- Comment on Why don't movies look like *movies* anymore? 2 weeks ago:
This is a ‘we’ll fix it in post’ kind of mentality. Little thought given in set production lighting. Overuse if filters also a problem. Still good art being made, just rarer. Cutting production costs and overworked staff, does this for profits.
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 3 months ago:
Meet Joe Black. I’ve watch it far too many times. Love the acting, pacing the mystery and weirdness of ‘Death’ Falling in love. The hospital scenes are just a masteclass acting by the old lady.
- Comment on Launches 5 months ago:
Short answer; the earth is orbiting really fast around the sun.
- Comment on Noble Gases 6 months ago:
If I was King, no way I’m wearing that,I’ll sell it all to charity. Turn backingham palace into and orphanage. My quests would be the homeless and tell them to laugh, if I break wind. He looks miserable.
- Comment on e l y t r a 7 months ago:
Beatle has hidden wings, my vote is with the moth.
- Comment on Star Trek Is Showing More Love To Scott Bakula’s Enterprise 8 months ago:
It’s been a long time
- Comment on checkmate, big geology!! 9 months ago:
Cartoon logic.