Is this new? This is the first time Reddit has ever flagged me for using a VPN, trying to force me into signing in/up.
I was just following some search links, from DDG.
Submitted 11 months ago by to
Is this new? This is the first time Reddit has ever flagged me for using a VPN, trying to force me into signing in/up.
I was just following some search links, from DDG.
I can tell you they aren’t just banning IPs for abuse. I have run an OpenVPN server on Linode for years. I am the only one using that IP and it was blocked at some point. They are most likely blocking all known VPS IP blocks. OpenAI does the same thing with Cloudflare for ChatGPT.
Yep, I do the same because of my ISP. I run a WG server from AWS lightsail and only one using the IP. I’m not as blocked as other nodes but I’m still blocked on a few things. Plus eBay doesn’t really work to well.
I like how you spell “the downside.” It’s very innovative.
Pretty sure checking a post on their site, say for a BG3 build idea, doesn’t constitute abuse.
The powers that be sacrificed their only value, their user base, to make money quick. We’ll see how it plays out long term, but I’ve moved away from social media. My lemmy use is only on my desktop at this point, and I get precious little time at it, so most of it isn’t spent on lemmy.
I’m not your guy, pal!
I’m not your pal, buddy!
And I’m not you fucking buddy guy. You want a buddy get a fucking dog.
I get this a lot. I use the libredirect browser extension to open reddit pages in libreddit now.
Is libreddit still working? I remember the project was canned with the api changes
It has been forked and it’s called redlib now
I’ve had the same when using a VPN on my PC. Have a look at libredirect, that would probably help with this issue.
One reason I’ve stopped using reddit entirely. They require fingerprinting you. If you do a good job and they can’t fingerprint you, you get that screen. It is NOT blocked by IP of the VPN as some here have said. You can easily see the content through the same VPN while not logged on as long as you have enough identifiable tracking information to reasonably guess who you are.
It’s a great test now. If I’m ever let into view reddit now, I must have seriously screwed up somewhere in my security chain.
Replace www by old in the url to access old reddit
The bigger problem is asinine mods and you can’t route around them simply by going to old.
LibRedirect extension
Been like this for a little while. If your vpn supports p2p just use that. Or use tor.
“If you VPN supports p2p just use that” what does this mean? Use p2p to access reddit? Is that a thing?
Reddit has blocked certain IP addresses from accessing its website. (In this case VPN IP addresses) you can use a peer 2 peer network through a vpn provider or tor which would not be on reddit block list.
They may be refering to a residential vpn.
If you go through my comment history you can see I posted the same thing several months ago. If anything we’ve probably given reddit specific information on what VPNs you and I are using. 11 months ago
If you change the www (ie to old (ie it will let you in under most circumstances 11 months ago
for now 11 months ago
I use as a search engine and it automatically does that for links I click on thru them. I think there is a browser extension for Firefox that will do this for you as well. 11 months ago
I use kagi and that hasn’t been happening. Do I need to change a setting? 11 months ago
It doesn’t work for me on multiple occasions. Sometimes it works, sometimes it won’t, I don’t know what’s the problems. 11 months ago
I think it only works if the post is old?