- Comment on Asking the important questions. 3 days ago:
What if we add oxygen absorbers in the jar as well ?
- Comment on Wait a minute, I've seen this one 2 weeks ago:
It’s Barbados, more than 95% of the population is black.
So not having a black person in the photo would have been weird.
- Comment on Please answer. 2 weeks ago:
The Roquefort (French blue cheese) is made from the mold that grows on rye bread.
So even the moldy bread, in the right condition, can become a delicacy.
- Comment on Pokémon games have become consistently ugly, and it's alright to wish they weren't 3 weeks ago:
This one looked great!
- Comment on Maybe tomorrow 4 weeks ago:
Cook some bacon pieces in a pan, add some chopped onions to it and then add the peas in it.
Serve that with rice.
Quick, easy healthy meal
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
It’s great for your daughter and you as well, she can help you to learn the language.
- Comment on I disagree. 4 weeks ago:
Cat mummies have been used as fertilizer too.
- Comment on meirl 4 weeks ago:
Wow! I only realized now why the *arr software (radarr, sonarr, bazarr …) are named like that despite using them for years.
Thanks for the epiphany.
- Comment on Ow ow ow ow ow 4 weeks ago:
You can, but not in the US or the UK.
For example Kirikou and the Sorceress, a French animated movie for kids based on fine African tales.
In the movie there is a lot of non-sexualized nudity, which is perfectly normal for people living in a traditional west African village.
Because of that the movie was never released in the is and the UK despite the fact that it was quite popular in France and Europe.
- Comment on Anon wants to be a singer 4 weeks ago:
This is why I’m not shaving now, this was no risk that my kids see me with a razor and want to do the same.
- Comment on Anon wants to be a singer 4 weeks ago:
I used my dad’s razor to try shaving my mustache. I was 4, I still remember the blood everywhere after I cut my lip.
- Comment on Anon watches her boyfriend play videogames 5 weeks ago:
If it’s a single player game, who cares?
If you have fun playing the game then congrats! The point is a game is to have fun.
- Comment on Polyglot de naissance 1 month ago:
I see you did not include Scotland.
- Comment on What is a metaphor you like in your language? 1 month ago:
On ne peut pas avoir le beurre et l’argent du beurre (We can’t have the butter and the butter’s money)
This one would be the French equivalent of “You can’t eat cake and have it”
Tomber dans les pommes (Falling in apples)
This is an expression to describe fainting
Tailler une pipe (Carving a pipe)
Give a blowjob
- Comment on I've modified the Alcoholics Anonymous plan 1 month ago:
An elephant ?
- Comment on If I'm not ready, I won't be ready! 1 month ago:
I was more thinking of the fact that people here are mostly people who left reddit to try this new thing called Lemmy.
And I know a very specific type of person that is constantly trying new things.
- Comment on If I'm not ready, I won't be ready! 1 month ago:
I suspect the percentage of people with ADHD is much higher on Lemmy than the general population.
- Comment on I'm a fan 2 months ago:
Work indoors in a room with no windows.
- Comment on What's the endgame when the rich have all the money? 2 months ago:
Back serfdom and nobility.
- Comment on Ever since I've started running like a penguin with it's butt on fire I've saved so many precious calories 2 months ago:
From what I’ve read we are energy efficient but this is not the main reason why we are good persistent hunters.
We have two main advantages, one we can stand above the tall grass to spot our prey from afar but mainly we sweat !
We are extremely good at regulating our internal temperature in hot climates compared to other animals, this way we can just follow them until they overheat at which point they physically have to stop.
This is also why persistent hunting is practiced by tribes in the hot savanna of Africa, I have not heard about any example of persistent hunting in cold climates.
- Comment on Historical Map 2 months ago:
A fuck ton of bread.
- Comment on I don't have to check the price because I know I can't afford it. 2 months ago:
It just confirms what I am saying. For a billionaire, paying for his own breakfast is an oddity, a story that you tell people.
- Comment on Don't give up! 2 months ago:
The only time I went to a casino I went on with 20€, left with around 26€.
Now I have a good incentive to never step in a casino again, this way all my life I can keep the achievement to never have lost money at a casino.
- Comment on I don't have to check the price because I know I can't afford it. 2 months ago:
Once you are rich enough you don’t even buy things. You might need to ask for things in some cases but most of the time things are just there when you need it.
Rich people wake up, sit at their table and the breakfast is ready. Once they are done they leave the room and the breakfast disappears, and everything is cleaned when they come back.
They leave their dirty clothes on the floor and they reappear clean and ironed in their dressing.
- Comment on almonds 2 months ago:
I don’t know how much of this story is a legend or not but this is how a scientific (Claude Lorius) for the idea of collecting data from the air bubbles trapped in the arctic ice. (This data is now the base of climate science)
After a day of drilling on the arctic, as they were releasing in the evening they decided to use ice cubes from the ice they just drilled for their whisky. Drinking ice that is several hundred thousands years old is quite cool. While drinking the whisky the scientific noticed the air bubbles coming at the surface, then he got the idea that of he could analyze the air trapped in the ice he would get information about the atmosphere of the past.
- Comment on Improve your Wi-Fi with this one trick 2 months ago:
What if i put the router in front of an open window, open the window behind my computer and put a fan between the two ?
- Comment on nuclear 3 months ago:
- Comment on Ewww 3 months ago:
The water you are drinking has been through his penis (and asshole)
- Comment on Should Germany aquire nuclear weapons? 3 months ago:
If Germany can’t use the bomb without the US approbation then Germany does not have a nuclear bomb.
Germany does not have a credible deterrence.
- Comment on Should Germany aquire nuclear weapons? 3 months ago:
France and the US are the only two NATO countries able to build nukes.
Theoretically the UK are able to build nukes too but not without US support.