- Comment on why do people say annoying/rude stuff and then tell you “it was a joke!” 2 weeks ago:
If your neighbour’s donkey is eating your flowers you’re entitled to ask them to move their fat ass.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 – First-look trailer 1 month ago:
Wouldn’t it only cause an interference when adding or removing a joycon? ie, when the magnetic field change isn’t from the joystick.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
You’re at a good age to do backpacking travel. Go explore the world.
- Comment on Mozilla is eliminating its advocacy division, which fought for a free and open web 3 months ago:
The way you word it suggests that donations to Mozilla are expressly forbidden from being spent on Firefox. Which I doubt is true.
But yes, many would prefer to donate specifically for Firefox development than into a general pool for Mozilla to allocate as they choose.
- Comment on Are there opposing institutions to things like the Heritage Foundation? Are there liberal policy think-tanks? 3 months ago:
My brain skipped as I read Brennan and tabletop in the same sentence and jumped to Dropout/Dimension 20.
- Comment on Why does it seem the majority of protests in the US are to oppose something while so many protests in other countries are looking to influence improving something? 4 months ago:
Even the phrase “improving the situation in Gaza” can be ambiguous.
- Comment on U.S. is cracking down on Shein and Temu by closing a loophole that makes their cheap goods exempt from tariffs 5 months ago:
Marginal at best when everything is made elsewhere and requires fossil fuels for transport.
- Comment on Are there any negatives side effects to using PGP all the time with email? 5 months ago:
Get an S/MIME certificate and send from an S/MIME compatible email client.
- Comment on I Made a Smashable TV in Unreal that Simulates Every Pixel 5 months ago:
They’re kinda addressable in that the electron beam scans across a line, and every through each line, with a pulse activating the (iirc phosphor) at the pixel for the desired colour.
- Comment on AI Video Generator Runway Trained on Thousands of YouTube Videos Without Permission 7 months ago:
I think the alternative: copyright should be looser. It usually only benefits corporations and lawyers.
Though it would be naive to consider AI companies and ally in a goal to reduce copyright terms.
- Comment on What's the rule for which 'national identity adjective' suffix to use? 8 months ago:
When does a colloquial term become a non-colloquial? Usage by government/official contexts?
In August 2022, Minister of Immigration Michael Wood referred to 85,000 holders of recently approved New Zealand 2021 resident visas as “new Kiwis”.
- Comment on What's the rule for which 'national identity adjective' suffix to use? 8 months ago:
New Zealand -> Kiwi.
- Comment on What's the rule for which 'national identity adjective' suffix to use? 8 months ago:
Human languages: the words are made up and the rules don’t matter.
Especially true for English.
- Comment on The problem with GIMP 8 months ago:
If it wasn’t for StarOffice/OpenOffice/LibreOffice Impress, is have thought a rename to Impress would be a good name.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
I read this a few weeks ago about it.
- Comment on The Puzzling Testimony of Craig Wright, Self-Styled Inventor of Bitcoin 1 year ago:
Always been a fan of it being Hal Finney, regardless of any evidence. It’s poetic symmetry with losing both around the same time.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Any hyper focused group, especially one that has an excluded “other”, will form a totem idea of that other and unreasonably become extremely against that totem. So hate spirals out of control. This occurs on either ends of the political spectrum. It can happen with sports teams vs their rivals.
CGP Grey made a video a number of years ago explaining such things better.
- Comment on What's that music called that was used in 90s documentaries about the birth of the earth? 1 year ago:
If this is music from Cosmos, then look up Vangelis.
- Comment on What would it take to change an Internal Combustion Engine Car to an EV? 1 year ago:
Bear in mind he’s doing it with a very specific performance characteristic in mind, and not as a standard EV conversion.
But in general, same stuff involved.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
I have one, a Merida eSPRESSO 410 from 2017.
- Comment on The World's Most Dangerous Blood Type 1 year ago:
Rh-null. So rare they can almost never receive a transfusion.
- Comment on Why do we not eat pig or cow? 1 year ago:
Hogget for in between.
A sheep in its first year is a lamb and its meat is also lamb. The meat from sheep in their second year is hogget. Older sheep meat is mutton.
Oh…, maybe not.
Generally, “hogget” and “sheep meat” are not used by consumers outside Norway, New Zealand, South Africa, Scotland, and Australia.