For about a year, Jam2go has been uploading videos showing and explaining the real-time effects he’s been using in his games, like that 00s digital camera look. That’s interspersed with silly tangents like figuring out exactly where popular songs take place.
Star Citizen is another game that has implemented this level of detail, you just can’t smash the screens, yet… 5 months ago
I remember this one! Great video, and very cool effect too.
I suppose he explains it in the video, I don’t recall, but with regards to the title, these are CRT televisions, they don’t have pixels.
They shoot an electron beam in horizontal sweeping lines across a mask behind the glass to achieve their image. Way more analogue than pixels.
But yeah, this video is a wonder to behold, do check it out :-) 5 months ago
They absolutely have pixels. They aren’t directly addressable but they exist.
Image 5 months ago
They’re kinda addressable in that the electron beam scans across a line, and every through each line, with a pulse activating the (iirc phosphor) at the pixel for the desired colour.