- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Intent could matter, if they addressed their actions after the fact. Acknowledging that it looks bad and affirming your position to the contrary is the minimum. He has not done that.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
I’d argue some of this depends on how old you are. Hypothetically if you’re very young and there’s a lot of deeper issues between your father and mother, it might not be best to try to explain a lot of that to you. Young kids aren’t going to really grasp the nuance of certain things or shouldn’t be burdened with something like “your mother was horribly abusive to me and also cheating, and I needed a way out as I was emotionally wrecked myself”. That example is a bit extreme to be fair. But from that you might get a sense for when that scenario should be revealed to the child (likely as an adult), or depending on how far reality departs from that example when would be an appropriate time.
Now on the other end of the hypothetical spectrum, if you’re older and your dad was just an asshole cheating for fun, I can see that being a justifiable reason to cut them off (situationally dependent).
Odds are you land somewhere between these. If you don’t have friends or other family to talk to about it, it might behoove you to try and get some professional counseling. And understand that someone else could go through the exact same situation as you and come to a different conclusion and that doesn’t mean either of you are wrong.
- Comment on Am I a bad artist 😂? 2 weeks ago:
Height matters too. You can have text on the right be “first” but it needs to be obviously higher on the page.
- Comment on Is there a less stinky way to cook broccoli? 4 weeks ago:
It’s different. You posted elsewhere that broccoli had sulfurophane compounds which contribute to the smell. Sulfur is pretty universally stinky. It’s in the rotten egg smell, skunks, and fireworks. So if sulfur is involved, it will likely have a strong odor. Cilantro is a genetic issue. There’s a gene on the 11th chromosome that allows a small percentage of people to taste the aldehyde components of the plant giving it a soap-like taste to those people.
- Comment on Is there a less stinky way to cook broccoli? 4 weeks ago:
I took it more of as “broccoli smells good” rather than it doesn’t smell at all. Which I agree with personally. However I’m also not dating op so I’m sure they will give my opinion the appropriate consideration in their decision.
- Comment on Is there a less stinky way to cook broccoli? 4 weeks ago:
New partner? Nose plugs?
- Comment on Epic sues Fortnite cheater, donates his winnings to charity, forces him to publicly apologise, bans him for life, and all but sends him to his room without dinner 5 weeks ago:
Cheating on your wife with a porn start and illegally paying her hush money gets you the white house.
- Comment on Speaking honestly, what has to happen for you personally to take to the street in protest of the current administration. 1 month ago:
Maybe he means failed to enact meaningful change? I don’t much had changed internally for insurance companies other than getting a legal basis to stamp out any vocal dissent as a “threat”.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Man, youre getting really worked up over this. Reminds me of a certain single letter conspiracy theorist group.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
No. But you’re crying to us because they didn’t. Suck it the fuck up and actually do a little research yourself. “Trust but verify.”
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
It’s not that video’s job to provide that counter. That’s yours. This isn’t being published in a scientific journal or something. It’s a YouTube video.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Ad hominem non sequitur? You’re going places.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
That’s like saying a prosecutor should also present the defense. It’s not their job. That’s yours. You need to judge how accurate the information is and find ways to verify it. Qs blindly accept any information their side presents without any attempt to critically assess its validity. They also ignore contrary information with similar effort. It’s what makes them so dangerous. A bad actor on “their side” can manipulate them simply by speaking. A good actor on the “other side” could be 100% factual with ample sourcing and citing and will never convince them of the truth.
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 2 months ago:
He’s like only part way there. I grew up in the 90s too when being gay was “bad”. In my younger years I would have absolutely said I’m not homophobic but would have made damn sure no one thought I was. Spoiler alert. It was homophobic even if I didn’t realize it. However in my older years I recognize that for what it was.
- Comment on Report: Switch 2 Announcement Expected This Week 2 months ago:
Good gods! Already? Could they not have prepped us for this with an announcement like last month?
- Comment on If God is all powerful and created human. How come God in endowed with human emotions? Shouldn't he or she be beyond that? 2 months ago:
How the hell do they explain his “love” then? Seems like they create more problems than they fix with this crap.
- Comment on Hypothetically, if you are a witness or whistleblower who's adversary was a very big corporation (such as boeing), what measures could you take to prevent yourself from being "suicided"? 2 months ago:
There are apps that will upload video to the web live while recording in the background. Don’t have any interactions with random strangers that you aren’t recording. Have security cams at your house recording 24/7 saving remotely to a secure server.
- Comment on Crisco in a Terracotta: Decoding the (Mostly) Useless Candle Meme 3 months ago:
Yeah. The effects of convection from an uncapped candle will spread the heat to the room and ceiling much faster than when trapped. The pot absorbing the heat traps it and changes the heat transfer to radiative heating which will csuse a lower convective heat transfer coefficient when heating the air around it.
- Comment on Amazon Teamsters Vote to Authorize Strikes at Two New York Warehouses, Union Says 3 months ago:
Good for them. I won’t be bothered at all if any packages I’ve ordered wind up late because of this.
- Comment on Javier Milei ends budget deficit in Argentina, first time in 123 years 3 months ago:
Unfortunately the prices of shit have skyrocketed too. In these trying times austerity is everyone’s responsibility. Rather than buying a shit sandwich at the store have you tried making them at home? Maybe the best you could afford is sleep for dinner?
- Comment on Can someone explain the framework of the current British... idk is empire the correct term? 3 months ago:
They really missed having it tiered like Great Britain, Greater Britain, Greatest Britain.
- Comment on Low-wage workers in the food service industry can’t afford to eat 4 months ago:
Or my favorite. EMTs only get $15/hr. You think fast food workers should make as much as them?
No you asshole. EMTs should make more than that. Why aren’t you fighting for everyone to make more?
- Comment on Do gangs "jump in" new recruits? Or is that just for movies and tv shows? If so why do they do that kinda seems anti productive. 4 months ago:
You seen Fight Club? Making them stand on the porch while they were hit and berated was part of the initiation. It showed they were committed. Similar thoughts to gangs. Unsure how prevalent it still is.
- Comment on Overwatch Classic | Official Trailer 4 months ago:
Interesting model blizz. Create a game. Build a base. Destroy the game and lose part of that base. Re-release original game to claw back former base.
- Comment on what is an "over-under" during sex? 4 months ago:
For some reason I think it means over the underwear, under the pants.
- Comment on World of Warcraft adds $90 mount to in game store 5 months ago:
I had jumped back in when tbc classic was released. I wound up on a dead server. It made end game content essentially impossible. I was hoping to move right into wotlk classic at release as that was my jam back in the day. Except they weren’t going to include the dungeon finder or cross realm groups meaning it would still be a dead server with no chance at end game content. I was done with pointlessly dumb leadership. Unsubbed and found a private server that hits all the right buttons.
- Comment on If a planet was completely covered in water, wouldn't it all be freshwater? 5 months ago:
Ah. I see the angle you’re coming from. I had mentioned in another comment somewhere that essentially all salt without an impermeable barrier between it and the water on this planet would be dissolved (provided it doesn’t saturate the water which would be a horrifically enormous amount of salt). Salt is highly soluble in water and on any timescale that could be relevant would fully dissolve and achieve a general equilibrium. If the planet has water, then it has a star able to warm the planet. There’s no realistic scenario that wouldn’t result in the ocean fully mixing.
- Comment on If a planet was completely covered in water, wouldn't it all be freshwater? 5 months ago:
But that’s not what’s happening. There’s no “mining” of salt. There’s no significant addition or loss of salt to the ocean. Salt just stays in the oceans here. Freshwater will evaporate and return through rivers and rain. On a planet without land, the salt would still remain in the ocean.
- Comment on If a planet was completely covered in water, wouldn't it all be freshwater? 5 months ago:
Overall composition of a planet is what would matter, not whether there is land. If there is salt on the planet, it would almost assuredly have salty oceans. Salt diffuses in water. If you put salt into a glass of water and leave it sit, eventually the salt would dissolve and mix completely. Salt water has a different density than water. The act of dissolving involves energy changes. These create small eddies and currents that would mix the water until it was in equilibrium. If there is salt in any form on your waterworld, the only way it wouldn’t be salty is if the salt was permanently separated from the water physically.
- Comment on If a planet was completely covered in water, wouldn't it all be freshwater? 5 months ago:
The reason water is concentrated in oceans isn’t specifically due to continents existing. Salt doesn’t evaporate so all rain is fresh water. That fresh water falls. When it falls over land it flows to the lowest point it can go. This leads to all flowing water flowing towards oceans and seas. Salt won’t travel upstream. Ergo salt simply stays in oceans and seas.
Now consider a world with no land. This wouldn’t really differ from a single ocean on earth. Currents and waves will move in all directions at some point which should mix the salt all around. You could get some differences if there were ice caps or icebergs. Those could behave similarly to continents depending on size.