- Comment on Hulu quizzing about the ads played 2 days ago:
At my former hob, I saved a ridiculous number of email chains that showed my objections and the management reply to just do it in a folder I creatively named “CYA”.
- Comment on The Top 3 Apps in my Country (Venezuela) are all VPNs... 1 week ago:
Because it’s really cheap.
- Comment on We overpaid you and need you to pay back $.23 1 week ago:
Or maybe the same is “click here to claim…”
- Comment on We overpaid you and need you to pay back $.23 1 week ago:
first they tried to argue the contract shouldn’t have been written that way so I still had to pay.
“So what? You’re the ones who wrote the contract. It’s your fuckup, you pay for that not me…”
- Comment on I love my smart TV (From Mastodon) - Repost 2 weeks ago:
Except some models won’t let you do anything until you “activate” your smart TV, which requires an internet connection.
- Comment on How can I use an LLM to generate a 10k word long coherent story? 2 weeks ago:
Thw 100k word part is released.
The coherent story part is not possible with today’s LLMs, even with a much smaller word count.
Hell, lots of human writers fail at making their stories coherent.
- Comment on If I wanted to make and distribute videos without profit motivate, but also with no or minimum expensive, what would be the best platform? 5 weeks ago:
but I think they have had issues with filtering neonazis
Any platform that proclaims itself to be a censorship free zone is going to attract nazis and other undesirables.
- Comment on Seut 5 weeks ago:
Anyone else hear AC/DC when they saw this?
- Comment on Important life choices 5 weeks ago:
Glass is just borderline
It als depends on the distance and transportation costs to get to a glass plant.
Which is dissapointing, because glass should be relatively easy to recycle into new containers. The core process isn’t much different than making new glass.
- Comment on I don't have a purpose in life and feel like a robot. This cannot be good for my mental health, but I don't know how or what to change. How do I change? 5 weeks ago:
Purpose isn’t something that is handed to you, it’s something that each of us has to find/create for ourselves.
And true happiness isn’t found by comparing yourself to others.
Its not a fair comparison. You only get to see their directors cut, but you see your own blooper reel.
- Comment on Electric Cars Could Last Much Longer Than You Think - Rather than having a shorter lifespan than internal combustion engines, EV batteries are lasting way longer than expected 1 month ago:
8 years on an internal combustion engine is nothing if you preventative maintenance properly.
Also depends on the type and amount of driving you do.
- Comment on I live in the green part 1 month ago:
The first 2 on the legend look darker than the following 3 .
I agree with the previous commenter. Colour coded maps are useless for about 25% of the population.
- Comment on Is it possible to have a "free speech" platform that simultaneously stops "hate speech"? 1 month ago:
Leaving it open ended and subjective is setting up for failure.
Having a specific list always misses something, and bad actors will find ways to abuse the gaps in that list.
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 1 month ago:
Most of the culture wars bullshit is originating from a tiny but disproportionately noisy number of people.
But then, because their claims are so outrageous, the media picks up onbit and runs with it, without bothering to be proportional to the number of people causing the problem in the format place.
- Comment on Can't install app because it isn't "certified" by the government 2 months ago:
Presumably because it’s much cheaper.
There are reasons why it’s cheaper, and none of them improve your life.
- Comment on How far away are we from someone using AI to create an animated TV show by themselves. 2 months ago:
Thanks. I hate it.
- Comment on USA President term limits 2 months ago:
Assuming he doesn’t change the rules and appoint himself president forever, then the limit is 2 terms, consecutive or not.
Even if a person started their presidential mandate partway through a 4 year cycle (as happened after Nixon stepped down and after Kennedy was shot), it’s still 2 terms, not necessarily 8 years.
If Trump dies in the next 4 years, Vance could serve out the current term and would only be eligible to become president for one additional term.
- Comment on What positive things do you expect from Trumps upcoming four years? 2 months ago:
should keep the rest of the world entrained.
Sorry, but you guys stopped being fun to watch a while ago.
It’s now gone well beyond train-wreck levels of horrified “can’t look away” viewing.
- Comment on US Elections question: Bernie Sanders said that the Democrats abandoned the working class, and the working class abandoned them. How is this true? 2 months ago:
Why isn’t that benefitting the working class? These are real questions. Trump has all the wrong answers
The existance of people like Trump and Musk are the answer.
- Comment on Are there opposing institutions to things like the Heritage Foundation? Are there liberal policy think-tanks? 2 months ago:
These orgs could use your donations now more than ever.
As well as your volunteer time
- Comment on Realistically... How fucked is the US? 2 months ago:
Of all the bullshit that Trump yelled about, I think actual death squads is relatively low on the list of things he would actually be able to accomplish.
For the first year or so he will be too focused on trying to punish the justice system that was so “unfair” to him.
- Comment on How is it that "protecting basic democracy and the rule of law, and not crowning a criminal dictator" wasn't even on the chart?! 2 months ago:
The sentencing happens before he has any power.
Plus, any state charges can’t be pardoned by a president.
- Comment on Realistically... How fucked is the US? 2 months ago:
I can’t be bothered to worry about the climate 100 years from now
I can because I care about my kids and potential grandchildren.
we’re going to be attacking (many more) Americans 100 days from now
I also have family members who will be impacted directly by that.
I can be concerned about stopping both of those negative outcomes. (And would be even if it didn’t directly impact my family)
- Comment on Realistically... How fucked is the US? 2 months ago:
Wr can hope not to repeat the plague, but with Trump empowering anti-vaxxers, even that can’t be taken for granted.
- Comment on Serious statement: I don't understand the argument that not voting for Harris was the morally correct thing to do, because of Gaza. Why does anyone believe this? 2 months ago:
What’s the counter-argument in favor of genocide?
Thw arguement is the party that has been calling for a cease fire since the start if the conflict versus the one that will actively encourage Netanyahu.
- Comment on How is it that "protecting basic democracy and the rule of law, and not crowning a criminal dictator" wasn't even on the chart?! 2 months ago:
That reminds me, isn’t his sentencing coming up in a couple of weeks?
- Comment on How is it that "protecting basic democracy and the rule of law, and not crowning a criminal dictator" wasn't even on the chart?! 2 months ago:
At some point it becomes impossible to tell what is something Trump really believes and might actually do versus what is just blowing smoke, blatant lying, a thing that contradicts another thing he said, or something he forgot he said.
- Comment on How is it that "protecting basic democracy and the rule of law, and not crowning a criminal dictator" wasn't even on the chart?! 2 months ago:
I guess Trump won’t see consequences,
Probably not given his age, diet, and general level of fitness.
And even if he does live that long, I doubt he will remember it given his clearly declining mental health.
- Comment on How is it that "protecting basic democracy and the rule of law, and not crowning a criminal dictator" wasn't even on the chart?! 2 months ago:
In a bad economy, no one cares about your politics
That’s no excuse for electing someone whose stated policies and politics will fuck the economy even further and faster.
- Comment on what should one archive in a fascist regime? 2 months ago:
We might see censorship and destruction of art but information will survive internationally.
As well as imprisoning of people spreading information and making art that the regime doesn’t like.