it to an instrumental instead of the song and it was awesome as hell. Really wish I’d saved a copy of that now. 8 months ago
It’s been a long rong 8 months ago
getting from here to there 8 months ago
It’s been a long time 8 months ago
I very much enjoyed enterprise at the time, despite the horrible theme song and the flaws in writing that spotted most episodes.
Now, part of that is being a huge Bakula fan. I love the way he throws himself into roles. I think though, had there been another age actor in the role I still would have enjoyed the show.
It wasn’t great Trek. Probably the weakest of the older series, depending on tastes and criteria. Certainly wasn’t up to TNG, TOS, or DS 9. I’d put it on par with Voyager, though it was both bad and good in different ways, with the lack of attention being paid to established Vulcan history in Enterprise tipping the scales to it being lesser than Voyager.
But I really liked that they tried to go back to the whole “wagon train in space” vibe. And the cast was great. Can’t hold the iffy writing against the cast, and there were some great moments where the actors kept things from being worse just by virtue of how they carried their characters.
I don’t rewatch any of the series as a binge though, so my opinion might change when the flaws are showing up in rapid succession compared to the original pace of watching week by week and over time. I know binge watching made me almost hate shows I used to like a good bit (like Bones as an example).
I can’t compare anything to the newer shows since I’ve kinda stopped watching much in the way of “tv” the last few years, so I haven’t caught any of the stuff that has been done in the last decade. Could be that one of the new shows would be worse, in comparison to the earlier shows, I dunno. Doesn’t help that I despise the reboot movies, and the fact e that they happened kinda soured me on new Trek overall. The folks running things don’t seem to be interested in the kind of shows that made me enjoy Trek in the first place, but that’s second hand impression from seeing what people say online 8 months ago
All of them hold up pretty well when binging them, although I do fairly slow binges, maybe watching 3 - 4 episodes a day at most. There are episodes I dislike and I simply skip those when binging, which helps a lot. (For example DS9 is my favorite Trek but I really, really hate Vedik/Kai Wynn and skip the earlier episodes where she’s being an annoying bitch. I do watch the later episodes where she’s a lot more important, but I still hate her character so much. For TNG I skip all of season 1 and most of season 2.) 8 months ago
Theme song aside (I don’t mind it) the opening credits are the best, most imaginative of all the treks. 8 months ago
It took me a few episodes to like Enterprise and now I really enjoy the series. I really wish it when t a couple of more seasons.
The theme song was off putting to me at first. Once I bonded with the cast and characters it somehow became better and now I let it play for most episodes and even sing along. 8 months ago
I think the reason people don’t really like the theme song very much is because it isn’t the classic instrumental. All of the other Star Treks have been very obviously Star Trek from the opening few tones. Enterprise isn’t like that.
Strange New Worlds got this, even though it was a brand new piece of music just the first few notes, you can tell it’s Star Trek without even looking at the screen. 8 months ago
Back when Enterprise was airing some fan took the opening footage and added instrumental music to it instead and it was soooooo much better. Worked wonderfully. Really wish I’d saved a copy of it, because I can’t find it anymore. 8 months ago
I get that and felt the same way. When I played the first episode and theme played I was like what the hell is this…lol! 8 months ago
I think it matches with the prequel aspect before Starfleet was really a thing, and it matches up beautifully with the montage of Big E’s evolution. DS9 has the best instrumental but ENT’s intro is great. 8 months ago
Man I love that series, at least the first, Second and third seasons.
I love the idea of the show, the first enterprise as we know it, with none of the fancy tech and comfort of the other shows, the pioneering scent it has.
But they had to screw it up, the execs put their dirty hands on the show and ruined a lot of it, the first season would be on earth? Nooooo, not generic enough, There will be no transporters? Noooooo, too different, also: sexualize T’pol to the Delta quadrant and back.
And man I hate so much the time wars thing, I suspect the execs also forced it into the show, because I guess? Idk, they killed what could have been a great show.
I would even be glad for some sort of reboot of Enterprise, following a lot more of the original ideas of the show and characters, taking away all the dumb and continuing all the storyline with the Human-Romulan conflict. 8 months ago
taking away all the dumb
Oh man, the episode where Archer basically says “Shut up, experienced scientist from centuries long space faring race with your well thought out careful procesures, I’m going down on that planet we discovered five minutes ago because I want to go camping! Also I’m bringing my dog.” 8 months ago
yeah that too, archer and the Trip aren’t that nice characters, but t’pol (- the sex), Hiroshi Sato and specially doctor phlox are great characters. 8 months ago
Enterprise, when it wasn’t actively sexually harrassing T’pol, was great.
The problem is, the episodes where B&B are using Jolene Blalock as a sounding board for their fetishes are so bad, that it drags down the series as a whole. 8 months ago
They were doing the breast they can 😒 8 months ago
I never understood that need. T’pol was already fiercely exotic, what with her flawless face and remote Vulcan disdain. They could have put her into a spacesuit for the entire series and she would have still been attractive AF purely due to her personality and strength of character. About the only improvement I would have liked to see is more of her character arc being in conflict with her Vulcan upbringing, particularly in trying to deal with those infuriatingly irrational humans, and her emotional entanglement with Trip. 8 months ago
I’m not a huge trek nerd, but recently watched the whole series, and the two main irritations were the blatant/unnecessary/annoying/offensive sexualization, and the theme song.
It’s easy to skip the opening sequence but the gratuitous fetishizing was pretty awful. The whole series would have been better without. 8 months ago
The scenes in the isolation chamber in underwear applying gel to each other were totally unnecessary and unpleasant to watch, especially nowadays. They have aged very poorly.