- Comment on POV: It's January 19th 6 days ago:
I’m pretty sure that the Chinese government has direct unfiltered access to byte dance Chinese servers, there’s no need to “attempt” to obtain data, they don’t need a judge or an injunction, they can just do it. It’s a different system from the American or European ones.
- Comment on POV: It's January 19th 6 days ago:
And the American one is bad because the Chinese one said so.
- Comment on POV: It's January 19th 6 days ago:
Same reason why the American one is bad
- Comment on A scientific discovery 5 weeks ago:
You can have a theory that is not corroborated by an empirical experiment.
- Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 5 weeks ago:
Average ml user
- Comment on You know what, fuck you [un-Jags uar icon] 1 month ago:
I think it has more to do with being readable on small screens, like mobile phones. It still doesn’t make sense to me to completely remove your logo and replace it with a sans serif name of your company like jaguar just did.
- Comment on What your coffee preparation method says about you 2 months ago:
Overpriced and mid? Yup, checks out
- Comment on What your coffee preparation method says about you 2 months ago:
You shouldn’t press the coffee in a moka. Leave it as fluffy as you can
- Comment on Anon rizzes up a girl 2 months ago:
I’m pretty sure that, with autocorrect, it’s harder to write sm than some, so idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Comment on Magic Mineral 2 months ago:
Also known as cancer in a box
- Comment on Thanks, Logan. 3 months ago:
More like
Multi-millionaire tries to pass off marketing as a tax write-off
- Comment on Thank you! 4 months ago:
In the US coffee = filter coffee, espresso = espresso In Italy coffee = espresso, dirty water = filter coffee
- Comment on Thank you! 4 months ago:
even though every restaurant has an espresso machine it doesn’t mean they clean it, and doesn’t mean their staff knows how to use it properly. Water temps too high, too much coffee grounds, over compressed, lowest quality beans. Fucking everywhere. It’s awful.
And this is why, as an Italian, I can’t drink espresso anywhere in the world. 9/10 is just awful
- Comment on Thank you! 4 months ago:
Coffee made with a Moka pot
What you call mocha should actually be called Mocaccino, although it’s more similar to what we call Marocchino in Italy. They’re both derived from the “Bicerin”, a drink typical of Turin.
Marocchino is like a Cappuccino with powdered cocoa (mix the espresso and cocoa before pouring the milk).
Mocaccino is instead made up of three layers, a layer of melted chocolate, then a layer of espresso, then a layer of frothy milk.
Afaik they’re not massively popular in Italy, but here in the north I see Marocchino more often than Mocaccino.
PS: if you want to pronounce them correctly, “chi” and “che” are pronounced “ki” and “ke”, while “ci” and “ce” are pronounced “chi” and “che”.
- Comment on Thank you! 4 months ago:
Those terms are an American invention. As for Italy
- Latte = plain old milk. Can be cold or hot, it’s milk
- Caffelatte = probably the origin of the American “latte”, literally means coffee and milk, usually made and home with cold or hot milk and moka coffee
- Latte macchiato = big cup of frothy milk with a shot of espresso in it
- Caffè macchiato = espresso with a shot of milk, can be frothy
- Comment on Mand got big hands! 4 months ago:
welp to buy some real estate real quick before this interstellar tourism boom shoots up the prices
- Comment on Reddit Undeleted all my posts and comments 4 months ago:
Just tell them you live in the EU and you want to exercise your right to be forgotten, therefore you want them to delete all the data they have on you permanently. They’ll comply, trust me.
Also you can first download all the data they have on you, as required by the GDPR, if you want to backup some of it.
- Comment on Grok do a good 4 months ago:
Like the time Elon Musk called the diver who saved the kids trapped in a flooded cave a pedo just because he managed to do so before he could build his"robot" idea?
- Comment on Health food 5 months ago:
You could extract their flavor, fill it with added sugars, saturated fats, preservatives and food coloring
- Comment on Chrome will block one of its biggest ad blockers 5 months ago:
No, the adblocker usually blocks the request before the data gets sent to the device. It’s why pages load faster with an adblocker
- Comment on Why do we put up with this crap? 5 months ago:
If you want you can go first class you know. It’s more or less as much as it was in the 50s and you get possibly even more luxury. Just be ready to pay 5k instead of a hundred bucks
- Comment on Mushroom Guides 5 months ago:
Still safer than mushrooms picking
- Comment on Can't get that metallic taste out of my mouth 6 months ago:
Does it count as DIY or professionally installed if you are a professional doing it yourself?
- Comment on Car 7 months ago:
I have an automatic, drove a manual for years and a few times a year I still need to drive a manual, but I’ve never really done this, aside from maybe a couple times the very first time I got my automatic.
What usually happens is I stall the manual once or twice forgetting to press the clutch while decelerating. Not that often anyways.
But maybe it’s cause I learned on a manual, not an automatic
- Comment on What year is it? 7 months ago:
In more official settings they would also use the year “ab Urbe condita”, meaning “since the City’s founding” (city being Rome).
59BC should be around 698 aUc if my numbers are right.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Have you read the report?
I haven’t read it all, but from reading like a couple paragraphs it says that the Chinese government is making mass incarcerations with accusations of extremism and terrorism, while these terms are not well defined and it appears that they are only targeting Muslims for their religion. Furthermore in these jails it appears that the Chinese government is doing things like forced injections, forcing people to take pills and other classics like torture, waterboarding and rape, invasive gynecological exams etc.
Inmates are forbidden to pray with guards making rounds at night to ensure compliance, being forbidden to speak their own language or practice anything from their culture. Prominent scholars, artists and intellectuals are being incarcerated, people are forbidden to leave the region or to receive or send money from the outside.
If it were Israel doing this, and they are doing this, you’d call it genocide, wouldn’t you?
Or doesn’t Uyghurstan have the same right to exist as Palestine?
- Comment on Anon catches his wife 8 months ago:
Also a gf. And a friend. Triple flag
- Comment on Carl? 8 months ago:
Iirc is to attract birds so it can infect the bird and use it to reproduce. After the bird has eaten the parasite out of the snail’s eyeballs, the snail can often regenerate and keep living as usual. This is what I recall from a YouTube video at least ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Comment on checkmate, big geology!! 8 months ago:
Yeah, it pretty much blew out that whole section of coastline, that big hole is called a “caldera”. It’s still active btw, you can go and check it out if you want. Look for Solfatara di Pozzuoli.
You can also look at the Greek island of Santorini, where the whole western and central part of the island was blown off during the bronze age iirc. Historians speculate the eruption, earthquake and tsunamis caused by the event could have partially influenced the collapse of the Minoan civilization, the rise of the Mycenaeans, turmoil in Egypt and possibly even the fall of the Chinese empire due to a global winter. Crazy stuff
- Comment on checkmate, big geology!! 8 months ago:
Except Vesuvius, which looks like a volcano, but in 79CE erupted violently sending lave, magma and molten rocks several kilometers away, exactly like the stuffy nose you described. It completely destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum, burying them for thousands of years.
Still nothing when compared to the destruction that the “Campi Flegrei” brought 37’000 years ago, completely burying a huge section of the Campanian coastline.