- Submitted 4 months ago to [deleted] | 16 comments
- Comment on Could I patent harmful technology to prevent it from being put on the market? 4 months ago:
Curiosity got the better of me a while back. It’s horrifying and incredibly interesting at the same time.
- Comment on Are there any negatives side effects to using PGP all the time with email? 4 months ago:
Thank you for the very detailed response! I’ll give that book a read, it sounds interesting.
- Submitted 5 months ago to [deleted] | 14 comments
- Comment on What does "legitimate interest" mean in cookie settings? 5 months ago:
I asked a similar question a little while back:
It doesn’t really mean much, it’s more of a loophole from what I gathered.
- Submitted 5 months ago to [deleted] | 16 comments
- Comment on What makes it “Legitimate Interest“? 6 months ago:
I hate having to manually deselect all of the cookies/consent toggles, just to get to the end and they have the “accept all” look like the “confirm choice”.
- Comment on What makes it “Legitimate Interest“? 6 months ago:
Thanks for the explanation!
Legitimate interest makes complete sense with something like an online shop, but trying to read a news article/blog post, do I really need to have 100s of vendors claiming “legitimate interest”?
- Comment on What makes it “Legitimate Interest“? 6 months ago:
How does legitimate interest work?
Some vendors are not asking for your consent, but are using your personal data on the basis of their legitimate interest.
- Submitted 6 months ago to [deleted] | 37 comments
- Comment on How did we switched from "Dinosaur are giant lizards" to "Dinosaur are giant birds" 7 months ago:
Do you remember the name? I haven’t watched a dinosaur documentary in many years.
- Comment on Are business cards still a thing? 7 months ago:
Really thought I was going to be rick-rolled
- Submitted 7 months ago to [deleted] | 58 comments
- Comment on Anyone else have this happen after grabbing a coffee? 8 months ago:
I can gladly say that I’ve never had this happen. I can’t imagine how awful it must be to drink a coffee and all you smell is some cologne
- Comment on Is it difficult to build a web app for Lemmy? 8 months ago:
I wasn’t aware of !, thanks for sharing!
- Comment on Is it difficult to build a web app for Lemmy? 8 months ago:
Just trying to learn and improve here. It’s much easier to mess around with an api in your own project than an already existing project
- Submitted 8 months ago to [deleted] | 17 comments
- Comment on Why don't more websites/services offer 2FA? 8 months ago:
That’s a super useful site, thank you!
- Submitted 8 months ago to [deleted] | 27 comments
- Comment on Do 9-5 jobs still exist in the U.S.? 8 months ago:
My first job in Europe (about 5 years ago) was 8-6 with 1 hour of paid lunch and a mandatory 30 minute break. I think that was the closest I’ve come to 9-5. Other jobs have been more flexible with when I start and finish.
- Comment on Sorry lemmy but I have to ask? 9 months ago:
Yes! You can use an alternative front end - you’ll have to watch in your browser.
There is a bot on some communities that will post the Piped Version. The other option is to use a version of Invidious which you can find here.
Clicking on a YouTube link will take you to the YouTube app if you have it. You’d have to copy and paste the link into the search fields of the above.
The other option is to use xvanced. I have not used it in a long time and I’m not sure of the current status but it should work.
- Comment on I'm not your pardner, guy! 10 months ago:
I’ve had the same when using a VPN on my PC. Have a look at libredirect, that would probably help with this issue.
- Comment on Local secondhand site won’t load if you use a VPN 11 months ago:
My VPN server is located in the same country as the site (Ireland)
- Comment on Local secondhand site won’t load if you use a VPN 11 months ago:
- Comment on Local secondhand site won’t load if you use a VPN 11 months ago:
I might be wrong but I think the site is geo blocked. I’ve sent links to family that live outside of the country and they weren’t able to open them.
- Comment on Local secondhand site won’t load if you use a VPN 11 months ago:
I’ve tried with a couple different servers but no luck (Proton VPN). I don’t necessarily need the VPN to browse here but I occasionally have it left on from other sites.
- Submitted 11 months ago to | 24 comments
- Comment on This shouldn’t be normalised 11 months ago:
I’m using Proton Mail as my main email. They have an option for forwarding emails from Gmail/Outlook to Proton. I just haven’t done it yet because I almost never use Outlook
- Comment on This shouldn’t be normalised 11 months ago:
I pay for it - family plan. The screen after this is about where I want my ads shown in the app…a paying customer shouldn’t be seeing ads.
- Comment on This shouldn’t be normalised 11 months ago:
Took a screenshot and rejected straight away.