- Comment on This 18th Century French Doctor Has a Solution to Oligarchy… 1 day ago:
Every ethical society requires a healthy and robust guillotine maintenance and repair workforce.
- Comment on Meet the spy 1 week ago:
Nut milk comes from male cows.
- Comment on This Cybertruck shaped man is destroying our government 3 weeks ago:
Dim MAGA with a low poly Lara Croft bust.
- Comment on where we putting these? 5 weeks ago:
Don’t eat shit.
Mulch the rich.
- Comment on Albanese in trouble as polling shows Dutton most likely to be next PM 5 weeks ago:
To better illustrate: Rewarding Peter by being the pawl.
- Comment on Albanese in trouble as polling shows Dutton most likely to be next PM 5 weeks ago:
The ALP have been the pawl of the L/NP Overton ratchet for at least half a century.
The most unforgivable things Albanese has done is make this country forget how catastrophic Morrison was, and elevate Dutton into a viable candidate.
- Comment on Do this in remembrance of me 2 months ago:
Milk is literally filtered blood.
Also, nut milk comes from male cows.
- Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 3 months ago:
Charities and billionaires are the polar extremes of the same policy failure. In a healthy society neither should exist, and when they do they should be tolerated for a minimal time as possible.
Charities and philanthropy exist to permit governments and corporations to abdicate their social responsibilities.
When the work a charity does is properly valued by a society, it’s economy would never need to carve out a special, nonprofit status for it.
- Comment on "The **Most open** Operating System" 3 months ago:
A lineage which dates back to at least 1998.
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 4 months ago:
Every healthy economy has a robust guillotine maintenance capability.
- Comment on Greens announce plan to wipe HECS debts and make university free 4 months ago:
A society which charges students to acquire knowledge values neither.
- Comment on There you go little guy 5 months ago:
One could enhance it into an art installation with thermite.
- Comment on Lifeprotip 5 months ago:
…he enjoys it.
- Comment on Blood and Honey 5 months ago:
He was hit in the right wing, which makes him Dumbo.
- Comment on Anon is a soyboy 7 months ago:
I was going to suggest digging up, but you’re on track to reach orbit if you maintain tunnelling on this bearing and momentum.
- Comment on Anon is a soyboy 7 months ago:
It’s a ballistic bovine which makes a ‘whoosh’ sound while overhead.
- Comment on Anon tries to remember a song 7 months ago:
No, that goes like this:
Darude - Sandstorm
* Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun * dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dundun dun dundundun dun dun dun dun dun dun dundun dundun * BOOM * dundun dundun dundun * BEEP * dun dun dun dun dun * dun dun * BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP * BEEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP * BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BOOM * daddaddadadsadadadadadadadadadaddadadadadadaddadadaddadadadadadadadadadadadaddadddadaddadadadd dadadadaddaddadad * dadadddaddadaddadadadddadadada * nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nnyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu * doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo * nnn nn nn nn nn nn n nn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnnnnnnn * dddddddd ddadadadadaddadadadadadaadadadadadad * BOOM * nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu * BOOM * BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM * BOOM * nyunyunyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu * BOOM BOOM * BEEP BEEP * BEEP BEEP BEEP * dadadadadada * ddadad * BOOM BOOM * BBEP BEEP * BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP * BOOM * (Unintellgibile) * ddudndundun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dund * dododododododododododododododododododododododododododododoodo * DRUM DRUM DRUM * ddodododododoododododododododoodododododododo * chi chi chi chi chi chih * BOOOM * chcihcihfkdhfdisjfkla * dodododododododododododododododododododododododododododododododododoo * SCHEW * dododododododoodododododododododododododo * dadadadddudndundundudnudndundundunddunfudnundudnudnudndund * BOOM * FADE
- Comment on Anon is a soyboy 7 months ago:
Nut milk comes from male cows.
- Comment on Pump. It. Up. 7 months ago:
King Arthur came a lot.
- Comment on Tron/Nine Inch Nails Music Video Trailer (a student project from 2011) 7 months ago:
Most of their work of late has been movie and TV soundtracks.
I’ve been a fan for over 30 years so am heavily biased, but I can’t name a miss from the scores Trent and Atticus are responsible for.
- Comment on We here at lemmy love the antichrist 8 months ago:
All of those concepts were spawned from lead-addled generations, microplastics are their unleaded gift to their progeny.