- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
If a four person table has three Nazis sitting at it, and a fourth person sits down with them, there are four Nazis at the table.
Accordingly, if a public figure makes a Nazi salute (several times) in a public live recording, they are a Nazi.
If it walks like a duck, etc.
They may not claim Nazism, but fascism is fascism whatever flag you wave. The individual motivators behind it are not relevant.
Both my grandfathers are rolling over in their graves as I watch fascism goose step into America.
- Comment on What advice would you give to your younger self? 1 month ago:
You’re bipolar, you just hide it well.
Get your meds sorted before college or you’re gonna wind up dropping out.
Also, its a seizure disorder, it just doesn’t present typically; and its medication resistant. Keep trying. That alone is gonna set you back about 10 years.
- Comment on What's the endgame when the rich have all the money? 1 month ago:
Don’t forget, those of us who “produce” aren’t even a consideration.
The working class will starve. We’re already working on it with inflation, but managing to keep enough calories coming in.
Soon, the billionaires will have no labor to produce food, and no labor to stock food, and no labor to handle their banal shit.
Then, they will hunt us for sport. Or, more likely, a few class traitors will hunt and butcher us while they go hungry and the billionaires eat of our flesh.
- Comment on SteamOS expands beyond Steam Deck 1 month ago:
I’m on W11 with my daily driver.
I don’t like it. I didn’t like it from the start.
So why?
Because W10 will hit EOL sooner than later; and I have to support that shit professionally.
Doesn’t matter that no one is testing or building applications for W11, no security patches mean any employer worth their salt will switch over to W11, despite not having the infrastructure to do it.
Admin VS IT. I’m nearly 40, and that story is older than I am.
- Comment on Longtime buddy of mine just got a gaming PC. What games would make up a good "welcome to PC" care package? 1 month ago:
I’d also add a lifetime subscription to Nexus, that alone can add so much life to so many games. Hell, if I’m checking out a game, I see what kind of mod support it has first.
Or do they not offer that anymore?
I think I got it way back when for $50 or so.
- Comment on Player two has entered the lobby 2 months ago:
A bit between friends is different.
Fuck, I was a skater in school. I threw myself down a two story half pipe in a warehouse every weekend. I had bruises on top of bruises.
Pain wasn’t new to me, cause man, I fucking sucked on a skateboard.
Let me put it this way, the kid I gave a broken nose to was a wanna-be MS13 member at the time. Ran into him after high school - guess who was a member? I’m glad I had friends with me, and we outnumbered his crew. They backed down. I don’t know what they had, but we all carried knives - and at the time - were ready to use them. My late teen years were a little wild. He recognized me, and called them to back off.
I guess getting the cops involved over a pool table in a bowling alley would have fucked up their bigger plans.
- Comment on Player two has entered the lobby 2 months ago:
You’re not wrong.
A school year of bullying stopped by a decisive punch?
Clearly both are the same. Not one kid being tormented to the point of violence in self defense because they couldn’t fucking breathe anymore, over the whole school year. Not something the teachers, our so called care takers, could have nipped in the bud a LONG time ago. No, clearly, both kids are violent offenders.
- Comment on Player two has entered the lobby 2 months ago:
I’m aware, I didn’t feel the need to reference the game series.
- Comment on Player two has entered the lobby 2 months ago:
“Going postal” was a thing.
It was a thing before Columbine, cause man, I remember the talks at school about that.
The class was brought out, we sat under a tree, and were allowed to talk about our feelings.
One of my bullies looked me dead in the eye, and said something along the lines of “Its always the quiet ones.”
I’m surprised I didn’t have to talk to anyone after looking him dead in the eye back and replying “Yeah, it is.” Just letting it hang in the air.
I will say, he no longer bullied me after that.
That’s ok, I had another bully who learned the hard way that if pushed far enough, I would break bones if provoked enough. Last day of school that year. He clotheslined me and put me in a choke hold when I was running a football, you know, playing like a kid on the last day of school. He still had a hold as we got up, him behind me. When my vision started to dim, I stomped the arch of his foot (multiple fractures, lot of bones there) to get out, then turned and broke his nose with one punch.
It all stopped after that.
Because my teachers were aware of the bullying (thanks for stopping it, assholes) I didn’t get in any trouble. This was at the beginning of zero tolerance talks. It was a policy the next school year.
- Comment on Do you think being left-handed gives any unique qualities or advantages compares to other right handed? 2 months ago:
Realistically, I found left handed opponents to be more difficult to compete against.
It took me longer to learn their body movements that would indicate a strike, and where they are aiming. It wast just less intuitive.
Also, fencing a little person was a somewhat unique experience. Totally threw me off my game.
- Comment on Do gangs "jump in" new recruits? Or is that just for movies and tv shows? If so why do they do that kinda seems anti productive. 3 months ago:
I’m not clinical, but I worked in medical IT off and on.
The shit I would hear from clinical staff.
Had a senior surgeon call me because his application was frozen. Cool, cool, lets get that going - wait - you’re what - palpating a child’s heart to keep it beating in rhythm? There are back ups upon back ups for anything IT related in that scenario. Don’t call your overnight helpdesk with that shit, have your nurse write it down on paper. Fuck.
Most traumatic IT call I’ve ever had. Didn’t even care to solve his IT issue, just focused on patient care. My 20 something ass with a few years behind the desk told him to focus on the patient’s LIFE first and foremost, we can talk later.
Always great for an interview question though - how do you respond under stress? Well, lol…
- Comment on Veilguard Isn’t the First Dragon Age Game to Face ‘Woke’ Criticism 3 months ago:
I picked up Veilguard because I enjoyed Origins and Inquisition. The second game… at this point, I don’t think I took it right and its my problem and I need to give it another chance.
I’m still very early into the game, but the only “woke” thing I’ve seen so far is variable gender identity during character creation.
You want to play a “woman” who looks masculine, with atypical male traits, even a penis, and a deep voice? You know what, I’m glad the option is open to people. It doesn’t vibe with me personally, but I’m glad that people I care about can make a character that is “them,” because who hasn’t made themselves in an RPG at some point in their life, best they were able.
Again, I’m early to it, but that is all of the “woke” shit I’ve seen.
For the record, I have friends and family in the LGTBQ+(whatever, doesn’t matter) that I support.
I don’t want hate in my heart, and I’ve worked very hard to overcome some biases that came from my more “southern” upbringing. Hell, one of those biased views from the past is now openly trans, and I was the only family member they talked to because they couldn’t talk to anyone else.
I’m imperfect, as all humans are, but it isn’t hard to fucking TRY, just a little, to realize that someone else’s self image and happiness doesn’t affect mine other than what pronouns I use to refer to them. Fuck, its not hard. Just don’t be a dick.
- Comment on hmmm 😈 5 months ago:
I’ve lived in Texas as long as I can remember, but I was born in California.
Spanish finds it’s way into my everyday speech constantly.
My family is white as fuck, but my mother became fluent in college.
I took Spanish in high school for my foreign language credits.
While I’m not fluent, I’ve worked closely with people who primarily speak Spanish with a little broken English.
The little bit of Spanish I recall, and the little bit of English they know, allowed us to work together.
Is that irritating?
- Comment on What to do with glassware that is impossible to clean 5 months ago:
This does not apply to electronics. You want that 99% to leave as little moisture as possible.
- Comment on Is a bong an instrument? It has been featured in many songs even having credits for bong solo. 5 months ago:
I was in band, and marching band was mandatory.
I did not try out, as I did not want to participate in that part of the band experience.
So I was part of the “front ensemble” which is shit you can’t march with. Timpani drums, etc.
We had an L frame rack with wheels that had all sorts of crap on it, half of it made in some garage before I joined.
We called it the ghetto rack.
I had a solo on what were essentially tanks that had the bottom cut off and an attachment point welded on top hung by rope.
So yeah, if you can hit it and make a sound, it becomes a percussion instrument.
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 5 months ago:
Wait and Bleed in my ass.
- Comment on Anon tries to be Bam Bam Bigelow 5 months ago:
I had attempted a back flip off a kicker ramp propped up on the curb (into grass, it was to learn how, lol)
Anyway, I go UP, flip and land halfway over with my head contacting the curb.
It gave me a concussion, and took a chunk out of my helmet. I would have been dead most likely if I didn’t wear a helmet.
I just dragged the ramp in, and went to lay down with my skates still on. I don’t remember much after that.
- Comment on Bethesda Is Charging $7 For A New Starfield Mission, And Players Are Upset 8 months ago:
Not to mention, it is entirely possible to get home from work, play, and then realize you are now late for work.
Its just engaging on a level that most modern game’s can’t hope to achieve.
Hell, I’ve installed a game (old), then installed mods, then resolved all the mod issues, then launch it to realize I don’t actually want to play it.
Factorio? Mods are easy, and vanilla is enough to keep someone occupied and happy if they lack internet or something.
Its light weight too, it costs me virtually nothing to install it on anything that can run it.
- Comment on Anon knows what he likes 8 months ago:
I don’t recognize this, but it looks like the dude is “working” something shady.
I wouldn’t wanna risk being stuck in a bathroom because I at something local and don’t have the antibodies to deal with it.
McDs is processed crap, shipped globally, with local favorites mostly avoidable. Its a safe bet. Plus, you can eat once and have your 2000 calories met for the day in 10 minutes.
- Comment on Am I ruining my liver? 8 months ago:
In the US, you can get varying dosages based on a variety of commercial factors.
That being said, 1000mg a dose not to exceed 4000mg in a 24 hour periods is the standard… well, was, its been a while since I was a pharmacy tech.
- Comment on Anon misses some signals 8 months ago:
Longest it took…
I was in a “study hall” type class in fourth grade. The teacher ran out of material after a couple weeks. So she decided to read The Hobbit out loud to the class while we worked on homework, other quiet activities, or slept. Really, don’t give her problems, won’t be problems.
I had already started The Hobbit on my own. At the time it was considered college level reading, so not too shabby. So, I continued reading (first time on The Hobbit) and finished WAY before the rest of the class listened. Because duh, a quick mental reader VS a teacher doing voices? No shit, Sherlock.
A girl who sat next to me (assigned seating) brushed the hair out of her eyes, blinked expressively a few times with direct eye contact, and said I must be “one of those cool nerds;” I suppose because I finished before Bilbo left the Shire.
It took me until college to realize. I vaguely remember considering her “kinda cute.” I could have, and in the future sure did, worse.
- Comment on What are some eras of gaming that you've stopped feeling nostalgic for? 8 months ago:
Honestly, I pay for top of line parts. I realize I’m limitiing myself on good games, but…
I paid for this shit, I try to keep top of the line because it is still my hobby (though, my time doesn’t allow anymore) and I want to push my hardware.
Low bit games, however good, don’t get a chance because… god damn, I expect better. I’m a 80s baby, and 90s kid. Nickelodeon early nick toons are my jam.
I paid for it, let me experience it.
I want to PUSH my hardware, and fine tune for play-ability, as expenses allow.
That being said, I love MMOs and realize how hard they can be to “upgrade” for all users… but damn, I don’t have the time or energy anymore. I wish I could raid EQ bosses like I was 13 on summer break, but I fucking can’t.
At the end of the day, I hope creative minds create new paradigms in gaming with limited resources. At this point, it is the only way we will grow. AAA studios make rehashes of former successes, which fail, and no one wants them. Gameplay has died, its been several years, and as an “old-head” (Quest for Glory 1 was my first PC game, with parser prompts) and I miss games. Even those are simple by today’s standard - but they still stand up in a shorter format.
- Comment on stinging nettle 8 months ago:
Now I’m thinking of some wide spread agent like pollen being laced with naturally occurring psychedelics.
I mean, pollen, as an allergen is often taken in through the nose, which is a great route of administration to affect the brain quickly.
Oh the rag weed count is high? Get ready to trip balls people, lol.
- Comment on party poopers 9 months ago:
Cut myself with a microscope slide. Didn’t realize the lens would drop far enough to break it. Whoops. Ended up nicking my finger getting the slide off.
My proudest science lab injury though, was with a plastic butter knife. Don’t ask me how I managed, but I did. It was an ugly cut too.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I was in grade school. Doing an experiment where we sliced off a section of fruit to put under a microscope.
My dumb ass, with a plastic butter knife, managed to get the worst cut my thumb has ever seen.
That thing was rough and ragged, and got infected and was a bitch to heal.
Just saying, with enough stupidity, you can really harm yourself with harmless objects, lol.
- Comment on I'm not your pardner, guy! 11 months ago:
Pretty sure checking a post on their site, say for a BG3 build idea, doesn’t constitute abuse.
The powers that be sacrificed their only value, their user base, to make money quick. We’ll see how it plays out long term, but I’ve moved away from social media. My lemmy use is only on my desktop at this point, and I get precious little time at it, so most of it isn’t spent on lemmy.
- Comment on Why do some websites have a "Continue Reading" button? 1 year ago:
Don’t forget the long winded tales of how their distant relative they never met gave them the recipe from the “old country” or some shit.
Dude, I just needed to see what temperature to set the oven to.
- Comment on I keep salt and sugar in identical bottles. A mistake was bound to happen, and it just did. 1 year ago:
Restaurants absolutely shouldn’t.
However, people suck and it happens, probably more often than you would want.
- Comment on How do people understand each other? 1 year ago:
The same technique works back home in the US too.
Foreign immigrant, but they’re not brown enough to shoot on sight? Louder and slower while you assess the foreign devil… Just because they’re white doesnt mean they can’t be a commie.
This was meant as a joke, but living in the south this has certainly happened recently somewhere nearby.
- Comment on Touchscreen smartphones aren't even fun or novel anymore, they're just necessities for daily life 1 year ago:
I’ve got the hardware to use VR on my gaming rig.
But between the entry cost for the actual VR equipment, and the sheer lack of games that look interesting I don’t see the point in it.
Then again, the lack of games that look interesting isn’t just a VR problem - to me at least.
Repeating patterns of slight upgrades to visuals, mechanics I grew bored of a decade ago, etc.
I used to rip on Madden/FIFA/Sports games in general for that crap, but it seems to be the trend.
That being said, I’ve felt jaded about games since I was a teen, and that was a long time ago, but there was always something to keep my attention.
Don’t really have any other majornhobbies though, so I’m at a bit of an impasse on that subject. I do spend more time with my wife though, lol.