- Comment on Have Americans always been this stupid? 5 hours ago:
They don’t, unless you are capable of hurting them. I don’t know what more to say to get this through to you, but I think you’ll find out for yourself soon.
- Comment on Have Americans always been this stupid? 15 hours ago:
I think you’re pathetically in denial that deterrence using threats of violence works better than pacifism.
Do you treat people who bully you with respect hoping they reciprocate?
- Comment on Have Americans always been this stupid? 15 hours ago:
It’s not a Magpul, I forget the brand but it’s super comfy.
What? Your barrel shroud is Magpul, your pistol grip is Magpul, your p-mag might be Magpul, and your stock looks like a Magpul too. Your lower & upper looks like PSA. Did you just purchase this and not know what you own? Please don’t be a stereotype Lefty who bought a gun and knows fucking nothing about it.
- Comment on Have Americans always been this stupid? 15 hours ago:
Please elaborate your nonsense comment
- Comment on Have Americans always been this stupid? 15 hours ago:
It completely changes how they act with you. It goes from them fearlessly stomping you, to respectfully cautious because they don’t want to die. It’s almost as if people only respond to threats of violence. Otherwise why the fuck do we bother building nukes?
- Comment on Have Americans always been this stupid? 16 hours ago:
That thing looks cool af, but know that MAGA not only own disproportionately own way more guns than you, they also aren’t worried about joining militias and regularly train with their morbidly obese friends, meanwhile you are trying to solo these inbred fucks and will 100% die to them if they start shit.
- Comment on Have Americans always been this stupid? 16 hours ago:
You should work on reading comprehension and I need to work on writing better. If Bubba can shoot you from his diabetic mobility scooter, then ergonomic is good. Don’t know where the fuck you took it as a bad thing
- Comment on Have Americans always been this stupid? 17 hours ago:
Most leftists are unarmed finger waggling sign-holders.
We spent the last thirty years making gun control a priority, making anywhere near a blue state or democrat controlled city impossible to buy a gun, making democrat/Leftist protests just impotent and likely helped with police training rather than change policies or influencepoliticians tonl protect LGBTQ.
Meanwhile Bubba and his redneck Republican states allowed him to have his ergonimic advanced arsenals delivered to his front door from online purchases at cheaper prices.
And if you are a Leftist who wants to rebuke me, prove it by posting a pic of your gun. That’s right, you don’t have one and can’t protect our trans folk if they needed our help, you think fascist cops would do that. GTFO of here.
- Comment on fAThEr cHoKeS SoN tO DeATh FoR rUnNiNg aWAy fROm hOMe! 4 days ago:
Old image, no one uses UCP camo
- Comment on Day 236 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 2 weeks ago:
Online was so anemic and tedious.
Shame too, because there is an appetite for a slow-paced immersive Wild West post-Victorian era role-playing MMO, and that game’s aesthetic and engine was perfect for this.
- Comment on Can trump make it so I can sell my citizenship for 5 million dollars? 2 weeks ago:
If this was plausible, you would never receive real money, and likely a dogshit Trump crypto coin that no rational ledger or bank would honor.
They would pay you “$5 million” Trump-Bucks and in reality it would be worth a pathetically impossibly impotent microscopic amount of real legal tender.
- Comment on Are there any non capitalistic technology companies still around? 3 weeks ago:
This is some of the best advice I’ve ever read on lemmy. Thank you!
- Comment on Fruit 3 weeks ago:
I wish this was real
- Comment on The yin and the yang 3 weeks ago:
I honestly thought this entire time they both are the same director.
- Comment on Chad rule 4 weeks ago:
Glad to see you can come to a realization of your own hypocrisy and acknowledge it through self reflection, not a lot of people can do this. Good on you kid.
- Comment on Chad rule 4 weeks ago:
Maybe he enjoys working out, maybe he doesn’t mind taking steroids, maybe he wants to win body building or powerlifting competitions?
People like you shit on men looking like that and then go into other posts and tell people who talk shit about obese/bulemic women’s bodies that they are misogynistic assholes.
Quit being a hypocrite.
- Comment on The greatest of all time 4 weeks ago:
This is fucking art. IP who is the source?
- Comment on Is there any hope for Ukraine to survive as an independent state now that trump is desperately wishing for a peace treaty with Russia, even bypassing Ukraine? 4 weeks ago:
Once US funds dry up, Ukraine must rely solely on European money, which is barely a drip feed compared to Bidens firehouse.
Russia can take over the entire country of Ukraine within ten years and millions of Russian conscripted men killed since they have an infinite supply of tanks, money and people willing to take the risk of death for money to send home and feed their families.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 4 weeks ago:
Fair point. But then if laws are meaningless if you happened to be wealthy or in a position of power, why is everyone in the Democratic Party essentially shrugging and doing literally nothing about this?
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 4 weeks ago:
If these things Trump is removing with presidential orders was so important, why the fuck didn’t Congress make them laws while Democrats had a majority in the past twenty fucking years?
This shit is infuriating to me that we only blame one side for these issues.
- Comment on Mentorship Monday - Discussions for career and learning! 5 weeks ago:
I attempted the SEC555 and FOR500, both out of my own pocket each costing me years of saving up for them, using indexes from two people smarter than myself, as well as my own and also the books, and barely scored 70% on both tests.
I have ADHD and had focus issues attending a course for both subjects, and i made sure I studied for both hard as fuck, and still failed them at below 80% cutoff requirements for the certs.
- Comment on Consider placement before taking a picture 5 weeks ago:
Photographer knew what he was doing 😉
- Comment on Mentorship Monday - Discussions for career and learning! 5 weeks ago:
Anyone have SANS testing experience? Why tf are they always impossible to pass?
- Comment on Special Forces blocked 2,000 credible asylum claims from Afghan commandos, Ministry of Defence confirms. 5 weeks ago:
This is pussy behavior. Very fucked up government SOP.
You are essentially telling the world that if you invade them and collaborators help, any promises you give for safety for the collaborators and their families is a bullshit lie.
So why the fuck would anyone want to help you in the future?
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
I think you are referring to deadlights
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
You use very wonderful language. When you say “half- light” what does that mean to you? Please elaborate.
- Comment on Liquid Death Quietly Adds Stevia to Tea Drinks 5 weeks ago:
These are great reads. Thank you for the links!
Also, thank you for paraphrasing one of them, because they helped pique my interest further.
Appreciate you!
- Comment on Liquid Death Quietly Adds Stevia to Tea Drinks 5 weeks ago:
I love how you say this, offer zero explanation as to why and just drop the mic.
I’m not here to defend Stevia, and I could give two shits about it; I’m here because I don’t believe you, unless you please provide usb all something to read, because we are done taking things people say at face value.
- Comment on Liquid Death Quietly Adds Stevia to Tea Drinks 5 weeks ago:
usually mixed with erythritol
Your photo shows no evidence of this.
is bad for you
I’m fucking done reading shit on the internet where people say things and expect us to believe them at face value. You made this statement, and it isn’t my burden to provide evidence to prove you correct, you will.
Please provide everyone here a link for us to read and change our minds.
- Comment on Liquid Death Quietly Adds Stevia to Tea Drinks 5 weeks ago:
Stevia is not artificial you silly fuck.