- Comment on Little know fact 1 week ago:
Yeah, he does give off unemployed actor/barrista who’s only going to need to sleep on your couch for a couple more nights because he’s got stuff lined up vibes.
- Comment on What did everyone grab during the Steam Winter Sale? 2 months ago:
Tactical Breach Wizards. It’s a nice little puzzle game with some dry humor that ive actually chuckled too a few times. Its a lot of fun so far.
- Comment on Rock diagram 4 months ago:
I love Sisyphus FM. It plays boulder music than the other stations.
- Comment on Make the right choice. 4 months ago:
He nose what she wants.
- Comment on Wildlife Photography 5 months ago:
Yeah, but if he hit the camera he might have bruised a knuckle or two.
- Comment on OK. 5 months ago:
Neill DeBush Tyson.
- Comment on Anon wants to play a game 6 months ago:
That’s also all stuff you can use while working on your vehicle.
- Comment on Anon wants to play a game 6 months ago:
This depends on the color of your skin. Anything darker than a farmer’s tan and she’s probably calling her manager over, but otherwise she probably won’t bat an eye.
- Comment on There’s a lot going on here 7 months ago:
Or he’s wearing one REALLY crusty pair of underwear.
- Comment on Truly though, it is a nice smell. 8 months ago:
New fiction genre: Nerd Noir.
- Comment on I'm an empath 8 months ago:
So, you’re saying they’re Nicolas Cage?
- Comment on toxic 8 months ago:
Her first appearance was with Christopher Eccleston’s Doctor. Her second, and final, appearance was with David Tennant’s Doctor.
- Comment on The American People 8 months ago:
Oh right, it’s not like we fought a civil war over a hundred years before that, and to this day there are still people here flying the losing sides flag. We’ve been turning on each other a long time. It’s an American tradition at this point.
- Comment on Anon needs help proving something 9 months ago:
Especially since they could swap out every part of your psychiatrist between appointments, and then they’re not your psychiatrist anymore.
- Comment on hot dog 9 months ago:
Since she’s a weiner and boobs, does this mean she can give herself a titjob?
- Comment on Livin' large 10 months ago:
I believe the golden gun is a lighter for all that weed. It’s hard to be a stoner without fire.
- Comment on I'm sorry, Dave 10 months ago:
You do realize there was no actual question in that meme, right?
- Comment on Caption this. 10 months ago:
What I have to do every morning.
- Comment on Is the new Fallout TV show depressing? 10 months ago:
I don’t know about the show, but the games are known for their dark humor, weird npcs, and unusual creatures. But, it is a post-apocalyptic setting, and I’m sure some moments will be darker than others I would imagine.
- Comment on Greatest train robbery ever 10 months ago:
There’s a kernel of truth in that statement.
- Comment on mycology 11 months ago:
I’ve found that just tearing into their raw (but washed) flesh with my teeth works just as well, and imo is even tastier without all those distractions.
- Comment on Cant play monster hunter 1 year ago:
Dumb thumb drum?
- Comment on Anon likes bikes 1 year ago:
Based on your comment, it’s pretty obvious to see that you don’t have arthritis in your knees, otherwise you’d know that biking requires you to exert force to push down on the pedals, thus exerting force on your knee joint. Whereas walking is just lifting and lowering your leg, with no force exerted on the knee joint.
In other words, you don’t have arthritis and have no clue what you’re talking about.
- Comment on Anon likes bikes 1 year ago:
Moved to the suburbs in my 30s. Got a new bike to hit the nearby bike trails. First bike ride turns into agonizing ordeal as it literally feels like someone ripped open my knees and poured broken glass in them. Diagnosed with arthritis in my knees.
There are plenty of reasons people don’t use bikes, and health reasons are one of the main ones.
- Comment on Nic Cage through the years 1 year ago:
You’re welcome. Glad I could help you face the situation.
- Comment on How many Star Trek fans will see red because they don't see red? 1 year ago:
I’m more annoyed by the fact that he’s a conehead now.
- Comment on Nic Cage through the years 1 year ago:
You may have to face-off against some people who wonder why you posted this.
- Comment on Frequently 1 year ago:
One thing you can do for a pause in the conversation, is simply to put a thoughtful look on your face and stroke your chin for a moment while you figure out the best answer. This way the person you’re talking to knows that you were listening, so they don’t feel ignored, and it gives you that moments pause you need. Plus, bonus, sometimes they think you’re smarter and more thoughtful than you actually are.
- Comment on See?! 1 year ago:
Don’t crush my dreams.
- Comment on I asked Microsoft's image creator to create "Godzilla in a 512k Mac game" and while this is not what I asked for, I can't help but be impressed. 1 year ago:
The accordion apocalypse!