Since you were unwilling to be open or direct with your beliefs (a hallmark of conservatism), I did you the favor of looking through your comment history to try and find the disconnect. And I did.
You seem just as insufferable as other conservatives, just more sexist than racist, which is not an improvement.
At the end of the day, the right is about abusing people infavor of financial gains and controlling their lives. Whatever justification they apply to it is irrelevant. In every country all over the planet, they use different reasons but the political right is always about controlling people.
So you’re looking for a community without hate, but your only willing to look at abusive communities. You’re not going to find it. You need to ask yourself, why are you a conservative and why do you still want to be part of them? 1 year ago
Good luck, there’s a reason that conservatism is inundated with hate.
It might be a lot easier to re-evaluate your own moral compass and realize that maybe if everyone you want to hang out with is full of hate, you need to find a new crowd. 1 year ago
It’s telling that OP will answer other comments, but not this one. Where you at, 1 year ago
Uncertain why but your tag did not give an notification.
To the question, it is not that ‘’I want to hang out with other hateful people’’ In fact, I do not at all. Majority with who I spent time with (real life and online) are left-leaning.
I was just curious if there are any conservative place without the hate but, it seems not. I thought Lemmy was a bit different in the sense that, I could question such a thing but to my surprise – I cannot.
Majority here freaks out about the question and start to hate. You have an different opinion than the majority here? Hate and downvotes it will be, just like Reddit. Which is fine, it’s online and anonymity does its job (I suppose lol).
People here perceive me suddenly ‘’hateful & bigot’’ due to 1 different opinion and 1 question which is funny to be honest. Even more funnier with the fact that, I actually have friends who are in LGBTQ and/or are in different political mindset, religion etc. The ‘’issue’’ I’m having is that I do not really fit either of the spectrum. Not Left nor Right, each time I end up in the middle (Centrum right). Therefore I was wondering how the right-side would be without the focus on hating but it seems, no luck to that.
Hope this answers the question. If not, feel free to tell and I will retry to explain it.