Cheating on someone is a shitty move and I personally think you are totally in your rights to act ‘aloof’ or weary for enough time to process what has happened.
Maybe they are acting super nice because they know they did something fucked up and now over compensate to try and to regain some normalcy in their everyday life, but I’d say that normalcy should arrive when you yourself decide if that is a path you are ok with and in the mean time you are allowed whatever feelings you desire.
But that’s just my view on it. 1 day ago
Man this is a tough one. It might be worth just leveling with your dad - a quick “Hey, this situation is weird for me and it’s gonna take me some time to come around, but thanks for being super nice.” It will voice your feelings while validating his attempts at smoothing things over. If you continue to just be totally aloof without explanation, he’ll eventually run out of the energy to be nice.