- Comment on Anon wants to watch an anime 2 weeks ago:
Just dont h8 it
- Comment on Lately I feel like the second coming, yet I am afraid. Am I crazy? 5 weeks ago:
My name is his, my last name means he who supplants.
I do not feel I am god, nor that I am Jesus. I just want to be. Since 8 I wanted to be a buddhist. At my age now, I just want to find meaning in the madness I witness.
The only meaning seems simple, a stoic life. An ancient philosophy, far beyond mine. I regularly use weed and it’s how I was allowed time to meditate. I felt i could control my thoughts finally, and all I see is to be kind.
Now my dependency is ending, for I have found what I want to do. I want to help people, the only thing I wanted as a child. I was just too afraid.
I regularly drink, eat and sleep. I am happy with my life and this is not ego, narcissism, or anything. I feel shame, for I feel unworthy, incapable. The only thing I have is my name, my part in the script the world orients.
An act most heathenous and self righteous.
I appreciate your input. As I know these things and it is nice to reflect and put these thoughts to writing. It is why I asked here, only social forum I can see genuine interactions.
I do not feel I am god, or Jesus. I am me. Think more the eastern philosophy of upbringing. How you raise someone, with a set of expectations of beliefs and ideas. Eventually someone will roll the dice, in the right storm to form. Every person is unique for this very reason. It’s why I fear, I do not want to forfeit my life, my comforts, for this. I am content, however I find it inexcusable to take my wants over those of the ones I encounter.
- Submitted 5 weeks ago to [deleted] | 7 comments
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 5 weeks ago:
It’s to the point i believe myself the second coming. Rapture always perplexed me.
- Comment on Resume help 2 months ago:
As a dude with OCD, yep it’s a mental illness by classification. It’s something that impedes and impacts the way people function and live their day to day lives along with social difficulties due to those things.
Disorder would be a lateral word to illness, and over-explaining doesn’t categorize it but rather deliberates the meaning.
Just doesn’t sound nice to folks. Until you figure out how to manage it, it’s seen as a disease as it can be debilitating. However, lots of folks can go fine most of their life with the disorders, since it isn’t an illness unless it impacts your life.
- Comment on Mental health 2 months ago:
It’s not so much about understanding empathy. It’s basically poisoning yourself, having a shit time, such a shit time that they end up being able to appreciate basic things. Not just in themselves but in others.
It’s hard to do things, it’s hard to focus, and your voice becomes louder with raw emotions and low inhibition.
So you realize how amazing people as a being are, you appreciate everything that makes life work.
However it’s fleeting, rapidly fleeting. It is a moment. You have to learn from it and detach from it.
- Comment on Palworld announces Terraria crossover 3 months ago:
Red making the best Mario fan game is just a weird factoid.
- Comment on Anon makes up a word 4 months ago:
Basically you meet difficult people regardless, some help some don’t.
- Comment on STALLKER 2 to launch on November 20th. 4 months ago:
That’s because it’s the brotherhood of steel of course!
- Comment on Why did the pope announce anime mascots? 4 months ago:
The mascot was specifically made to represent the Holy See at a Japanese expo. It’s essentially the Vatican’s government. Merchandise like this has always been a thing, it’s just this is an official endorsement.