Hi there!
- Comment on I'll stop 5 days ago:
The fuck is going on with that bloke in the bottom
- Comment on fuck this asshole 1 week ago:
Yeah but they’re gonna rewrite the constitution, it’s gonna be the best constitution the founding fathers will be jealous they didn’t come up with this thing it’s gonna be airtight and on the blockchain
- Comment on modern psychiatry be like 1 week ago:
Are Smelloscopes ok?
- Comment on Stop using anti-evil language 1 week ago:
I don’t think it’s used as a verb, a Goon would perhaps hench? Even that feels like a stretch though.
Hmm, I’m not sure what singular verb you’d use to describe a hired henchman/goon’s job…
- Comment on And he doesn't even chip in for tolls. 4 weeks ago:
Kinda ruined by having website branding slapped in the middle of it, especially as the majority of the poster is, if we want to talk creative property and such, ripped off from an old WWII poster.
But yeah, regardless of the why, it is very poorly placed and draws the eye far too much. There’s a reason such copyright statements are in small text in a corner, not plastered in the literal middle of an image.
- Comment on Nazis don't rule 4 weeks ago:
What an unusual place to see news about my city! What are the odds haha.
Fascist tossers can go back where they came from that’s for sure 👍
- Comment on As Labour touts more brutal cuts to benefits, how is this different from life under the Tories? | Frances Ryan 5 weeks ago:
Decent wages don’t cure sicknesses that require a functioning healthcare system, alas, and that’s our biggest problem at the moment, with regards to large numbers out of work.
I know people who can’t work because of an illness that the NHS can treat, but the waiting list and hoops to jump through to obtain treatment can be literally years long.
They want to get back to being healthy and working, but the national services they need to get there basically just don’t exist any longer…
- Comment on As Labour touts more brutal cuts to benefits, how is this different from life under the Tories? | Frances Ryan 5 weeks ago:
Um they’re red not blue, duh.
I wonder how many of us didn’t vote for either of the main parties? Hmm. Pity it wasn’t more.
- Comment on Europeans watching US/CA relations implode 5 weeks ago:
could we ask the UK and rest of Commonwealth to help us out if things get too bad?
The UK need not have entered the last conflict against aggressive fascists when and how she did, but did so as much out of a sense of obligation to one’s friends and the moral right as anything. When conflict loomed, the UK made a defensive pact with Poland, when she could have easily just sat back and watched.
The same is true of Canada. We are no longer an empire, no longer a large and powerful nation, but if and when the US eventually takes direct aggressive military action, the UK, backed by the Allies of the new Millennium in Europe and beyond, will come to Canada’s aid.
To do any less would be to side with the fascists.
Thinking of the USA’s current lying, deceitful leader, and their increasingly aggressive moves, I’m once again reminded of Chamberlain’s address to the nation…
We have a clear conscience. We have done all that any country could do to establish peace, but a situation in which no word given by Germany’s ruler could be trusted and no people or country could feel themselves safe had become intolerable. And now that we have resolved to finish it, I know that you will all play your part with calmness and courage.
As such a moment as this the assurances of support that we have received from the Empire are a source of profound encouragement to us.
…Now may God bless you all and may He defend the right. For it is evil things that we shall be fighting against, brute force, bad faith, injustice, oppression and persecution. And against them I am certain that the right will prevail.
And if you’ll forgive me a little more quoting of particularly famous speeches, this line about the new world comes to mind also…
we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.
Even if one of us falls, the others will step forth to their rescue and liberation. Freedom from fascism is a universal right, and we will enforce it until we no longer can ♥️
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 5 weeks ago:
You don’t live in a very dangerous area, then.
I keep an eye on everyone, even a woman with a kid in a pram (assuming the pram isn’t just an empty decoy) could try to mug you, people get desperate and chavs get violent. Always keep your head on a swivel, don’t trust anyone at face value just because of their gender or what they look like.
- Comment on Solidarity amongst the instances! 1 month ago:
“The fediverse is for everyone”
Everyone? Are you sure? I can think of a lot of truly, deeply evil people we wouldn’t want anywhere near anything we’re involved in.
There’s inclusivity and freedom of expression, and then there’s groups of people that do things that are so evil and illegal and so on that I might get told off just for mentioning what those things are by name, so I won’t.
But yeah, in principle I completely agree with you of course, that there shouldn’t be barriers and limitations to who can interact with who and such, but in practical application we have to realise there are groups that absolutely should be ostracised for our own safety and to limit their growth and power over our society, sadly :-(
I don’t know what feudposting is though, but I can take a guess. I’ve never taken part in any sort of beef between instances, I don’t really notice what instance stuff comes from much at all, I just join communities that I think look cool and trust the mods and admins to handle what’s appropriate and what’s not. It’s worked very well so far, touch wood! :-)
- Comment on There was a time when everyone had common sense 2 months ago:
Is this the terrible facebook memes community now?
- Comment on "It seems likely Elon Musk has lost over half of the UK twitter daily audience by now" 2 months ago:
We don’t suffer fascists easily here.
Who do you think you are kidding Mister Muskler?
- Comment on bird flu 2 months ago:
Ok but then how do u explain the billions that died from the china virus vaxx jab huh huh huh
- Comment on Wtf is this? 2 months ago:
It’s a small handheld grater, you can use it to grate a little parmesan over your food, or a little zest or whatever, without needing to mess with a bigger grater.
- Comment on Steam Winter Sale 2024 Has Begun! 2 months ago:
Yaaaayyyy capitalism!
- Comment on Help, what have I found 2 months ago:
Really? That doesn’t look like a UK manhole cover, where abouts is it?
- Comment on Funko, BrandShield speak out about takedown 2 months ago:
Fuck Funko and fuck their shitty CEO.
Not worth thinking about any further. I wish the best in their lawsuit.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
Why is the guy at the top called the Permanent Kaiser? Doesn’t be know what happened to the last Kaiser?
Bit of a wild title that xD
- Comment on A tense moment. 3 months ago:
the healthcare system
Kinda sounds like you’re refering to a particular country’s healthcare system (whilst assuming OP meant this same one), but you didn’t specify.
You could be talking about Brazil, Kenya, New Zealand, even France. Without that bit of info, it’s hard to learn much from what you’re sharing.
Anyway, bloody awful what happened to you, madness! I hope once you got your diagnosis that things improved, and that you’re doing grand these days :-)
- Comment on how do you workout when you don't have much time? 3 months ago:
Any exercise is better than none :-)
We all have varied, busy lives that never fit the neat structured exercise plans we read about, or make for ourselves. Sometimes we only find 15 minutes free in a day for some quick exercise. And if that’s the only time we have available that day, then that’s enough.
Ideally you’ll find time for more structured exercise at least once a week, but don’t beat yourself up if you struggle with your schedule, you’re only human, just do what you can, that already puts you ahead of most people <3
- Comment on Sleep well tonight 3 months ago:
Complete nonsense.
Not to sound too harsh but this is just so silly, blanket assuming that everybody on the planet under the age of 50 are not interested in something that’s been pretty commonly popular, just because your individual experience of running a shop in one town in one country happens to suggest that cool stuff like this isn’t popular.
How do you know your town’s demographics were a completely average in every way representation of you own nation’s demographics (nevermind the world) - not skewed by age ranges, gender, wealth, occupational discrepancies, etc?
How do you know your failed business is due to your product being unpopular, Vs your business being poorly advertised to its target demographic (who you think doesn’t exist…), or maybe overpriced compared to the available expendable income of the local population, or in a location that wasn’t ideal for target demos to travel to, or they didn’t like the vibe of the place, etc etc.
There’s so many possibilities that it’s ridiculous to make such a sweeping blanket statement about everyone’s tastes based on your extremely subjective and limited experience.
For example, myself and many of my friends, colleagues and acquaintances would kill for that collection, it’s rad, and we’re decades away from 50 haha, many of us are in our 20s! We’re slowly building our own collections up as we go through life and loving it :-)
I myself just recently got a lovely porcelain teapot that now sits on the mantle next to my other Victorian porcelain, glassware, etc, and I love my display and storage cabinetry, I plan to build my own eventually using traditional joinery <3 I’m on the lookout for more tea china still too, not enough for High Tea with more guests yet, and that simply won’t do! :-D
I know I come across a bit harsh here and I’m sure you’re lovely, just consider not making blanket assumptions about the interests and tastes of the 5,500,000,000~ people who are under the age of 50, you know? :-)
- Comment on Meal prep 3 months ago:
Not liquid proof? How can you cook moist things in there then? Or things like chickens or beef joints etc that drip so much liquids?
- Comment on SHAME. 3 months ago:
Who in this day and age wouldn’t drink pasteurised milk?
Besides like, properly stupid people, or people who think it’ll give them religious powers and other such nutters.
- Comment on Jewel Beetles 3 months ago:
Oh my GOSH you did not just say FUCK, on MY internet?
Straight to hell!
- Comment on My favorite scene 3 months ago:
You’re all on some kind of… Star Trek?
- Comment on Somebody moved UK's oldest satellite, and no-one knows who or why 3 months ago:
Because space history and space archaeology is super cool :-D
- Comment on Premium Ads 3 months ago:
Huh weird, the only reason to use Premium is to cut out the adverts.
“Would you like to buy Premium?” “Ooh, what do I get?” “YOU GET NOTHING! GOOD DAY SIR!”
- Comment on Memes aren't always funny. 4 months ago:
What’s the little elephant star logo from?
- Comment on There are Minimum Wages, Why Not a Maximum Wage? 4 months ago:
To read this article, log in
I’m good, random website. I’m good.