Not American but - Freedom From Religion Foundation? Love their commercials featuring Ronald Reagan’s son.
“I’m Ron Reagan, unabashed atheist, not afraid of burning in hell.”
Submitted 4 months ago by to [deleted]
Not American but - Freedom From Religion Foundation? Love their commercials featuring Ronald Reagan’s son.
“I’m Ron Reagan, unabashed atheist, not afraid of burning in hell.”
Holy shit. That is actually awesome.
I mean, the ACLU
I think the real question are there any think-tanks that are willing to fight dirty to get liberal policy like the heritage foundation does for fascism.
Open Society Foundations, Center for American Progress, stuff like that, I guess.
As I see it, they are more active on idpol and immigration than the economy and the issues that were decisive in the US election this time around.
Immigration was one of the most decisive issues…
Not for the side OSF is on.
Conservatives fear immigration, liberals largely don’t care. A small amount of people care deeply, providing a good enemy to bash who are sufficiently few to not cause issues but also sufficiently loud to keep the flames going.
WE are the liberal think tanks.
But nobody’s listening.
Seconding Center for American Progress. There are also a ton of issue specific organizations and professional societies that are non partisan, but focus on improving policies that tend to be left leaning. For example Planned Parenthood is technically a nonpartisan nonprofit, but many other health or environment related non-profits have a policy team that tries to advance their cause they best they know how. Being nonpartisan means they aren’t limited to speaking with one side or the other and can keep a drum beat going on their issues regardless of the political winds. These orgs could use your donations now more than ever.
These orgs could use your donations now more than ever.
As well as your volunteer time
Some good answers already. To add, in the media sphere Pod Save America and their related branches is a liberal progressive media organization that tries to run counter to the conservative media ecosystem, trying to ride the line between policy wonkery and approachability.
The Brookings Institute
George Lakoff is practically a one-man think tank 4 months ago
Yes. For instance recently did a tabletop exercise where they looked for all the worst things that could happen during a trump second term and looked for ways to stop them from happening. See (or rather hear) 4 months ago
Audio version: ……/Making_Sense_384_Barton_Gellman_non… 4 months ago
I mean this is a good idea, but the opposite of the question stated. Are there no think tanks to implement liberal solutions as opposed to stopping or fixing conservatives policies.
Why can’t we scheme as well as conservatives? 4 months ago
My brain skipped as I read Brennan and tabletop in the same sentence and jumped to Dropout/Dimension 20.