- Comment on Why do we put up with this crap? 7 months ago:
The old ones have seats with about 72in of lie flatness which is 6ft. But unless you sleep like a Victorian ghost, most people bend their knees or legs somehow. My friend that is 6ft4in has no issues and he’s tall and wide.
Most of the new ones are 76in to 82in. 6ft 10in is pretty generous. And if you need longer, there are first class seats which are full beds and you’d have no issue.
I fly in a pod every few weeks for 12hr+ flights and it’s very comfortable. I am hoping blimp travel makes a come back as I’d love to take the scenic way back with a full suite one day.
- Comment on Why do we put up with this crap? 7 months ago:
I adjusted it for inflation already.
- Comment on Why do we put up with this crap? 7 months ago:
This is the sort of weird back in the day post that doesn’t make sense. Boomers not understanding house prices and minimum wage, that is true.
This plane ticket stuff is wrong. For about the same cost as a ticket back in the day you get way more. In 1955, a one way transatlantic flight was roughly £5k. That’s $6.3k freedom dollars, one way. You can today buy a ticket on that type of route for half that price that includes a lie flat bed, amenities and pyjamas, 2 hot meals, unlimited snacks, unlimited drinks, lounge access on departure and arrival, priority check-in, boarding an ungodly amount of luggage, etc. And in the lounges you get free food cooked to order, free unlimited drinks, free second tier food like buffets, etc.
If you want to spend the equivalent money or a bit more, you could fly even better. You can have a private chef onboard making a meal for you anytime you want. You can take a shower in the sky. You can have a literal bedroom and attached private living room in a mini suite just for you. And that’s flying commercial.
The other side of it is that now people can also buy a ticket for $25. Which would be completely unfathomable back when civil rights weren’t a thing.
- Comment on Real Facebook ad that doubles as a god-tier shitpost 8 months ago:
I mean it’s pretty common. I’ve not eaten at Chick Fil A for years or shopped in a Hobby Lobby since the religious health insurance crap. Just two big examples. Many people choose to not support companies that are in blatant opposition to their values. And me not buying at hobby lobby did mean I purchased my supplies from an alternate vendor. So I could say I bought from alternate vendor to strike back at the conservative culture…
- Comment on Did you lock your front door when you left home today? 8 months ago:
Primary residence, the door is never locked. Even when travelling out of the country, it’s open. In a city of 3m+ people.
Other houses in less desirable countries have automatic locks. When the door closes, it locks. Garage door and front doors on internet control to open and verify status.
I have not used a physical key or worried about door locks for almost 20 years now.
- Comment on Have you ever had a phone call interrupted by a 3rd party voice saying "this call is being recorded"? 8 months ago:
Many telecom operators have a special code that is used for recording. When you’re making a call, you or the other party may press the record button. This will save both the input via microphone and the output via the speakers as one audio file for future use. When you press this button a special code is sent back to the telecom.
Until recently most places in the USA did not do anything with this code. But now it’s catching up to the rest of the world. Once this is pressed, a voice will tell both parties that they are being recorded in the recording. This is so that you can’t later say “I didn’t know they were recording me!” and if you have every-party consent laws, then that recording is illegal so it cannot be used as evidence and the person recording could actually be charged with a crime.
You can start the recording with an accidental face press, pocket press, keypad entry, or a malicious app. If either of you accidentally started it, then there’s your answer. If neither of you did, then most likely one of you is infected or one of you were connected to a relay tower decrypting your calls and then passing them through to a real tower. Whoever was operating this relay station was a n00b idiot though. Both are concerning.
- Comment on "Select a size" when it's just standard paper towel roll. Literally the same way it's always been. 9 months ago:
Yup. I remember when we had to tear our own half sheets of paper towel. Kids today have it too soft, and absorbant.
- Comment on 11 years after launch, 49M people still use their PS4s, matching the PS5 9 months ago:
PS2 and PS3 get use. PS4 had nothing that interested me. PS5, same. Maybe when something good comes out ill get a PS17
- Comment on Doesn't the need for a permit fundamentally contradict the US's ideals of free speech? 10 months ago:
EVERYTHING you do in the USA is illegal. This is not hyperbole.
Any right you think you have is stripped by another law also on the books. You are always and forever in breach of the law. This allows you those with no education and power like police and DAs to pick and choose who and what to prosecute. If everyone is in breach, it doesn’t make it legal. It just makes it a game of “don’t piss off your oppressor”. This is the same game used in North Korea. Same in the USSR. Same in many fascist nations with an illusion of democracy.
- Comment on Not happening, dude 11 months ago:
This is an acceptable excuse in 1902.
In the age of Google and where even the homeless bum down by the river has a smart phone, Googling to find out about a major life choice is easy to do. Failure to help yourself do nothing but use a phone for 10 minutes deserves zero empathy.
- Comment on Not happening, dude 11 months ago:
If “ignorance isn’t an excuse” doesn’t get you out of any law you break, it also doesn’t get you out of accidentally joining a terrorist organization due to propaganda.
Because that’s exactly what it is.
It is no different than the teenagers that join ISIS. Propaganda takes them in, they join voluntarily, they live with their consequences for life.
- Comment on Not happening, dude 11 months ago:
If they weren’t conscripted via draft, they volunteered. 100% their shitty choice to become a terrorist.
- Comment on If you're selected for jury duty (US), should you give up your anonymous social media accounts? 11 months ago:
Don’t give anything. It can disqualify you, but this is no different than asking your grandma for her diary before they let her sit a jury.
- Comment on Live Nation/Ticket Master won't give you your tickets unless you install their app 11 months ago:
Directly from many venues. And some ticket sellers that aren’t owned by them. Some smaller venues use them, and some artsier places.
But for the mega concerts, I just don’t go where Ticketmaster holds the venue contract. I fly and see who I want elsewhere.
- Comment on Live Nation/Ticket Master won't give you your tickets unless you install their app 11 months ago:
Haven’t bought anything on Ticketmaster or their owned companies in years. And I generally go to 2 to 5 live shows a month.
This and their policy towards VPNs means I won’t support them.
- Comment on 11 months ago:
It’s like how 95% of the “Chinese” places you go probably have General Tsaos chicken. It is not Chinese. Invented in Murica for Muricans. Deep fried sushi is the same. The restaurants in the US offer it because others offer it and the American pallet likes it.
You would be promptly murdered in Japan for asking for such a dish. Probably being the reason the restaurant puts up a “no foreigners allowed” sign from then on, which is actually common.
Same county that loves Tempura, but deep fried sushi is sacrilegious. Go figure.
- Comment on FF Evangelists 11 months ago:
My Firefox is sitting happy eating about 30GB of RAM right now…
- Comment on How do genocides happen? 11 months ago:
You ever drown or wipe out an ant colony? Take down a wasps nest? Swat away the hoards of mosquitos annoying you?
That’s genocide but they aren’t what you would consider equals as a human. I’m aware some super vegan froo froos, do. But anyways. Your ability to genocide an entire village of beings you don’t consider equal is where most of these feelings come from.
It’s also why the playbook, heavily updated by Hitler in the past, and Israel today, say that’s an important step. Dehumanize your enemy. Then wiping them off the face of the earth is a casual comment much like calling an exterminator to genocide those pesky wasps under your front porch. And I’m not being snarky when I say Israeli playbook. They have published and public books on exactly how to do this, how to wage a propaganda war, etc. It is not a secret. The US, and other 5 eye countries also follows the same aided by their intelligence agencies because it’s so powerful on the majority of low intellect people. Remember half the people are below average intelligence… Many that are above average aren’t interested. So you always have a minority that can critically think for themselves. The rest want it spoonfed.
- Comment on If you've been fooled, does that make you "a fool"? 1 year ago:
That’s an old saying in Tennessee… I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee…
- Comment on I'm not your pardner, guy! 1 year ago:
One reason I’ve stopped using reddit entirely. They require fingerprinting you. If you do a good job and they can’t fingerprint you, you get that screen. It is NOT blocked by IP of the VPN as some here have said. You can easily see the content through the same VPN while not logged on as long as you have enough identifiable tracking information to reasonably guess who you are.
It’s a great test now. If I’m ever let into view reddit now, I must have seriously screwed up somewhere in my security chain.
- Comment on What games do you replay regularly/annually ? 1 year ago:
Starcraft. Not 2, just StarCraft.
And sometimes Command and Conquer Red Alert in the emulator.
- Comment on Why are mental hospitals run like prisons? 1 year ago:
Because it’s cheaper. If this is in a country where you or your family can sue because of a liability of the private institution or public one, then they treat everyone as a threat. Doesn’t matter why you’re there, you have to be treated just like the psycho Hannibal. Because if you turn out to be like that, and they didn’t screen you “for your safety and the safety of the staff”, it would be lawsuits galore.
- Comment on What are some video games that had remarkably hectic public reaction at physical stores during release day? 1 year ago:
PS3 console has to be in the top. New enough that it brought out lots of diverse people. Perfect holiday timing as everyone wanted one and wanted to scalp them. Coupled with general violence it was a wild time.
I got mine camping outside for a couple days. Had to be police escorted to our vehicles. A few minutes prior at a location 15mins away, somebody was shot in the parking lot and robbed for their PS3. That was a typical American experience there…